Locker room etiquette

What are some things that people do in the locker room that is somehow socially acceptable but should not be?

For me it's pic related.

Why do they do this?

There's a couple of generations of closeted, married homos who only have gym lockerrooms to get their jollies

Talking to me whilst I am dropping a deuce.
I'm on my own time in there.

>recognized my sneakers

Yeah but I even see this at my uni gym. It makes no sense.


Showering in underpants.

t. machine user

There is no shame in the human body.
You go to the gym to master it, why the fuck are you trying to hide your groin when it is necessary to further clean it?

Why are you adressing me?

i think u misunderstood frendo

lol that's pretty gud what an absolute alpha

ok, I am very triggerhappy today.
Can't be too careful with ((machine users)) shilling from planet fitness.

don't hate on clean and fresh balls until you try it.

do you guys shower naked in public gym showers?

yes? how else im going to get my balls and ass clean

I have seen this once in my adult life. It's really fucking hilarious and sad, the level of insecurity

And it was not a fatty or anything. One of those young, "everything is gay" hiphop nigger types

>they dont exercise in the manner that my online image board says they should

it was a different time, the penis is no different than other skin on the body. If anything you're the one being a prude about it

>i need to see another man's genitals

If wearing underwear in the shower is bad,

Complaining about not being able to see another man nude is literal faggotry

imagine thinking like this

machine trainers detected, I won't sign up for planet fitness, goddamn it fucking shills get out out OUT

You americunts and your obsession with faggotry

You are so concerned whether something is faggotry yet your idols are wearing makeup, having plastic surgery, et cetera. You can't pat your mate on the back like friends do because you consider that "faggotry"

You are so afraid of being naked your males wear skirts to the beach, you need full booths to shower and dividers and urinal. And on top of that you cunts cut babies' dicks because some religion-crazy cereal man told you to do so.

What the fuck is wrong with you americunts? You do realize that no other country in the world has the level of insecurity as you do?

>REEEE, why dont you workout how my online image board says you should

I only see muslims do that


Also why don't you start wearing a burqa full time like the little bitch you are, what the fuck

I'm 32 and I do this just to trigger cucks

>There are countries where homosexuality is outlawed
>America has a mainstream culture of accepting fags or you're a bigot/nazi
>"wow americans are so homophobic and stupid"
And people wonder why europe is shit.

same machine trainer.
Beware of his posts.

Why though? They worried about being a dicklet?

epic XD