So what's the final vedict on keto?

so what's the final vedict on keto?
is it the final redpill?

It's just another stupid, extreme 'diet' that doesn't teach you to change your eating habits or lifestyle in any permanent way. Disregard, avoid, forget it.

No, whole food plant based is better

Aaand here comes the bluepilled soycucks

its just atkins 2.0

> go from diet of pizza and starbucks to diet of salmon and kale
> "Doesn't help you get healthier!!!"


It's a fad. the best diet is a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and fats.

No meme shit like low carb, low fat, etc.

>5-10% fruits and veggies
That is why no one with a brain takes keto seriously. Your diet should be much higher in those foods.

>balanced diet
Hahaha good one


I thought you couldent have cheese and dairy on keto

Pretty much this.
I see the benefit to people, like on Veeky Forums who are going to go on frequent cuts and bulks however for the average person trying to lose weight that because they never learn proper eating habits that they'll hit their goal then immediately go back to eating like shit


Nibba pls don't play me like this

nah CICO and cardio is all that matters. eat as much whole healthy shit as possible. but carbs are good for energy.

Not beneficial for strength, general bodybuilding, or general growth.
Good for skinnyfats and fatasses.

I did it and went from 200 to 170 really fucking fast. And I don't constantly have the urge to stuff my face.

Ketones or whatever the fuck aside, fat has lots of calories, so you feel fuller faster, and wind up eating less overall.

Carbs don't, so dieting while eating them is suffering.

Cheese is fine. Milk is okay in small doses.

Focus on carb counts. That's what really matters.

80/10/10 master race

I dont get it.
So you're not supposed to eat vegetables?
Is it ok if you eat organic only?

You’re a goddamned idiot

It's just a new years troll desu. There's no way that anyone serious about lifting would advocate no carbs for gaining strength and mass

Keto is the bluepill. It's literally for retarded 20-30somethings who think they're smarter than they are because they saw a Robert Lustig speech on YouTube.

Go try eating 1,000 calories of sweet potatoes.

You keto idiots have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes it works, yes it's efficient, yes it can backfire if you go back to shitty eating habits after.

On the other hand if you switch between keto and a balanced diet when you're nearer your goals, you'll be fine. Fuck knows why so many people on here who don't do keto hate on it so much. Pure blown "stop liking things that I don't like" mentality. Fucking weird way to think in life to be honest.

1000 calories of boring plain cooked potatoes will fill me up, but I'll be hungry not long after.

Meanwhile I can eatsome bacon and eggs and be full all day.

As long as you don't care about your health and wellbeing keto is decent for gains