What kind of cooking oil does /fit recommend...

What kind of cooking oil does /fit recommend? I've been using sunflower oil and extra virgin olive oil but I recently learned that it gets very unhealthy when cooked.

I use coconut oil mostly

For anything uncooked omega3 oils

coconut oil is nice but it adds a slight coconut scent, olive oil is probably the most healthy but it also has it's own distinct flavor. Often I just use the fat of whatever meat I'm cooking + a spray of canola oil from an aerosol can.

avocado oil is the healthiest but expensive.

Whatever is the cheapest

Use a high smoke point oil like rice bran for cooking. Use extra Virgin olive or sesame for salad.

lard and tallow if they didnt have it 150 years ago it wont make you sturdy

so good though. my wallet hates me.

$10 for a big bottle from Costco. Doesn't seem that expensive to me

go for extra virgin, you'll find it more relatable

I get the pun, but i've heard that extra virgin oil is terrible steaking shit with.

Every fat have a smoke point temperature where it became unhealty. Extra Virgin olive oil is one of the best with a high smoke point... So use it

Olive Oil is good up to 375. You can cook anything with it, it's just not suitable for frying.


>extra virgin
No thanks loser

Veeky Forums here

Canola is the best neutral oil. If you want to add flavor use butter or bacon fat, though less healthy of course.

You ever use a pan on medium-high? It gets way above 375.

Extra virgin should NEVER be used for cooking. Just use refined olive oil if you really want. EVOO is for dippings, dressings, and mayonnaise.

don't use evoo to cook it gets bitter
ghee and peanut oil master race

this guy gets it

Avocado oil master race.

Peanut, until I learned my daughter was allergic to it. Now mostly olive oil or just butter.

weird she did seem to enjoy my nuts last night.

I keep a stock of butter, canola, coconut and olive. I swap them around depending on food.

Everyone and their mom has an opinion on which is healthiest and which is worst. So I just go for variety.

>What kind of cooking oil does /fit recommend?
everything for me is cooked in butter

This covers the bases pretty well

If you're using a dish that needs flavorful oils, but can't handle the heaviness of butter, use olive oil. If you need a neutral oil, use canola. If it needs something heavier, use butter. If it needs something sweet, like pancakes, use coconut oil.

I usually use rapeseed oil (I think it's also called canola?) and butter. Not a fan of olive oil's taste.

Butter burns at high temperatures, you should combine it with an oil unless you're using clarified butter.

olive oil

olive oil has the best fats, and tastes best for most things IMO. I try to avoid using oil most of the time though. You really dont need it for many things if you use non-stick pans.

You can't sear a steak in extra virgin oil without setting off the smoke alarms. The smoking point for that oil is way too low to get a good sear.

moderation is key but apparently coconut oil has real high saturated fats and raise LDL cholesterol. Coconut oil's benefit is that it can handle high heat in cooking than olive oil. I personally just use macadamian nut oil or olive.

That's why I live off hardtack, salt beef and rum.

>Adding empty calories to a meal for absolutely 0 reason.

What do you people actually think a food does when its healthy or unhealthy? If something isn't poisoning you how do you define it as unhealthy?

If something is healthy then what exactly is it supposed to do? I mean if you're not ill and you eat healthy it what? Repels bacteria/viruses?



I'm italian so I use EVO basically all the time, rarely butter.


Use a fan, olive oil is great for getting a sear on steak. Ventilation is key though.

>Because my metabolism is fast and can handle calories
>You need fats in your diet to make gains
>food doesn't stick to pan lol
go read the sticky

Veeky Forums here, don't listen to these fucks. Don't cook with olive oil! Only cook with stable, healthy fats; like tallow, lard, or ghee. Do not use vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, or canola. They are very unhealthy fats and terrible for you. Olive oil, avocado oil, and butter are great for low heat cooking.

>frying without oil
>le fat is bad meme
Kill yourself then read a book

You can't seriously tell someone your metabolism is fast (a fast metabolism would just cause the uptake of minerals from food to become more rapid, i assume you mean your body is inefficient so you need more calories to live or whatever) and tell them to read the sticky which you didn't read yourself (I mean the real Harsh sticky) .

Never said fat is bad, just seems pointless to consume it as oil which is like a high calorie coating for whatever you're actually eating.

My trained metabolism is faster than most boys here. I eat 3000 calories for my maintenance, so yes I can.
>He/she says, "What do you people actually think a food does when its healthy or unhealthy? If something isn't poisoning you how do you define it as unhealthy? "
Sticky explains in detail, that's why I suggested it. Problem?

>fall for this shitty meme
>replace all saturated oils and butter with olive, rapeseed etc.
>keep total intake of fat the same, just replace most saturated fats
>blood-work has always been okay

>get new test
>triglycerides down slightly
>cholesterol went from 2 to 5.7
>fasting glucose went up 1.5mmol/L
>GGT 2/3 to the limit, never been in the double digits before
what the fuck

Even if you're cutting, having fats is an important part of your diet.

Also realize that lots of people aren't trying to cut weight, and fat is a very good source of energy.

Thank you Veeky Forums.
If your board was a woman I'd spend all day nomming on her snatch then the rest of the night dicking her blind.

You probably got a lot of transfats/ hydrogenated oils and generated them from cooking with vegetable oils. I think I'm going to change to Butter and Coconut Oil for cooking.

Cutting on keto is the best!

You can cook on high heat, only with pomace instead of extra virgin - still healthier than sunflower or canola. Some people hate the taste though.

>healtheir than canola oil

nope, that would spike triglycerides. mine went down. only total cholesterol, blood sugar (even though i cut back on sugar too) and GGT went up. though the GGT could be from exercising the day before the tests.