Can't eat whey because of a mild lactose intolerance

>can't eat whey because of a mild lactose intolerance
>can't afford isolate

What do?

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Eat real food, nigger. Start with eggs. High in protein and cheap as fuck. Eat the yolk, too. Don't be a bitch.

For anyone wondering, that is a guy.

... I already came, tho.

Pea protein is a good replacement, and beans should help you get the protein and nutrients you need

>On 20 December 2014, Thompson married British sailor Sir Ben Ainslie.[12] Their child, Bellatrix, was born on 16 July 2016.[13]

Didn't know trannies could have kids

Get a job or ask mommy for more pocket money

What does it taste like? I usually put my whey in my oatmeal and mix them together

Vegan protein is unironically better anyway and I eat meat every night. If you can find combination vegan protein you’ll be good

She cucked him.

Veeky Forums users are too dudebro to buy anything labeled 'vegan'

Different user here. I had same issue. I eat pea peotien mixed with rice protien for a while. Its real gummy and almost grainy. Just do it. After i couldnt stomach it anymore i started eating loretadine with wpi then after a while with wpc and ten i weined off Loretadine i can eat wpc without loretadine now but still cant stomach milk or cheese


Build your tolerance.

Get one of those medicine cups with ml measurements and shit and your choice of whey. Make 1 serving at a time and take, like 10ml a day for a week. Then bump it up to 20ml on the next week if you got through 10ml/day without shitting yourself dry. And so on until you can get through a single serving a day without puking through your butthole.

This is what I did. Good luck, OP.

Preprepare chicken?
.99 cents a pound from the bargain bin

I don't have the shits, I just fart a lot and I fucking hate it

Well then switch brands until you find the one that doesn't make you fart.

chicken and eggs need i say more

All of them do

If you must supplement use a plant based protein powder, how much simpler could it be?

I heard it tastes like ass, never tried it myself. Vega protein powder is also good and soy free

If all else fails, hemp protein / hemp seeds

Fuck it then, mate. Embrace the farts.

Move to a non white country and eat beans.

Trap porn would be so much better if they didnt have non functioning micro dicks. Ontop of the ones in porn hardly pass.


>lactose intolerance

Hello shitskin

I'm white

sure you are

>I'm white
>lactose intolerance

doesn't add up, tyrone

>Being this much of a /pol/tard

I said mild intolerance. I can eat and drink all other dairy products but whey makes me fart.