Have you guys ever met someone who is good at everything he tries?

have you guys ever met someone who is good at everything he tries?

or even if he isnt good, he gets good at it really quickly.

what is the science behind why some people are able to do this, and how do i become like them?

is it simply fanaticism to the level that they will not be able to live with themselves unless they practice and try their hardest?


3 biggest factors to how someone is more successful than most people at doing things.

i've had people describe me this way but it's not true, either way i tell people i have wizard blood

she is fuckn perfect


essentially the same thing.

That's basically IQ, user, and no, you can't learn it.

You can optimize yourself through pursuit of the intellectual and by practicing mindfulness, but you will never have the talent you are describing

Active and involved learning.

In a fps game , you dont loaf around like a dumbass, randomly getting kills with no goal or awareness of the effects of your actions.

Instead, whenever you do something that you consider not the "optimal" solution try to think about WHY the solution you did sucked.

Say you throw a grenade into a room thinking youll score a multi kill, when instead, you die because you didnt notice the guy knifing you in the side before it was too late.

You can take two routes here, the "dis is hard to lern" route and get butthurt that it was a cheap tactic/uncounterable/etc ultimately having you learn nothing useful to improve on. Or you can think about how your actions led to that situation, and what you could of done to negotiate the situation in a better way, like paying attention to the footsteps sounds that would have given away the knife guy.

TL;DR genetics matter to a degree, but your intentions matter more. Dont believe me, research it your self. This shit applies to everything in life, not just an FPS game.

yes, me

This is pretty much me to a tee. Half of it is my innate drive to try and escape my circumstances and the other half is my natural pattern recognition abilities. There are patterns in everything we do and the quicker you can find them, analyze them, and utilize them the quicker you’ll learn skills.

Pic related to my post, sorry for blogfagging but I have a relevant experience to share for OP.

I’m one of these people more or less. In the past four or five years I’ve developed a large circle of close friends, got very fit, ran marathons, graduated from an Ivy cum laude, started a finance job, had a couple girlfriends, picked up three sports etc. I had none of that before, and the choice to get good at all of those was very conscious and deliberate back in late 2013

If you read the book Grit by Angela Duckworth, you’ll know how to do it. Essentially, through sheer will of trying to aim to max out your natural talent. The idea is that the people who work hardest will generally be better than people with natural talent. Further, it’s the people with tremendous natural talent and extreme will to work hard who are the greats in history.

Like anything it takes practice. I don’t know how I can prove that I’m on of these people on an anonymous image board, but I’ll stick around in case anyone wants to talk.

I am that guy. I'm generally good at everything I try, but stuff I'm not so good at, I obsess over until I master. It has to be an internal motivation.

unironically this


People who are not talented at one thing should rely on THINKING even if you are a brainlet. Stop trying to do it based on feel because that way you will always lose against someone more talented than you. You have to always be in thinking mode and assess what you did wrong and slowly stack up on the knowledge with trial and error. With this method you will always lose A LOT in the start but at the end it will really pay off. In poker people that played on bluffs and feels ruled the poker tables but some years later the people who logically assessed the risks mathematically and based their play on that would shit on those players in the end. If you have talent and you use critical thinking you get a genius.

not even larping, it's me
sometimes it makes me lonely cuz stuffs that i understand and realise are sometimes so bizarre normies would never even understand

nurture is literally exactly everything external that ISNT genetics sooo no.

I dont know the science exactly. But generally speaking people who are really good at something get that way by practice. You would think all those elite athletes and writers and surgeons are great because of talent, but, when interviewed, all reveal that they basically just practice a lot.

I'm one of those "great at whatever he does" people. Straight A's in college, a good soldier, a good writer, and an outstanding nurse. My peers and patients literally don't shut the fuck up about how great I am. Easy promotions. Lots of good reviews. Doctors love working with me. Feels good.

But, you are 100% right OP. I get this way because I have love self esteem and am terrified of poor performance. And so I train and train and study and study and always try my best because failure is terrifying to me. I have literal nightmares about making mistakes or about people not liking me because I suck. In my case, I link my self worth to how I imagine others perceive me. This is obviously flawed thinking, but that's how I think. Can't even blame mom and dad because they were super kind and forgiving and didn't give a fuck about success. I can, however, see the genetic roots of my social and performance anxieties pretty plainly. Dad is a quiet, friendly, masochistic workaholic and mom hates other humans and looks at life as a tooth and nail struggle for survival.

I'm drunk and ranting, but there it is.

high glutamate on the brain, nothing else
these kind of people have higher risk of developing mental problems later in life
it's unironically me

All you have to do is treat everything as if it's a fun game.
The human mind works better when it treats things like they're a game. I
It's the reason why that guy who always screams whenever he dies in fucking COD or whatever is so trash, whereas the guy who just pays attention and enjoys it kills the fuck out of everybody.
Why Arnold always smiled when he worked out.
Why you're so good at shitposting on Veeky Forums but can't talk to girls.
t. guy who is good at everything

Me. Not touching a female or myself for 20 years does that to you.

You are retarded.

Don't worry about them you are fine the way you are just bee yourself

>Intend to be the best wide receiver in the NFL
>Slow, skinny, can't catch worth a shit
>hmmm maybe if I intended to be a even better wide receiver than the best I'd be good

Gtfo out of here with that "Genetics don't matter that much" bullshit. Your genes dictate everything you do, how you think, and what your capabilities are. I will never be an NFL defensive lineman, I will never be a Nobel laureate, I will never be president.

But you focus on what you're good at, what your genes have ALLOWED you to be good at, and you progress in that as far as you can

Thats why I shitpost on Veeky Forums

Explain friend, I lack the ability to maximise my potential. I have been trying to stay academically successful, 3.5 gpa and become good at my hobbies. But time management is so hard for me, and I feel like I can't stop being lazy and push myself 100%

wow 75% of posts in this thread are made by people who are supposedly good at everything they try..
more likely youre a bunch of deluded dunning kreuger virgins, thats more of what id expect from the typical poster on this board

>realize you're slow
work on getting faster
>realize you're skinny
lift, gain weight, do sprints
>Can't catch worth a shit
practice and learn how to get better

This won't make you NFL tier but the point is to critically think and work on your shortcomings

i'm dunning krueger but the smart one, i'm not confident all the time until i objectively compare myself to normies

dudes like that are shit at swimming. it's their one universal weakness.

same as
went through the valley of idiotic confidence when I was around 14, became a socialist retard and everything.
My overconfidence turned into self hatred and insecurity by around 16.
Now i'm 22 and confident as fuck and right about literally everything I believe and if you don't think so i'll fuck your nonexistent girlfriend and fuck you too.

I am basically a DACA kid and I grew up in poverty went to shitty schools where I won't learn anything to survive college. Yet when I enrolled into college I made As in nearly all my classes. And my classmates called me smart because of how well i articulate and explain myself when answering questions. Yet I have to work so hard and a scholarship isn't in reach for me because of being DACA yet that im poor with a great Gpa. I just want to show America i can pull my own weight in society and that I will be a contributor. I think that is the reason why I am able to learn academic things qucikly


I'm good or get good easily at everything I try. It's purely because I get ridiculously fixated on things and I have anxiety so I cannot sit still or relax. This leads to OCD like behavior and tunnel vision obsession with every new thing I get into.
It's good in that I get places, but it's terrible in that I'm always really high strung and self-critical, and I have a hard time relating to people.

Thats basicly me, i understand new things fast but i cant swin properly.
Cant swin for more than 50metres.

I know someone who is bad at everything he tries
wait its me

anecdotally true, care to explain more senpai?

Grit. Those people fail more than you know, but they don't sulk, or pine to have an easy road. They just fucking power through it. All it takes is hard work, and getting back to work when life knocks you down a peg or two. The most important thing is to have lots of gay homosex with muscled guys who will choke you as they cum in your bum



Youre not wrong. Thanks user.

Are you me?

no one is good at everything man. I believed that about my athletic friend for the longest time until I played soccer with him.

>I just want to show America i can pull my own weight in society
Why? If you don’t feel that you’re treated well enough then why not immigrate to where your people are and help to elevate them so that people would look up to what you had helped to build instead of looking for validation from mutts?

Everything is an art to some degree, it has a certain techniques that are required to become good at it.

Say I want to get good at biking(I was sponsored a while back), rather than ease into the sport, I went out and found some pro riders and took a lesson or two from them. I copied their technique and the kinds of things they did to train. I found youtube videos of pros giving tutorials.

It took me about 1.5 years from being an average joe to traveling the western US racing.

Because I don't know of that country and im not stupid enough to not understand that globalization in 3rd world countries are terrible. Political and government power is all. I might have agreed if I lived there for more then a year at infancy

Can only speak for myself.

High IQ + Obsessive Tendencies + 100% Commitment

also see:
retard strength

From my perspective most people are zombies shuffling through life. They give it about 30% effort and have a mediocre intellect to boot. It makes me seem amazing by comparison, but really I just look good to losers who don't know how to do something with 100% focus.

Stop bein a pussy

do you watch rick and morty

You're such a whining pussy i know thats not genetic


parents provide genetics and nurturing. putting them on the list makes it redundant.

jokes on you faggot, took me 3 months to teach myself the side stroke, now I can swim 500 meters sub 9 mins prior to not having been in the pool since I was 8


Not in all situations do parents do both. I posit Andrew Carnegie as a counter example to any of those factors even mattering tho.

Genetics and confidence. Ultimately the latter is half down to the former.

The world isnt some RPG skill point assignment, someone who is good at one thing is likely to be good at other things.

> outstanding nurse
> good at everything i do
> nurse

You just need to want to do it and fucking do it, with purpose.
A lot of people are just retarded and unable to do/learn things on their own, they need someone to spoonfeed them like faggots. For example those that go to art college then produce garbage, while the guy who practices life drawing for 8 hours a day for 10 years actually delivers yet gets some other retards going "wow he is talented, must be genetics".

This is an actually studied topic, from which the 10000 hours to learn a skill figure wrongly comes from. The study actually analized how long it took different people to learn to play the violin, some did it way faster, some slower, it all had to do to how they did deliberate practice or not, 10000 was just the average.

The only exceptions are vague topics where progress and success are hard to measure, topics that are physically dependant (never gonna play basketball if you're short), and topics that are extremely complicated and require a certain memory and intelligence. In those cases yeah, genetics, loving parents, proper eating during development, education, they all matter.

yes because it's me

>tfw too lazy to try though

>well... That's le me!! Hehe, let me humblebrag about it, I'm so awesome
Embarrassing thread seriously

There was a study done that people with the least skill at something tend to overestimate their ability at that thing because they don't understand it like an expert would. This thread is proof.

Google dunning-kruger effect for proof.

I'm a grade A brainlet and I don't really understand what people mean with overestimating one's own ability.

I seem to be trash at everything except the one art that I spent many years on, and even that ability is fading because I'm too lazy to capitalize on it.

yes, unironically, me


>person vaguely knows what dunning krueger effect is
>goes on to prove it right by stating what it is without understanding what it is

The dunning kreuger effect also states that after the dip in confidence that occurs after actually starting to learn about the subject, people who continue to gain knowledge and become experts at it are as confident, if not moreso as to their knowledge, than the ones at the start of the curve.

I objectively know that I’m pretty average, but people around me have this weird preconceived notion that because I’m quiet and a bit spergs, I must be intelligent because I’d have no other redeeming qualities or way they can explain why I’m a little unusual. I’m scared that I’ll let them down and I have an irrational fear of being detested by everyone around me, so I guess I just pressure myself into learning things faster all the time to keep up the facade that it’s all effortless (a complete lie because I just fuck up a million times behind their back, learn some niche stuff and don’t mention how much I fucked my life over before). There are worse things to be thought of as, I guess.

The biggest factors that show association with success are crystallised intelligence and socio-economic inputs. To the layman that’s base level of intelligence, parents money and individuals peer group.

Your belief that you’ve hit a wall is literally the only thing holding you back. You have to understand that successful people wouldn’t be successful if they believed they weren’t able to be.

The only thing stopping you from becoming this person... is your own self doubt.....