Wtf Veeky Forums

poorfag here. seriously how do you fuckers afford to eat 180g of protein a day? still live with your parents or something???

>he fell for the ((((((protein)))))) meme

stop being poor and stupid

Nobody on here needs 180g of protein a day. Even the bloatlord himself could subsist off of that much. Try eating more prime energy sources. More carbs, more fats.

1lb/kg m8.

You don't need more than that.


I dont know what type of society you live in but here you get a job if you want something. Which is counter productive for your past-time hobbies i know but still, unless you make your hobby a job but thats not fun either.

Take out a mortgage and raise 3 kids, faggot.

get the fuck off of Veeky Forums you disgusting breeder

lol im not stupid like you so im not gonna do that

Calculator told me 180 for bulk at 80kg, 5'8

I work my ass off but my wife has left work to raise our 2 youngest.

>I work my ass off but my wife has left work to raise our 2 youngest.
based cuck

Life is full of decisions, yours was children. You cant have it all. Children are for life, accept your fate.

lol im an neet faggot

She's down for breeding more Aryan babies to train for the race war.

Why do you assume you're allowed to even desire anything if you're not willing to work for it ?

your tax dollars will pay for it ;^)

What about your sociological hierarchy status ? That really brings a man down you know regardless of your financial situation.

The absolute state of /pol/ . Poor fuckers who can't afford 180grams of protein or the brain cells to realize they don't need that much.

Wait its 1g/kg?
Ameridumb here I thought it was 1g/lbs.

Tfw I go overseas 3 times a year by saving money instead of buying ridiculous amounts of food that I'd struggle to stomach and wasting my hard earned jewdollars.

Chicken, rice, tuna.

1$ at Walmart for a packet of flavored tuna with 18g of protien.

>wasting money going overseas while you're poor
Lmao at your life man.

Are you a religious person ?

a lit match stick and a gun with 3 bullets may solve your problem

Overly cheap meats can also have soy in it as a filler, I'm curious about this brand

aren't you supposed to only have 2 servings of fish per week?

not actually poor just have priorities. Was looking more for suggestions like the above tuna post than criticisms. Plus my grandfather should die soon and ill inherit a fair bit off the mad cunt

no how is that relevant

Don't have a problem, quite happy with my life atm, faggot.

OP, have you tried looking at options other than meat? Peanut butter, milk. Lentils, beans, pasta and nut of some sort have good macros. Lentils are like $2 a bag and will last a few meals. Beans are very cheap too. Chickpeas as well. Bulk up on pasta because there's like 5-8 grams per serving, so two or three bowls with lentils or beans with some Italian sauce or dressing is bomb. Tuna is good too.

soy is the least concerning part of consuming cheap meats. nice meme tho

yah but I don't want to have to eat too often as I work 10 hr days in construction so preparing extra food can be a worry. have been considering shakes for awhile now but it feels gay

well what the fuck are you buying right now and where the fuck do you live? the price of living is different everywhere

Northern suburb in Sydney
mixture of fish, red meat, chicken breast and egg + stuff to fill in the gaps..

It's 1.6g/kg for strength athletes.
As a natty guy that lifts but also has other shit to do in his life, you don't even need that much. More than 1g/kg, but less than 1.5 is probably optimal, more would be converted to energy.

The kilos are your overall kilos, not "kg of muscle", right?

That's like 2 dollars a day in chicken, even at minimum wage that's 15 minutes of work before tax and 20 after tax.

>30kg of protein daily
Just bloat my shit up

If you can't afford 2$ in protein you can't afford a family.

>continuing your 640 million year old lineage is bad.

Fucking lol. Only a brain dead liberal would think that is bad. Get off my fit parasite. Not even him.

Look into Aboriginal bush tucker
It's not very well known yet but, it was used on long hunts and is pretty packed with high-quality proteins

It's cheap af too, should be in a good niche health food store

enlighten me on $2 180g protein

25% of cheese is protein
13% of egg is protein
Just eat a toast with cheese and you are good to go

A KFC boneless banquet is 56g of protein

How's your mental illness you fucking faggot?

Just eat some eggs and chicken tits. It's not that expensive.

Chickin tits and chickin kids

This also rice

Maybe 3 dollars for 1kg of chicken it's really not that expensive

wtf I'm getting ripped off.

God damn it, every year its the same.

its like 79cent per 500g container, 330kcal, 60g protein.
Why is The Quark still not in the sticky?

Nobody reads stickies

And thats why they keep asking the same fucking questions all the time