Seems like the best board to ask this

Seems like the best board to ask this

Has anyone tried oil pulling to make their teeth whiter/healthier

My teeth are fucking awful, very yellow because I never really bothered to brush my teeth properly throughout my teens and I hate it, brushing normally isn't helping, I've been looking online and found out about Oil pulling(swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning before brushing/breakfast) A lot of people swear that it's made them much healthier by getting rid of a lot of toxins in their body and made their teeth white, any of you guys had any experience with this, any advice, is this legit or just another industry lie?

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can you can those whitening strips from crest or whatever? Heard it works just like going to the dentist to getting them whitened.

Some stupid poo in loo trick for making your teeth better using oil isn't going to work, there is a reason dentists don't do that shit.

Your liver removes toxins, not swishing oil around your mouth. It's not an industry lie, it s a lie from a bunch of hippies.

Go to a dentist, stupid.

Just get whitening toothpaste / mouthwash and don't drink coffee or red wine.
That'll give you reasonably white teeth alone

I don't advise doing that, they make your teeth pretty sensitive. Carbamide peroxide penetrates your enamel deeply. A dentist cleaning would be much better.

Isnt the hismile meme thingy worth?

Hmmmm doubtful. What special properties do coconuts have for whitening?

>Some stupid poo in loo trick for making your teeth better using oil isn't going to work

Why not though? I'm not inclined to believe shit from dermatologists since they lie their fucking ass off about the sun and skincare, isn't it in the interest of dentist's for people to have unhealthy teeth?

>"Yes goy remember to come back for a checkup in six months, where I find yet another problem with your teeth that requires you to be billed $60 for a special cream/toothpaste/mouthwash or other dental product"

> Has anyone tried oil pulling to make their teeth whiter/healthier

Yea, I use 5W-30 two times a day for a month. It works wonders

Go to a dentist and get them polished you nigger, it's not that expensive

I don't want to HIDE the stains, I want to actually get rid of them

Then get them whitened - by the dentist. You should get your dental plaque removed once a year anyway.

What a fucking idiot, you are willing to trust some fucking idiot on the internet trolling your ass off with your health instead of an actual physician that earned an academic degree and actually knows the science behind it.

You didn't brushed your teeth for years, you deserve your shitty life.

>Hurr Durr UV rays don't cause cancer, it's just a scam!!!

Fucking inbred imbecile

>Yes goy, stay out of the sun, cover yourself in our creams and ointments, yes humans have lived in direct sunlight for thousands of years but skin cancer hasn't become a problem until the last hundred years but it's just (((pure coincidence))), the sun is evil! trust me, I'm a dermatologist stupid goyim.

I know this feel. Honestly coconut oil is a hippy meme, the only way is to use whitening toothpaste/mouthwash or getting then whitened professionally by a jewish dentist

UV radiation does denature DNA so direct sunlight increases your risks of cancer, it doesnt directly give you it, dumb nigger

No one has mentioned the obvious. BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH!!!

>UV radiation does denature DNA so direct sunlight increases your risks of cancer

There is literally no evidence to support this statement.

>arguing with an obvious conspiracy /polac/
Wasting your time he won't listen. Why did he even bother posting here if he is just going to ignore the answers we give him. Obviously he decided the answer he wanted before he even made this thread. No one gave him the answer he wanted so he showed his autism

>uses Veeky Forums claiming the jews run the world
Why do you use there internet and electricity then? Shouldn't you be living out in the woods plotting the uprising or somthing.

Theres some very basic genetics to support that buddy


I literally reviewed this same article as part of my degree.

It fails to mention that UVB only causes damage to DNA after a certain period of exposure, which is dependent on the intensity of sunlight incident on that part of the Earth. UVB radiation is the catalyst for Vitamin D production in the body. UVC is what causes sunburn, which is the body's way of notifying you that you have taken in enough UVB radiation for the day and it's starting to damage your DNA.

(((Sun cream))) doesn't block UVB radiation, it blocks UVC only, which is only responsible for sunburn. Before suncream, once you started to burn, you simply couldn't stay in the sun any longer, however since the invention of suncream, now you can stay in the sun as long as you want without having any notification that your body has received enough UVB and is starting to damage your DNA. Which is why the skin cancer rates have increases dramatically since the 40s. Combine that with a complete LACK of UVB exposure due to dermatologist lies is causing huge vitamin D deficiency in the population which is bringing back Rickets and other bone related diseases.

Maybe you should actually read the fucking articles that you post.

>mix lemon juice with baking soda
>brush your teeth(3mins max, after that it starts damaging the enamel)
>do it few times a week
>noticable after 1 month

There's three uses for coconut oil

>Mild antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal

Won't do shit for your teeth.

>cancer hasn’t been a problem except for the last 100 years


>where did you get your degree?
UVC does not even enter the atmosphere, and zinc, the most common sunscreen, blocks all forms of uv radiation..

humans also havent lived past an average of 19 for thousands of years.
it depends where you are in the world and the amount of melanin in your skin. here in australia not caring about the sun as a white person can literally add decades to your appearance.
that isnt a conspiracy, i see it all the time.

Why not ask a dentist instead of doing weird shit from the internet?

Why would you brush your teeth with an acid? Sounds like a great way to get toothbrush abrasion from this uneducated layman's opinion. Have you asked your dentist if this is actually a good idea?

t. dentist

Fool, you should be using 10w60 motorsport oil, everybody knows thats the best

You could try that new charcoal shit I see ads for. Supposedly it works but its hella bad for long term use.

Whiteness of your teeth literally depends on your genetics, though. Even your bones aren't completely white

I am genuinely puzzled over threads like this. Why in the fuck would someone ask this on Veeky Forums instead of just going to the dentist? Is it polcuck crossies who genuinely believe that literally everyone who doesn't post on Veeky Forums is out to get them and even medical professionals will intentionally give them bad advice unlike broscientists on Veeky Forums (a website mainly known for its trolling abilities)? Could OP or anyone else explain the thought process behind this kind of behavior?

God Damn, user. How did you know that?

>Ultraviolet C UVC 100–280 4.43–12.4, 0.710–1.987 Short-wave, germicidal, completely absorbed by the ozone layer and atmosphere

But does this mean that it can't affect your skin?

not the other guy btw

Huh, guess it works on the lips and surrounding skin too
>like lighting

Gonna try it anyway, teeth are stained from years of black coffee and I have no money

>3 mins max

yeah except you're literally massaging it in with your toothbrush so it will be there for hours you complete fucking dumbass

>(((Sun cream))) doesn't block UVB radiation

Yes it does you fucking idiot. What kind of mickey mouse degree do you even have? Jesus christ, god damn polposters are so fucking stupid it's not even funny anymore...

I have something like pic related but not as bad. I brush twice a day, sometimes use mouthwash and recently started using interdental brushes. I've stopped drinking tea for almost 6 months now. I brush my tongue too but I still have this shitty fucking tooth stain and nothing I try reduces it. Yes I have used whitening toothpaste too.

>Oil pulling(swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning before brushing/breakfast)


Yes dude, what is it?

Have you tried going to the dentist?

Fuck OFF dentist shill.

>they don't know this is a meme trick we made to make people slowly drink coconut oil and get fat

>humans also havent lived past an average of 19 for thousands of years.
Imagine being this stupid.

that is plaque buildup. requires hard scraping with a dental instrument
If you dont want to go to a dentist you will have to buy a plaque scraper and do it yourself. Only way.

Cant believe im responding to your retarded ass.

How about you pull my dick with your mouth and I'll shoot white sperm all over your teeth. That should whiten them for you

just fly to your fav 3rd world vacation spot and get verneers for a couple grand

Since the dude isnt listening and is unwilling to actually discuss anything, how about a good old dubs thread?

I have something similar to this, but not so fucking terrible. It started only recently, maybe this spring. Before I would only get plaque buildup and would visit dentist to scrape it off. Could it be nicotine/coffee?

Look up actual peer-review scientific studies

not online health blogs

You'll find that oil pulling provides no benefits to teeth whitening or oral health (gingivitis, gum health, etc) and in some cases the subjects who oil pulled had worse oral health

hey heard about something called the depletion of the ozone layer you stupid fuck

>applying sunscreen to the ozone

The only way to truly whiten teeth is to use dental bleaching gel. Go to your dentist, ask for bleaching trays and gel. Bing badda boom in a couple months they'll be pearly white.

Fuck it, just let him keep thinking that basic health concerns are a Jewish conspiracy. The sooner these brainlets give themselves cancer the better.

whitening toothpaste, whitening mouthwash, and whitening strips are the only surefire way to whiten teeth

only way naturally is to cut out sugar and wheat especially. stay away from fruit humans arent meant to eat excessive amounts desu

If you're a white person living in North America or Australia you need sunscreen. The natives here were brown people.

t. never gotten enough sun to get sunburned

You are being memed OP. Oil pulling is what happens when an art major accidentally stumbles upon a Wikipedia article for osmosis while researching healing crystals.

Also fyi, you can get the $600 whitening kits dentist use in professional practice (the ones that require activation and don’t damage enamel) off the internet for like $30. I’m not going to elaborate anymore on that, because I know you retards will find a way to hurt yourselves with them.

Go and get a clean from the Dentist. Will literally make your teeth 100x better.

Healthy teeth aren't white.

this. you niggas gotta get a cleaning every 6 months, even if you dont got any cavities or anything. it'll permanently fuck your gums up if you dont.

it works you retard

I don't get people spending buku coin on supps but being too tight to look after your teeth. Hot tip for young players, if your body is ripped but your teeth are yellow you're not getting shit.

isn't the dentist expensive in America?

What the fuck is buku coin?

Used by Vietnamese, picked up by the Veterans of the Vietnam War. Means "a lot of" or "many." derived from the French word "beaucoup" meaning 'much.'

Weird. I've heard of beaucoup (bucks/coin/etc) but never buku. Sounds fake.

>There is literally no evidence to support this statement.
U wot?

Baking soda + hydrogen peroxide + water
Swish in mouth before brushing teeth once every other day.
If you were too much of a slob in your youth and need a deeper whitening, go see a dentist for stain removal and then go to this method after to maintain.

nah my insurance gets billed like $100-200 for a cleaning and checkup by me. probably less if you pay cash. maybe more if you live in an expensive area like nyc.

option 1:
take care of your teeth, get regular cleanings and checkups
3 meals a day, brush twice a day, etc.
cost: a few hundred twice a year for cleanings and checkups, maybe 100 once every few years if you get a cavity

option 2: be a cheap ass and hope for the best, going months/yrs between dentist visits
option 1: you get lucky. you go to the dentist and find out that you're fine (very unlikely)
option 2: you still get lucky. you get a bit nervous and overdo your oral hygiene to calm yourself. dentist tells you that you've given yourself minor gum recession and toothbrush abrasion from brushing too hard/long. if you're more unlucky, you need to get fillings from that shit (goodbye 500-700)
option 3: shit actually went wrong. you need root canals, crowns. if shit really got bad maybe you need gum surgery. goodbye 2000-5000 and your teeth are gonna likely look worse for life.


if you havent been to the dentist in a while, at least just go get a cleaning so at least your gums aren't getting damaged from buildup anymore

oh theres other possibilities in between too like you just got a bunch of cavities. which also sucks cause thats like 100 a pop but at least you dont got root canals and shit

Yes, they got rid of the hard plaque on the tooth/gum line but not the stain
It's a stain not plaque because I got the scraping last time I visited and interdental brushes prevent the plaque build up far better than brushing.
I only got the stain when I started drinking 4 cups of tea a day. But I've been cold turkey for six months and the stain hasn't changed despite improving my oral hygiene

stopped reading here

Jfc is this normie bait? It's basically the same picture with the brightness increased look at the difference in skin tone. If you want an actually usefull trick, use coconut charcoal and brush your teeth with it 3 mins a day

Oil pulling likely doesn't help whiten teeth directly, but it does help with gum health and killing shite bad breath bacteria in your mouth. Also, if you're oil pulling, odds are you're taking care of your teeth in the other ways that you're supposed to be. Hence people saying that it whitens teeth.

Brown people get skin cancer at the same rate as whites.


You get skin cancer at 60 when you have already had all of the children you will ever have and are about to die. Therefore, humans have never felt selective pressure from the sun.

do you understand what an average is?

user just get an electric toothbrush and a good whitening toothpaste. I got one a couple months ago and my teeth are now whiter than some fillings I've had put in

Fucking retard, that's hippy bullshit. Go see an actual dentist and get a job.

> cancer hasn't become a problem until the last hundred years
Yes it has, fucking idiot. There's records of deaths from cancer from every great civikation throughout history. It wasnt a huge issue because everyone died at 35. It's been scientifically shown that radiation denatures DNA. It may be worse now as the ozone is depleting.

Keep being a stupid cunt though, after you die from cancer the gene pool will be that much cleaner.

Nigger it's the zinc in sunscreen that blocks the radiation. Jesus fuck are you stupid. You think sunscreen JUST prevents sunburn?

I'm calling it now - you have no fucking degree. I highly doubt you even have your GED. Fucking idiot.

>there is a reason dentists don't do that shit.
Yeah, namely that they're evil kikes interested in repeat business
very legit

faggot toothpaste for teeth whitening is nothing but a meme

Oil pulling works, but only a little. It does more for your breath for some reason as it's antibacterial. It also helps with dandruff for some reason.

People always ask me with the secret to having such white teeth is and I use creative white strips every couple of years. Now I just use a half pack or they're way too white. Good guide to go by is to never let your teeth be whiter than the white in your eyes or it'll look awkward/too fake. Be aware that it isn't good for your enamel/literally weakens your teeth but the smile gains are worth it for me.