I'm a 5'9 manlet who is now at 144 lbs yet still skinnyfat

I'm a 5'9 manlet who is now at 144 lbs yet still skinnyfat.

Wtf am I supposed to do? Bulk? Cut until low bf% then bulk? Bulk 2 months and cut 1 an so on?

I'm clueless.


Sho me the wai then

Eat big and lift big. You need a solid foundation to actually cut. So being lean this summer is out the window. Focus on your lifts and get a good foundation, then come back next January and ask us how to cut.

The sticky is pinned at the top

What's your waist measurement?

how many months have you been in the gym

Just bulk, you aren't that heavy. Gaining muscle is a slow process and you'll be better off in the long run focusing on that aspect now. Otherwise you'll just make slow progress if you worry about fat loss right now. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Can someone help me identify that art?
My first bet was some painintg of count Ugolino, the one eating some lads head as described by Dante, but i can't find any result
If it's not cannibalism, then finding a desperate lad holding another dude might be hard
The style feels late 500', early 600'

>5'9 manlet

shut up faggot, you don't know our pain

Started at ~140, 5'11" a while back. Bulk, bulk, bulk, bulk.

Ilya Repin - Ivan the terrible

the nicest tittehs

man i totally got the time period wrong, thanks

Cut. Hit sub 10% BF, then slowly bulk in definitely. Fat is estrogenic and inflammatory. It makes you weaker, uglier, more tired, and impairs your recovery. Visceral fat lowers test.

Getting rid of fat is the #1 thing anyone should do. As you bulk, if you find yourself getting above 12% BF, do a week or two of cutting. Never let yourself get further away than 2 weeks from 10% BF.

Ivan embraces his son's corpse.

I'm a pretty big guy and also skinny fat. I'm currently cutting, I'm going to keep doing it until my body fat % is 10-12 or until my bmi goes to the very lowest side of normal. then I would start bulking up for a bit

This 1000x times.

Plus, if you're fat, you won't be able to see your gains. If you're cut, you can exactly see your proportions and your imbalances and fix them. Plus, this whole fitness thing is so much better when you can appreciate your body (and have sloots mire as well).

Basically imagine a greek statue. Rippling muscles, nice pose, very inspirational. Now imagine that physique buried under 30% BF. Are you still miring?

Listen to these fags OP. You're gonna be riding your noob gains either way so you'll put on muscle as you work.

Get on Intermittent fasting and the GreySkull LP routine.

If you're just starting out, JUST LIFT. in the beginning it doesn't matter. You'll both gain muscle and lose fat thanks to newbie gains. After your linear progression slows, then you can start bulking if you want to lift more, or cut if you want to cut down body fat.
Personally I think newbies should cut after their linear progression slows because it keeps them motivated
As far as bulking and cutting times go, experiment to find what works for you. I personally like to bulk for a few months, then cut for one, but i know plenty of bulk for 6 cut for 6 people.
you're gonna make it

How many weeks would you say it takes for each percent? Surely it can't be 1% a week. It couldn't be that simple

Cut and then put nothing but lean mass on. Don't listen to retards about hypertrophy, stop fucking with sets and just do a wide variety of workouts with a fuckload of reps at a comfortable weight. If you want to be a gym rat, follow the sticky.

1% at 160lbs is 1.6 lbs. That's 750cal daily deficit for a week.
You can drop 2-3% at 1000cal deficit a day in 2-2.5 weeks.

The idea is to cut frequently, not once a year, but maybe a weekly cut every 5-6 weeks of bulking.

I guess what keeps tripping me up is knowing what my actual caloric intake should be. I tried to doing the calculations myself, since my ideal weight is 175 at 12%. Yet I followed another anons TDEE calculator link and it actually gave me a better idea.
Yet you gave me a good point of data.

bulk to ~165ish hold for a month then start to lean out

Best way to find tdee is empirically. Weigh yourself twice a day for two weeks while religiously counting calories. Do a linear regression between your calories consumed and change in weight. You can then empirically determine your tdee.

Think of it this way, you're already going to count calories, and you're already going to weigh yourself, it's really zero extra work.


people are actually telling someone who weighs 144 to cut, jesus christ the state of Veeky Forums

The reason you look skinnyfat is because you lack muscle, bulk.

True, I've done it religiously at the end of the year, and have kept it up since the start of the year. Also bought a body fat measurer. Just looking to do things smart.