How to not be seen as a Meathead?

How do I not be seen as a Meathead? I'm a white collar professional and I love lifting and being active. I rarely ever talk about lifting or anything in the office but casual Conversation ALWAYS comes to "user you're jacked dude" or "user you're muscley dude you can eat whatever you want". I'm not even that big or cut. Natty 6'1 210lbs 15% bf. I just want to be taken seriously and seen for the rest of my character and value not how broad my shoulders look.

When it's time to bullshit or smash sloots then game on whatever, but what if my managers think I'm a dumb bench bro?

>but what if my managers think I'm a dumb bench bro?
Maybe you should try acting intelligent... you know... creatively solve work-related problems, have insightful commentary, etc.

If this is hard for you, you might actually be a little dumb.

You must be retarded, because all managers care about is results and your ability to mesh with your team.

Try using words with more than 2 syllables when talking to your coworkers

Stop curling the watercooler.

you sound like a dumb bench bro OP

Just escape the talk of lifting immediately. It works for me. Never talk about your diet choices, and if ask, just say something so neutral the conversation goes nowhere. “I just eat regularly” and if they ask if you track food, deny. If they ask why you don’t eat sweets, just say that particular food isn’t your favorite. If they ask about the gym, just say you go to the gym. Don’t talk about your sports, your routine. Soon, it will fade away. You’ll become your job more and a meathead less until nobody ever mentions it again.

Source: am meathead working at an IB in NYC

Stop speaking in grunts and start using your words

Visit Veeky Forums and get some fashion tips, nobody will ever think of you as masculine again

Shit that may be what happened to me

being a meathead is fucking fun though, I play it up sometimes when I'm drunk and feelin good. its like being a wwf wrestler its half the reason I lift.

oh you're asking about work, if people call you a meathead at work it probably means you aren't funny, aren't fun to talk to, and or aren't fun to work with or suck at your job but people are too intimidated to tell you.

>means you aren't funny, aren't fun to talk to, and or aren't fun to work with or suck at your job but people are too intimidated to tell you.

Might be this

"I only do a couple of pushups a week, its not really much haha, anyway back to the topic at hand"

you might as well be honest about your diet and discipline, who else are you gonna be all day at work?

it gets easier after 30 because the hangovers are worse, health is more important, and the crab bucket mentality dies down. i lift 3 lunchtimes a week and nobody gives a shit

I have a boyish face so no one sees me as a meathead.
>tfw 25

This. Stop worrying about dumb garbage and produce results.

>>but what if my managers think I'm a dumb bench bro?
If you are worried about your upward mobility, you don't want to work for a company that can't see your skills beyond your looks and objectively promote you.

just stop lifting

this only works when you are in grade school since most kids who "workout" do actually look like they only do 5 pushups a day

Is this ironic?

You're only seen as a meathead if you are jacked and do poor work. I had one professor in college who was a bodybuilder and also gave lectures for physical chemistry. No one thought of him as a meathead, just a scientist who also liked to workout. So if people see you as a meathead, you probably also do poor work or just sound stupid.

The point is, nobody cares how hard you work, they care about results. Make it seem like life comes easy to you for dank social gains.

ill say this again, this will never work unless you are talking about money or talking to someone who is interested in the same physical activity. But then people will figure out you're just a big fat liar when they realize what you said wasn't true at all. None of this is "dank" social gains you grade school child

Try the book "The 48 Laws of Power". It was recommended to a meathead looking dude who worked his way to the most well respected reputation in the company. Infantry company that is.

This. Dismissal is best. Works well with girls too. They don't want some meathead that is dedicated to the gym. Just makes them feel worse about themselves. I luckily go to a privately owned small gym and can say I lift some but mostly just hang out there. Also can "credit" my body to being an ex college athlete. Obviously use something believable but people don't take well to actual fitness culture. Instagram girls in yoga pants and crossfit are generally more accepted

Yeah, just say "I do Crossfit", OP

>Yeah, just say "I do Crossfit", OP
this, tell them you are vegan too