Never seriously got that much attention in HS

Never seriously got that much attention in HS.

>Hit 25
>Veeky Forumser than most guys my age
>good career, well paying job.
>nice car, nice apartment overlooking the city.

Lose all ability to distinguish between a thot and a good girl. How do you deal with this conumdrum again? Absolutely fucking unfair...

>a good girl
If she isn't a religious fundamentalist just assume she's thot.

Date younger girls who aren't desperately telling you what you want to hear because their ovaries are drying up.

>good girl
No such thing

Similar here. Went from gross antisocial nerd to Chad in NYC working in finance. Now I get laid less because I used to try, and now I just have contempt for how shallow the world is. Everyone treats you so much better when you’re fit and wear designer clothes and have a prestigious job. It’s so hollow. It makes me feel like an angst 13 year old reading catcher in the rye but I can’t escape the feeling that if I was ugly and poor it would be the same old me but people wouldn’t be as fond of me without all the accoutrements. And I mean that as a societal reflection, not personal.

If you're 25 and unironically using the word thot, I have bad news for you bud.


>Male Friends
>Goes out frequently
>Calls herself a dog mom
>Sorority girl or ex sorority girl
>Calls men fuckboys
>Daddy issues or material issues among family members
>Her friends are slutty or whores
>She needs a lot of attention
>Works as a server, bartender, or in a male dominated place or a place where someone who needs attention would need to work.
>No aspirations or education and unrealistic goals and lifestyle. i.e: "I want to start a business"
>Overly competitive to the point where she wants to even beat you
>Men never dated her but fucked her or multiple failed relationships
>Cannot accept blame for issues and often blames others.
>big time boozer or still smokes weed past 23

Never seriously got that much attention in HS.

>Hit 20
>in college, have a thicc latina gf
>keep cumming in her, telling her that she's going to have my babies
>she keeps taking the mornng after pill and then goes on birth control

what did she mean by this?

>never really gave a shit about girls in HS
>leave HS
>interested in girls
>manage to get them easily enough
>always disappointed in my choice after like a month
>the cycle continues

Great list, but what's the diff between her friends are sluts or whores, I assume you didn't mean literal prostitutes by the word whore. Also what's with the family having material issues? My whole family is good but we have 1 uncle who started shit years ago and made a big deals of what he got when my grandparents died, as a result my mom, aunt and other uncle don't really contact him anymore. I don't see how that would affect me (or a girl in my position) in any way though.

>has tattoos
>has ever drank or smoked (important to be strict because the standard lie is that they USED to do those thing but stopped)

the fastest and most effective way iv found is just to ask if shes ever dated a black. comes up easy if you mention you dated and asian or ever been to asia because she will get jealous and accuse you of yellow fever or not being able to handle a "real women (which is also a red flag statement)

if the answer is anything other than a flat no shes a coal burning whore or crazy liberal or both

>You keep cumming inside a girl
>She gets on birth control
>You're somehow surprised

What did you mean by this?

>tfw 8 of these apply to my gf

A bigger question is how do you meet girls after college? I'd try work but I'm at a big trendy tech company with lots of hotties but I'm in manufacturing so I'm stuck in the bowels with a bunch of dudes.

A good girl is
>similarly hard working
>good career with well-paying job
>normal social group
The only way you can be sure somebody isnt using you is to date within your class.

How much u pay for rent

If they at least have a career there's a lower chance, the ones with no job and no education are usually 90% of the time thots.

That's because you live in NYC, a modern day Mecca of shallow and materialistic people.

Have you read American Psycho?

Youre not going to get a complete virgin most likely so here is a reasonable check list
>doesnt seem like a complete whore
>reasonably attractive
>not fat
>decent conversation

That's because most of these things apply to most people. He's just describing common baggage.

I'm the same way bro, had a hard time growing up but now Veeky Forums, good job, great style etc. Lean the fuck into it and appreciate how goddamned lucky you are that you even get a chance at a life like this. Don't ask too many existential questions or you'll fuck everything up. So many people in the world would do anything to trade places with you or I, so you owe it to those people to enjoy the shit out of every day you get. Fuck sluts, go on adventures, build and create new things and leave a goddamned legacy.

>implying you treat others any different
>you literally love bums lying in their own piss

If she sends you nudes right away and asks you to come over and fuck her for the first date, she's a thot brah. Girls that don't put out until like the 4th or 5th date are usually the ones you want to keep around

>living in an apartment
You're never gonna make it

>Never got much attention in HS, relatively handsome but oblivious/not outgoing
>Graduate high school, take a year off and work and figure things out
>Turn 19
>Suddenly attention from nothing but thots under the age of 17

It was a dark period, friends

There is no such thing as a good girl. All are thots. There are grand thots and lesser thots. The trick is becoming too alpha for a thot and having all real power in a relationship. Only then can you control the thot. If she has more to lose when leaving you than you her, you're in control

Sit with them for lunch? Go to company events ? Use online dating?

>Sit with them for lunch
different buildings

>Go to company events
I'm a contractor, we're not allowed :(

Yeah nah begone thots