Give me ONE reason why you aren't all-in Bitcoin right now

Give me ONE reason why you aren't all-in Bitcoin right now.

All in since '13 good sir.

>Give me 1 reason why you don't buy high and sell low

what kind of retarded graph is that?

AHHAHA wtf is that graph HAHAAHA


Wait. Is this coinbase? Was ripple always there?

Here is my reason


This is a cryptocurrency portfolio for selected clients.

Do you think arn will go up ?

Cool. So is this like some sort of beta or something?
Any estimated release date?

why is the graph like that
it makes no sense, that's not what actually happened with the price

Because I'm all in lisk

You can't sign up.

They are the ones that contact you.

It's not the actual price, the chart shows the predicted price and the ticker show the real price.

because of NEO, OMG, ETH, XMR and Salt. In that order.

this is one of the most elaborate shills i've seen. wp.

Dont know...Eventually it should at least see the ICO price again. Probably over $2 if the next summer is as good as last

Release date? Any other alts besides cripplel?

someone trying to advertise their shitty portfolio webapp

I know it's a shill, still kinda curious though

still, it looks cool and we don't really know the name lol

This shitty portfolio webapp is coinbase.
Yeah man fucking coinbase paid me to shill for them on anime forum topkek.

Is this organized trolling? I refuse to believe you guys can't recognize this is coinbase. WTF

lol coinbase did an update to their ui, sry i don't use it anymore, fees too high