That first puff of the day

>that first puff of the day

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Away with you

Ciigaeree bad retard

t. cancer

*sucks on a lump of tofu*

>Pull out bic
Chik chik*

>pull out zippo

clunk.. chik

Why the fuck are the anti-smokers always such fucking faggots? I don't smoke nor do I think you should smoke but any time someone even implies they are a smoker the responce is always
You people literally sound like a shitty PSA that was played on Nickelodeon in 1998. Anti Smokers sound like fucking children.

*T rises*

Had my first one of the new year this morning. Was outside in some coffee place, couldn't resist. Felt good, didn't even have any of the douchy hipster chicks that frequent the place give me pissy looks. 30 minutes later took a glorious 5 pound shit.

because the national anti-smoking campaigns of the 70s set a precedent that made it not only socially acceptable, but also socially encouraged to openly shit on smokers. it's practically become a civic duty.

>smoking anything at all for any "reason"
see pic related

Hey faggot why are you getting so fucking mad?
>hurr durr I don't smoke
Oh I see, you're LYING and are butthurt about being shamed for your filthy, deadly addiction. Get correct.

Excuse me while I take a big, long drag of free will.

Feels good to smoke tobacco man. Good thing I'm not a contrarian millenial, feels good to be free

>free will

People (or as I prefer to call them, sheeple) are too easily controlled because their low Iq retards. Big daddy govt tells them to stop smoking and and suddenly you're a monster. Daddy govt says weed is cool and everybody loves. Same thing with fag marriage, the space race and checkers the dog

Oh Christ, you're going to hide in the muddled waters that is the free will argument?

Yeah dude, in reality no one has free will and we are all absolute slaves to the laws of the Universe.

I understand risks of smoking and I do it anyway. What's it to you?

muh nigga

I judge smokers pretty bad.

There are literally only two options for somebody when they're a smoker.

#1. They see nothing wrong with it, in which case they're an idiot.

#2. They know it's bad, but are simply too weak willed to quit.

Weak or stupid, which one are you smokers?

The irony you're missing is your use of the words "free" and "free will" when discussing your resignation to one of, if not the most addictive habits there is.

You aren't free. You're an addict.

Prove I'm an addict

I'm free and not a millenial so I'm not afraid of cigs

do you want to smoke cigarettes sometimes?

Because I have rinitis and suffered my whole life because of those fuckers.

How can you even crave smoking? I smoke weed sometimes and I hate the smoking part...

Sure, just like I want to eat sushi or whatever some times

can "smoking," in this case, be interchanged with masturbating? I mean, I feel the same way with you about smokers, but sometimes I have issues containing my urges to fap.

no one reaction face can properly describe my face to that first puff of the day

I used to smoke because marijuana isn't legal in my state and the nearest legal state is like 500 miles away. I would get stressed, jack off a lot, then listen to album after album and eat and drink but nothing would work to ease my mind. So I would smoke. plus, smoking makes you look cool. Can't top that, bait user.

If you smoke you should LITERALLY kill yourself, you're a dumbass who is basically addicted on sucking a lump of cancer cells
My whole life I had to suffer becuase of you fucks not having any consideration and walking about like you're fucking human chimneys, nothing worse than 7am in the cold and rainy winter than having the unpleasant experience of having to walk behind a human chimney in a crowded street
fuck you all, I don't need to hope you die of cancer because you will anyway

Just to clear things up because I'm OCD: free will doesn't exist, not for me nor yourself.
>you're an addict
prove it

The harshest judges are sometimes the most ignorant people. Also, both of your cases are fallacious.
1: "wrong".
2: Something in your life will always be "bad" whether you like it or not, it's an endless problem. That's typical millennial thinking that you could get rid of everything "bad"

Enjoy your:
initial stimulation then reduction in activity of brain and nervous system
increased blood pressure and heart rate
decreased blood flow to fingers and toes
decreased skin temperature
bad breath
decreased appetite
coughing, due to smoke irritation
increased risk of stroke and brain damage
eye cataracts, macular degeneration, yellowing of whites of eyes
loss of sense of smell and taste
yellow teeth, tooth decay and bad breath
cancer of the nose, lip, tongue and mouth
possible hearing loss
laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers
contributes to osteoporosis
shortness of breath
chronic bronchitis
triggering asthma
heart disease
blockages in blood supply that can lead to a heart attack
high blood pressure (hypertension)
myeloid leukaemia, a cancer that affects bone marrow and organs that make blood
stomach and bladder cancers
stomach ulcers
decreased appetite
grey appearance
early wrinkles
slower healing wounds
damage to blood vessel walls
increased likelihood of back pain
increased susceptibility to infection
lower fertility and increased risk of miscarriage
irregular periods
early menopause
damaged sperm and reduced sperm
Smelling like smoke
No endurance
No cardio
No boners
Black lungs
Bad quality shitposting (OP)
Wasting thousands of dollars a year
Shit theeth
Deformed offspring
Every type of known cancer and probably unkown too

Keep doing natural selection a favour you retard. Try not to force your shitsmoke down other peoples thacheas meanwhile

>faggot can't even not be addicted to sushi


1 and 2


2 weeks since last smoke, I FEEL AMAZING YOU SHOULD TRY IT TOO

smokers smell like shit, thats the biggest problem

As long as you feel "good" about your fallacious categorization system that's what's important. But if you secretly doubt it and are just living a lie, that's bad. Wish you the best, bro

Please tell me what's wrong with it. First define 'wrong'. You probably will avoid the question with some stupid bullshit in that case I accept your concession

I don't smoke... cigs! lol

>human chimney is too retarded to realize he smells like rotten shit and people around him is disgusted

Not evne gonna start with the medical issues

>too retarded to believe just because he doesn't smell car exhaust means he's not dying

I don't see you moving to the middle of nowhere, bubbleboy.

Boy howdy, don't even get me started on the medical issues.

stop being a fag (no pun). Repeated consumption of cigarettes increase your risk to a myriad of health issues.

I coul be dying but i'm not smelling like rotten shit bothering everyone around me.

>caring this much about other people
Lol, I can smell the soy from here.
Maybe you'll start smoking when you grow up

i think smoking a cigar or a joint on special occasions is fine, but smoking cigarettes is a waste of your health and money. you also smell like cigarettes all the time which is disgusting

As does breathing in car exhaust and household cleaners. But you still breath in that odorless cancersmoke and your mommy still thinks artificial "good smells" means the house is in tiptop condition.

What exactly is your point?

If you base your happiness on making everyone else around you happy, you're bound for failure.

Since I actually have manners I use the rule of thumb "don't do to others what you don't want done to you"
aka I don't go around bothering people, I fucking hate human chimneys goddam, what an awful group, go suck on a cancer stick

as an ex-smoker I feel conflicted about these threads

gained probably 5-10lbs of fat ate like insane
3 months cig free
last time I was 1 year off but relapsed

The golden rule is built on assumption ie subjective.

Walk into a room full of dudes that enjoy being fucked in the ass with a keen fancy on the golden rule. An extreme case, but still disproves your rule as all-encompassing.

It feels good when someone else gives me a smoke. Never bought though

I quit bro you should too

Cigs will fuck up my gym performance right guys?

Depends. If you hate yourself for smoking, then smoke the night before your workout, the self-hate from the night before will motivate you to work out harder the next day. All for 0 calories :)

Only smoking as a goodfeelz crutch b/c my NYR is no caffeine. I should be done after this box of Spirits, which will take like a week.

I like to have an appetite for bloatmaxxing, so I'm pretty motiv8rd to stop, might not even smoke every day and just keep the pack for once-inna-blue moon.

Maybe if you weren't a faggot you'd have a car and not be walking behind smokers enjoying their day

I don't even care about the cancer risk that much, but as an ex smoker, I can't imagine going back. The difference in how I feel after a little more than a year is simply amazing. I can run and cycle more than I ever could before, my lifts have all improved, and I've just picked up BJJ. No fucking way I could do this volume of exercise if I still smoked.

Smoking doesn't just cause cancer, it IS cancer.

Placebo and shitty genetics

Or maybe, just possibly, increased cardiovascular efficiency due to my cardiovascular system no longer getting fucked up the ass with nicotine and about 20 other cardiotoxic substances? And expanded lung capacity, after they cleared out most of the black gunk? You know, all things that are absolutely, 100% proven to be in cigarettes?

No, you're right, lets discard the most obvious option in favour of impossible to test assertions.

That passive aggressive soy argument, sad.
>it's been proven

Did big gobment give my dad lung cancer?

>That first butt plug of the day.

>irregular periods
>no boners
The fuck kind of xir do you think I am?

Jesus fucking Christ, you're fucktarded. How many studies do you need to see?

The data has been in for decades, you incredible fucking retard. You inbred fucking moron, you Darwin Award nominee, you stain on the genetic history of mankind, you cretinous subhuman ape. You will ignore literally millions of man-hours of work done by people who all are far smarter and better educated than you, just so you can justify the meagre hit of endorphins that a fag brings you. Its the most pathetic fucking thing I can imagine, its a travesty of human fucking intellect, its using your God given faculties of reason in the most despicably dishonest way I can imagine.

Fuck you, and fuck the cancer ridden horse you rode in on.

>decreased appetite
Thanks user I'm going to start smoking

>also being a sushi addict
'free' will

Or they just like it


that's 1


Except I use a mouth fedora


It's day 3 niccoteen free bois

Fuck niccoteen


Lel anti smokers are on their last legs and are trying anything to still be against it. And yet they don’t even know why they’re against it. If you don’t have a religious foundation in your life YOU LITERALLY CANNOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING
Sun will go out and everything in this world will be gone
>but will just inhabits new planet!
Sun will go out and everything in that world will be gone etc etc
>but you can just live for pleasu-
Ahhhhhh, but smoking you’re against it because????

What's worse; weed, tobacco, or both?(combined)

Or ya know you can skip all these things by rolling your own

It unironically raises test so smoking before you go would be a good idea….html

god its so good to roll em up together

Roger bannister smoked nearly a pack a day and ran the first sub 4 minuet mile

The worlds oldest person to ever live smoked all the way from 21–117.

Arnold used to smoke a stogie nearly every day

Like the other user said you just have shitty genetics

Kek the soyboys cry of science and studies

Well here you go

But since you’re so smart you should’ve picked up on this. All those studies are .gov
Do you realize that prisons got rid of smoking before the government ever did? It’s because prison guards realized that the prisoners that smoked were harder to control than non smokers as they later discovered smoking raises test.

Really? Then why is obesity the number epidemic that kills more people than smoking ever did? How come governments were so eager to tax the shit out of cigarettes but not the same with fattening foods? How come they clearly haven’t addressed this issue? How come every nearly every member of the greatest generation smoked like crazy yet are still alive and active today? How come the governments are so eager to put flouride in our water which raises estrogen levels
Put so quick to demonize red meats that raise testosterone?

Nah but you’re a good little bugmen you’ll stick to what you know

I fucking hate smokers. My fucking dad smoked in the house all my childhood and even as a baby.
Not many people know the suffering of not being able to breathe fresh air in their own homes.

good god you are one stupid fuck.

Geneticlet lmao

Cope however you want. But I’ve already broke the conditioning and now you’re going to see the world differently and realize how things really work

No argument huh, I accept your concession

In 8 days into quitting cigarettes.
Having horrible food cravings the last three days. Like I've been eating 1,000 calories over my budget.

Any advice?

Governemtns don’t care about you thats why there is a tax on this shit instead of banned and DUDE WEED LMAO

>that first puff of the day
>Tfw you wait until 8pm or so to light up your pipe
It's much better this way

Just smoke one my dude

get a juul

How about if I know it's bad, but I don't care?

If they banned it they couldn’t get money out of us now could they? And weed makes one lazier and less productive as well as give you a high will cigarettes make you more alert. It’s almost as if governments want a low iq, fat, lazy population. Because a high iq, athletic, and active population would be harder to control

1 week and 4 days since quitting cold turkey here.
Holy shit the first 3 days are painful as fuck!
But then days 4 - 7 are already tolerable.
Now I don't have craving anymore ^_^

How did I do it?
Meh During the first 3 painful days I just went to the gym and lift all kinds of shit. My anger and irritability is so extreme even the biggest hulk in the gym couldn't look at me straight in the eye.

So yeah... I just lift/exercise to release endorphin.

Endorphin > Nicotine/dopamine

I love a good spliff after a run. Feels gr8

Fucking degenerates.

2, you're just making excuses.

>I'm not too weak willed to quit, I just don't WANT to quit.

It's fat logic, same as "I could lose weight if I wanted to"

if you lived in the appalachian mountains, near a coal town, any sort of power plant, refinery or a big urban city then yeah probably

Well there’s a difference ya see, being fat actually has negative health effects

I wouldn't make this kind of post in a thread where people are shitting on some faggot trying to make cigarettes the next fucking sip meme faggot

>browses /pol/ once