Sumo is cheating. The ROM is shorter

Sumo is cheating. The ROM is shorter.

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It's only cheating if people count it as their deadlift PR, otherwise, its hardly a deadlift since it targets your quads and bands more than anything else.

your dick is shorter too, yet you can't pull more than me

t. butt hurt twink who cries at night over the tall chad who has a stronger deadlift than him but pulls sumo

99.9999999% of lifters will never compete and everyone fucking estats their lifts so who gives af

Why even sumo if you don't plan to compete? Conventional is just a better lift overall, especially if you're also squatting

t. faggot twink obsessing about dicks

im convinced that anyone that says sumo is cheating is either bad at it or just mad that they're weak and has never even tried it. If you havent even tried sumo before you should because youll realize its not as easy as it looks and its a good way to help build your conventional. I can only imagine what kind of dyel faggot makes these retarded threads.

2/10 made me reply

But tall guys in the heavier weight classes more often pull conventional. It's the turbo manlets in the women's weight classes that all pull sumo.

Not cheating, just different
Nowhere near as good as conventional though

I switched to semi-sumo stance because I just couldn't get the conventional right after 2 years of trying. I had multiple people checking my form in the gym, all of them said it looked perfect, but it still felt like my shit was gonna snap at any moment. Haven't looked back, semi-sumo just feels great and maintains a good ROM. Still wish I could've gotten conventional right, but not gonna snap my shit up for it when I have a great alternative.

Sumo is a bad idea because it forces your joints to sustain heavy loads while rotating in less than optimal directions. For example, your knees have to begin the exercise parallel to your hips, then rotate 90 degrees horizontally and about 70 degrees vertically. Your knees, although perfectly capable of performing this maneuver with bodyweight, struggles to do so with an extra 200 lb.

Sumo is popular because it allows you to lift heavier weights than you might normally be capable of (with a traditional deadlift), but at the expense of massively increasing your likelihood of injury. This is also dangerous because most people are not aware of the limits on their joints (if they were, they wouldn't engage in this exercise) and will suffer joint pain or failure later on, without attributing this exercise as to why they can't squat down to pet their dog.

Feels better for my back

No being a manlet is cheating. The ROM is shorter.
Also fucking monkeys with long ass arms are cheating
Also guys with barrel chests and short arms are cheating cause shorter bench ROM

Cool story bro

Sumo is allowed in most instances except strongman, if it was easier most would be pulling sumo plain and simple. You can also do both in your training.

Can’t be cheating if it’s legal retardo pants

I honestly appreciate that you took the time to post something true and subatantial. Something I dont see here as often as Id like.


>your knees have to begin the exercise parallel to your hips, then rotate 90 degrees horizontally and about 70 degrees vertically
The fuck does this even mean?

How are knees parallel to hips???

I did not adequately explain. The joints in your knees are rotating as a ball joint when they are purpose-built as a hinge-joint. They can handle limited amounts of weight, but really only bodyweight.

I'd rather have EXPLODING KNEES than sciatica or a slipped disk desu famalamadingdong

Isn't the knee doing similar rotations in a squat?

no shit, since you're using less of it

Here is a demo of knees exploding... oh wait

>How are knees parallel to hips???
i think the guy means that the angle between your quads and shins will be 90, and the angle between your quads and back will be 90, which would make your shins and spine parallel, and he said knees parallel as a mental shortcut

honestly I cant even tell what my DL max is anymore. It depends so much on the quality of the bar, the type of plates that are used and if I pull Sumo/Conventional it is crazy. I have been to a few different gyms throughout the last year and in every gym it seems like my max is different I cant even tell if I am making progress anymore. the only constant is that in my homegym on my shitty bar it is way harder than in any gym I have ever been in. I usually get 40-50lbs more on the bar when I am at the gym not even joking. especially if they have bumperplates.

How do I sumo

as long as it complies with the rules of your federation, nothing is cheating. and if you don't compete worrying about cheating is just silly.

true, my deadlift can vary a lot depending on the type of bar/plates i'm using. i'm pretty autistic about keeping track of my PRs though. competition max, deadlift bar max, homegym bar max, shitty commercial rubber plate max....

>get in squat stance facing opponent
>push hands up as low as possible on opponent for leverage
>lift and force out of ring

>Also guys with barrel chests and short arms are cheating cause shorter bench ROM
As one of these guys, this. All too often I see people post videos of short men and women deadlifting very heavy for their weight class, and it's always fucking deadlifts they are good at because proportions, same with bench for me. They have very short legs but longer relative to the body so they pull right at the optimum spot in front of their legs. Back doesn't need to do any arching, there's no bad stress on it, they can just pull and go. At that rate sumo barely makes a difference because the ROM is already short so I never call people out on that but I don't advocate sumo because it puts outward stress on the knees.

Meanwhile, I'm built like Al from Fullmetal Alchemist, large long torso with a barrel chest, short legs, particularly my quads which build up easily, and short arms. My bench 1RM is 315, but I don't act like I'm superior for it, I just have good leverage so I was able to work it more, most people have a harder time. Shorter quads also make squatting below parallel easy. But my deadlift is comparatively bad at 435 and I feel like I could snap sometimes. My long torso means that I either pull too far away from my body and it becomes pendlay rows, or if I go too close that my back arches and my lower back gets fucked which is what happened recently. Not everyone has to work the same for the same weight because of torque, I would know more than anyone.


Glad we agree

thats not the fucking same artard, sumo is a fucking choice unlike all the other things you listed. i think ur just fucking scared of picking up heavy things up off the floor the right way.


except they aren't always 90 degrees, people start with their hips lower or higher same with a conventional deadlift. There is so much variation in set ups
What about squatting? Where the knee goes through even more rotation...

I just don't see how a sumo deadlift would be worse for the knees

Deadlift is a back exercise. Sumo is more like a modified squat.
Deadlift strains your back because that is what you are working out.

But I pick up heavy things both ways....

Yeah you shouldn't bench press when you can dumbbell press because of more ROM.

I think you're just a fucking pussy who wants to stick with his 315 conventional deadlift and 0 sumo instead of deadlifting like 600 sumo and 585 conventional

Why do you get so emotional/mad about how other people pull?

Why do you take it personally?

Hopefully not.

ITT: cognitive dissonance from sumo pulling fuck boys

>well, just because you have long arms doesn't mean you can half rep a bench press to match the ROM of someone with shorter arms, that's cheating

upon pointing out sumo =/= a real deadlift:

>well, you see, uh, um.. my leverages are d-d-different and m-my arms aren't l-l-long and uh, um, uhh..
Pretty long but worth the watch

>sumo is easier
>most world record deadlifts have been conventional
Really cultures the vegetables tee-bee-aitch

t. sumo pulling bitch with a shit deadlift and no argument.

moving the goal posts means you've refuted nothing, moron. try again.


Sumo is more comfortable cause I'm 6'4. I can pull normal but it's not comfortable. Don't think it matters cause I can pull more than everybody in this thread in either stance.

not an argument, twink bitch.

Yeah but it's waaaaaay harder off the floor.

>upon pointing out sumo =/= a real deadlift
You've provided no argument to suggest that it isn't a deadlift.

You start with a barbell on the ground at dead stop and lift it up until your legs and hips are locked out.

Next you're going to tell me a jefferson deadlift and hack deadlift aren't deadlifts either

half rep bench press =/= bench press. maybe a spoto press at best, which is an assistance to an actual bench press, but it is not an actual bench press. same with sumo.

additionally, your being too stupid to understand this is not an argument. try again, mouth breather.

>half rep

not even close to an argument. your attempts are embarrassing. find an argument or fuck off, little man.

And what constitutes full range of motion for a pull from the floor?

Last time I checked, the 45 plates that you put on the bar elivate it from the floor reducing the range of motion of the bar from the floor. Why are 45 pound plates full ROM? Why not 25 or 10 pound plates? Why not a defecit?

see, your argument about sumo not being full ROM deadlift is wrong bcause conventional isn't full ROM either. Both of these are just different ranges of motion, neither full.


It's completely irrelevant to your point, but the original reason for 45s being the 'standard' size is safety for weightlifting. They're large enough that if you slip or get stapled the plates will hit the ground before the bar hits your head/throat.

everything is cheating, stop lifting

>but at the expense of massively increasing your likelihood of injury

>yet another moron moving the goal posts and dodging the point

yep, another non-argument.

for you

How am i dodging the point, fucktard?

you made this thread because you're coconcerned about ROM, that sumo is somehow cheating because the ROM is less

Well a conventional deadlift with 45lb plates is less ROM than a conventional deadlift with 25lb plates, 10lb plates, snatch grip, defecit, snatch grip defecit, hex bar deficit, etc etc list goes on, so therefore your conventional with 45lb plates is cheating because the ROM is less.

Why don't you explain this since you're sooo concerned about range of motion? Why do you cheat using conventional with 45lb plates, huh?

>i have absolutely no argument, sir.

very well, i accept your admission of defeat. it's over, junior. you've accomplished nothing and confirmed your mental retardation. no more responses from your superior. you're done. you've lost. cope.

Lol, confirmed delusional, one track mind, brainlet. Keep on cheating with your conventional 45lb plate deadlift's shorter range of motion. I'll be doing my 25lb defecit deads with a greater range of motion. Cheater.

Please post a video of your deadlift. I want to see how pathetic it is


Post your deadlift fag

If you aren’t a fucking manlet, sumo is better.

I'm not OP, I was just imitating him

meant for

Sumo is for cheating queers. Post one BBer or powerlifter worth aspiring to and I guarantee they do conventional.

lmao no they're not, they're stupid meme lifts that are only popular because the guy who does them does them for heavy ass weight

too bad the ROM on those is somehow even less than the ROM on a sumo pull


A hack deadlift would have the same ROM as a conventional deadlift.
-30 IQ

You've posted no counter argument besides saying it isn't a deadlift.
Post deadlift piss boi

Creating an arch in the bench press is cheating because it reduces ROM

i did sumos for the firist time today after squats, and my back actually got better after doing sumos. was very surprised.

It's harder technique wise though.

literal retard

David laid

The fuck are those? Magic viking runes?

>something is not easy the first time you do it
>therefore it's not cheating

Sumo deadlift is equal to those dudes who squat 3 plates but only bend their knees slightly.

gtfo cheaters


No. It's not cheating because it doesn't break any powerlifting federation's rules. If you don't like powerlifters doing sumo deadlifts you can create your own federation where sumo is not allowed.

Or you can not let your ego get in the way of gains and use less weight. Enhancing standard deadlift by activating motor units of less used muscles

Good morning fellow faggots.

First, I want to say that I don't give a damn if you choose to be sub par. Losers.

I hate all sumo pullers. If you pull sumo, good for you. For the average person, you have decreased your ROM and opened all of your joint angles and you are using more quad, which for the average person is far stronger than the glute-ham combo.

If you are already squating, then WHY the FUCK would you pull sumo? Why the hell won't you train a different movement pattern? What the fuck? Why do you want to do a half'n'half that doesn't give you a truly strong posterior chain?

Powerlifters are not strong. You can waddle up and move a bunch of weight with good technique, but your sumo pull is far subpar for strength totality.

Do it, faggot. Makes no difference to me. The only person you are cheating is yourself.

I highbar squat and conventional DL. Most of my DL training is from a 2" deficit.

True, it's better than nothing though and a lot of people find it to be much more comfortable.

Hypothetical question which only dyels will ignore:
1) Bench, Deadlifts, Leg press, chinups
2) Squat, Bench, Rows (any: cheat, chest supported, pendlay, yates, kroc, whatever)
If you could only do 1 or 2, what would you do and why?
(Knowing you guys, 99% will probably say the one with the squats because squats but I'm still curious)

Cailer Woolam is 6', weighs 206lbs and pulls sumo, is also the wr holder

imagine giving this much of a shit about how people pick up a bar with weights on it, it's like reading a rant about someone using a yugioh card in their deck that is considered cheap