What’s a deodorant that’ll make me smell nice all throughout the day and won’t leave me smelling like BO by the...

What’s a deodorant that’ll make me smell nice all throughout the day and won’t leave me smelling like BO by the end of the day? Old Spice, Dove, Degree, Gillette, and Certain Dri don’t work.

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google.com/search?q=arm and hammer deorderant&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

I found out that lady speed stick in cream is amazing, I'm not even joking,deodorants for girls are more effective for some reason. Give it a try one day, you wont regret.

Buy antiperspirants instead of deodorants

Clean up your diet and ditch deodorant. Take cold showers. You'll drive girls wild.


I use Mitchum unscented antiperspirant, the gel kind because the stick is useless if you have pit hair. Antiperspirant has to touch and be absorbed by the skin to be effective. I think this is why some guys stink.

I’ve tried them and they work worse than deodorant.
I’ve cleaned up my diet multiple times, and I’ve tried no deodorant over the summer and winter break and I smelled like shit

Try trimming your pit hair and exfoliating your pits, I use a salux cloth on mine

>multiple times
There is no multiple times, you do it once and remain that way for your life time. Otherwise you have failed and will remain stinky.

My smell didn’t change when I ate clean for a month, so why should I keep eating clean forever?

My little brother stank during puberty and we got him chlorophyll pills. It helped.

I’ve tried those along with zinc and activated charcoal and they didn’t work.

wait, but I've found that men's degree works way better than women's mitchum

I use the womens mitchum that smells lile talcum powder. shits lit

>haven't smoked weed in 2 years
>Every now and again, armpits smell like weed

THIS is the reason I stopped smoking
Also sometimes when I eat fast food, I get a hint of weed and it makes me wonder if the fast food guy went out for a smoke before making my burger
Annoys the fuck out of me

I use women's dove. Super sensitive and it works great. I used to spend 5x the amount on an RX cause typical guy deodorants give me a rash. Women's dove has not failed me yet

If you've tried multiple deodorants and antiperspirants, shave and exfoliate your pits, took chlorophyll, and eaten cleaner (although you didn't specify what clean meant) and nothing worked I think you should see a doctor. There are health conditions that can cause BO.

THC is extremely fat soluble.

So I'm releasing thc from 5 years ago when I burn fat?

I heard that, but I am 20 pounds underweight (low fat skelly) and still smell like weed after so long

you got some bacteria in your pits, gotta do something to fix your pit

Like what

jump in a freezing cold lake, the bacteria on/in your skin have probably never experienced such cold and will die. Follow up with a sauna.

"Stinky armpits? Bacteria from a less smelly person can fix them"

so everyones' skin inherently has bacteria on it, some skin bacteria turn sweat into stinky BO more than others.

i duno the best way. a stinky pit usually inspires me to trim the hair, but i don't know if this does anything and it just fixes on its own eventually

shave/trim pits


Antiperspirants will leave yellow stains on shirts because of the aluminum in them. Also it will build on your shirts making it harder to wash.

Stick with gel deodorants and buy Certain Dri and apply it at night. You don't have to put it that often. Maybe 2-3 nights the first time then maybe once a month.

Certain Dri is just extra protection to make you sweat less. You still have to apply gel deodorant to block the BO. Also make sure you aren't eating lots of junk food. Drink more water and eat more veggies.

google.com/search?q=arm and hammer deorderant&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

Eat some goddamn vegetables

No not onions

Probably true. I noticed my BO changed to smell like my wife's after a while, even before we lived together, so it wasn't a shared diet or anything. Get a person with less stinky flora and get it out take over.
This guy is also right. Fuck antiperspirant. The Aluminum in it is bad for your pores, and potentially leeches into your blood and causes low grade heavy metal poisoning. And it creates that gross white crud. I only use deodorant, pretty much any of the old spice's because it's got a strong scent that mixes well with mine, but any gel would probably work just as good. Terry Crews' commercials was really the only thing that sold me on them.

I use some Axe 48 hour shit or whatever and my pits never smell, does a great job. My balls and anschluss on the other hand...

what you need is a cologne with an oil base

your fat doesn't disappear

>potentially leeches into your blood and causes heavy metal poisoning

Yeah, that would probably only happen if you used an entire antiperspirant stick under your arms on the daily. It’s so negligible how much your epidermis absorbs much of anything, let alone antiperspirant.

I’m not saying you’re wrong but, I would need to see a citation about that

>Get a person with less stinky flora and get it out take over.

Who’s to say it doesn’t go the other way?

>making your partner stink while you start to smell better
>peak alphaness

I use pic related atm. The more stinky i get the more pleasant i smell.

Using more expensive deodorant generally solved my problem. Axe made me smell rotten almost instantly after making contact with sweat.

Maybe its the way theyre made idk

It's why I said potentially. I don't have any reputable sources. I stick with gel deodorant mostly out of preference.
I don't think you'll scissor armpits together, You'll wipe donor's pits and apply to disinfected recipients pits or similar, I'd think.

Arm and hammer is good

sweat itself doesn't stink. the bacteria eating the sweat creates the smell. some worse than others

Well in my case i was better off not wearing deodorant because i guess the bacteria or whatever would maybe use the deoderant as a transport and diffuse all around me.

But using this has really helped me.


It already has.

I use Sure motionsense antibacterial odour protection. It's incredible how long this stuff lasts, I can wear the same shirt nonstop for 3 days and my gf still thinks I smell good.

BO has been a problem for me for ages, but this one fixed it. I've even tried other anti bacterial sprays and they don't do the job.

I’m in the US

That shit made me smell 10x worse and I made an entire classroom drink and people were complaining about it trying to figure out who was causing it.

what did you cut out and further still what race? if smell race there is no hope

*I made an entire classroom stink

I know someone like this. Only drank water, stopped eating red meat. Used chemical free dishsoap to take a shower. No deodorant.
Fucking stunk, really bad the second he started moving.

I cut out junk food and went vegan. I’m white

If you sprout and eat fenugreek seeds once a week you will smell like maple syrup. Some people say its smells sickly sweet but I think the smell is preddy gud.

old spice made my pits itch , i think its for niggers only

>Old Spice, Dove, Degree, Gillette, and Certain Dri don’t work.
Sounds like the problem is you. While pits are indeed the cause of most stink, the rest of your body exudes sweat as well. Sounds like all of you stinks and not just your armpits

I'm using pic related and it's the best shot I've tried in years. I think it's a women's product but who cares. Works for me

>Sounds like all of you stinks and not just your armpits
I know, the rest of me does smell like shit, but I’d like to try and improve it by getting rid of armpit BO. I shower every morning and wear clean clothes so it’s not a hygiene problem.

Use deodorant soap

Me too man, a friend of mine said that too, it doesn't even smell that nice tbqhfam

arm and hammer fresh deodorant stick
no aluminum

Like what?

Maines no scent deodorant. Literally has zero smell and gets rid of bo completely

don't wear shirts that are tight in our armpits. will fix your odor and you'll stop looking like a overcompensating dyel

>taking advice from neo hippies
>following memes
>smelling like a bus full of obese Turkish men

Select all three.

>Terry Crews' commercials was really the only thing that sold me on them.

Girls often say the opposite tho, they'll buy men's products because they're cheaper and better.

Don't listen to this unless you're Asian

You know there are many medications that come in patch form right? Absorbed through the skin, some have pretty high bioavailability

(((I'm white)))
