If bodybuilders are so healthy then why do they always breath heavily whenever they're talking like how fat people do

If bodybuilders are so healthy then why do they always breath heavily whenever they're talking like how fat people do

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normal bodybuilding who don't do cardio are still extremely unhealthy walking bricks and their lungs have no idea how to function with the huge muscle mass. Pros who use HGH for too long also have this problem but their lungs and organs begin to grow and so they become inefficient

1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.
People with muscles have to work harder to move their bodies, which means they're using more oxygen, therefore needing to breath heavier.

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat

Sorry my friend is retarded pls excuse him

I have this problem but I'm nowhere near bodybuilder level muscle mass.

It's hard to breathe through my nose so I have to breathe through my mouth often.

I use an e-cig and I don't use any PEDs.

Why is this?

1 pound of feathers weighs more than a pound of bricks. do you even science?

>bodybuilders are so healthy

No one ever said that.

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat

The drugs and the large amounts of unnatural muscle mass is putting a major strain on their cardiovascular system

A 300lb man who's 10% bodyfat is by every metric going to have a harder time doing anything when compared to a man who's 300lbs at 30% bodyfat.

Muscle is fucking metabolically active and does a number on your cardiovascular system

When people say putting on muscle burns fat? They mean putting on muscle puts a strain on your body that makes you....use up a ton of calories just by doing basic day to day activities.

>If bodybuilders are so healthy

No one says that

Fuck your strawman

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.

>1 gram is heavier than 1 gram

If bait, 7/10, I got triggered


exercise is healthy. taking steroids and weighing 300 lbs even though it's muscle, is really unhealthy.

>1 gram is heavier than 1 gram
whoah, is this the power of Veeky Forums

>is unhealthy
Being obese is really unhealthy. The only problem is weighing 300lbs+

>A 300lb man who's 10% bodyfat is by every metric going to have a harder time doing anything when compared to a man who's 300lbs at 30% bodyfat.
This may be one of the dumbest things I've ever read... this is borderline HAES

Lol I have asthma, was having a bad month so I went and got my lung efficiency tested, 118% as compared to average person.... I felt like shit with my lightly asthmatic lungs too. Oh right I do triathlons, marathons, trail runs and lift, just be well rounded it's more fun.

Dallas McCarver is dead at twenty something, Boogie is still alive at 40+ years old.

Do you NOT fucking know how your fucking bodyworks? Do you not understand basic biology or have common sense?

Why do you fucking think people continuously say "MUSCLE BURNS FAT". Do you think muscle just has this chemical reaction that makes it burn fat or something?

more muscle = more energy expenditure. that's all he's trying to say.

Veeky Forums intelect

And another thing.
Do you have any fucking idea of how much energy it a natural muscular person needs to maintain if they are even moderately active?

A hell of a lot more then someone who weighs the same but has far less muscle. That's a fact.

Hell you need more calories even if they were both sitting on their fucking ass. Not much, but it adds up.

There's a reason why large muscular natural guys eat all of the fucking time and are choosy as fuck about what they do and rest when they can.
They don't have the fucking energy! Natural test only goes so fucking far. They also need a bit of fat because the estrogen created helps them maintain their muscle and strength even if they are exhausted and eat less.

You've been brainwashed by stimulant filled geared up lifters and athletes who despite their huge size and relatively shotty eating are active energetic and can afford to fag on about putting effort in the gym and not being lazy.

>But steel's heavier than feathers

mfw xd

Let me translate what I think that person was trying to say. 1 gram of muscle is DENSER than 1 gram of fat.

That still won't make it harder to move than with the equal weight of fat, because you use muscles for movement, while fat is just dead weight bringing you down.
He's simply flat out wrong.
The more muscle mass you have the easier it is to move, but you also have to do cardio for the heart, lung and vein health. The top bodybuilders simply have heavy breathing because of bad blood flow due to enlargened heart.

anyone who knows anything knows that bodybuilding isnt a healthy activity, only a brain dead moron will argue with you. 2/10 no gold star for you



Yes you're right.
Up to a point you imbecile.
The guy in the OP?

There is no amount of fucking cardio you can do to make him healthier.
You simply do not fucking understand how much strain having that much muscle on your body will do.
There are no natural guys that size and that relatively lean who are energetic and doing lots of shit all of the time.

That's not how it works.

To understand how far we've strayed from understanding how the body works, take a look at all depictions of strong men in media and talk of strong larger men in books and stories.
They all have two common things.
They need a lot of food, they are all relatively fat, they always rested well and they always gas out after a while.

Modern depictions of large guys? All we know about that comes from gearhead besotted media and lying gear/supp/gym membership shills and athletes.

It's quite obvious that you've never been muscular or fat and are just blathering on from a position of ignorance.

pro bodybuilders are not healthy
they're pushing their bodies through drugs and extreme training to the absolute limit of human development
the drugs enable them to develop themselves past the point of optimal health
a natty doesnt have the same problems

Neither are pro powerlifters and strongmen.

Name one modern professional heavy shit lifter who's even remotely healthy and not on ass tons of gear.

a natty a little bitch tho

>To understand how far we've strayed from understanding how the body works, take a look at all depictions of strong men in media and talk of strong larger men in old books and stories.
>They all have a few things in common.

Should have proofread before I hit enter

i know this is bait, but nigga wut?

has to be an amerifat

Am I reading this right?

That's because they're not...
Ronnie Coleman is cripple
Rich is dead (rip)
Even fitness youtuber are falling look at furious Pete he had 2 fucking cancer probably because of steroids

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.
oh thats good. I think you mean more dense lad

What about Jay Cutler from OP's pic? He's pretty healthy af

recessed jaw(s)

put me in the screen cap plox


>this is the type of person giving advice here


>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.

This is going to Veeky Forums fb page, right?


someone missed the brain gains
>not gunna make it brah

Goddamn I love Limmy.
His twitter is heartbreaking tho, he gotta stop being such a sadkunt

You're not supposed to have that much muscle. Your organs can't adapt without behaving poorly.

Joe Rogan would be proud


Who the fuck says bb are healthy
Professional bodybuilding is probably the exact opposite of being “fit“


>1g of protein is heavier than 1 gram of fat
Holy fucking shit my sides.....
Somebody timestamp this shit and put me in it, this is a fucking top contestant for best /fit humour 2018

Really now?


Poot Mee inn deh skreen Kapp!

Makes sense.


I think this is true. My uncles were bodybuilders back in the 70's and growing up I always remember my mom bitching about how fucking lazy they were (especially because they were in such great shape). They just laid around all day. They didn't complete nationally or anything, so I don't know if they juiced or not, but probably not, or only a little.

>entry level bait
>millions of (you)s
This website is beyond saving.



>If bodybuilders are so healthy
no, bodybuilders in general are far unhealthier than other people hence why you see so many of them dying young
They literally kill themselves out of vanity and die staring at themselves in a mirror while ignoring the beauty and mystery all around them, sad

Is it even possible to meet any drawbacks of lifting as a natty? Apart from mechanical injuries and stuff like that.

>how dare you try to have fun with a shitty bait
close the door behind you faggot, you won't be missed

Overtraining the neck (snoring, apnea)
Muscle imbalances

Include me in le eben memecap

Cuz they are not healthy /thread

You mean 1 gram muscle requires more energy than 1 gram fat

Limmy Show!

Because ultimately it doesn't matter if it's 120kg of muscle or fat.

Shits heavy, requires allocation of metabolic resources, these require respiration to produce and eliminate.

Heaviness translates to pressure on chest, soft tissue in neck becomes obstructed, sleep apnea, etc.

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.

Probably deviated septum, go see an ENT.


>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat.

>1 gram of muscle is heavier than 1 gram of fat

Brian Alsruh is pretty healthy apart from a torn rotator cuff and a benign brain tumor


more like nose polyps, like skin tags but in the nose

i have a nose slightly crooked to the side and i have no problem breathing through nose

