

My squat is 335lbs but my deadlift is 285. From what I can understand my deadlift should be more than my squat. Anyone know how to correct that type of imbalance?

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might be form, perhaps you just don't have enough volume on deadlift, or you just don't try hard enough on that exercise.

Stop being a bitch.

Are we talking full ROM squats, past parallel? If so, then either your deadlift form is no good (you'd be surprised by the amount of strong lifters that suck at deadlifts because they never learned how to do them properly), or there's one lagging muscle group (often forearms) preventing you from getting better.

How the fuck? My numbers are switched I can pull 365 on DL but can barely 1rm 205 on squat.
Squats hurt my left hip like fuck for some reason. I think I'm impinging something I may go get a free consultation at a PT clinic. Not sure what the reason is, I'm probably uneven somewhere.
6' 2" 175 lb

you're definitely quarter squatting, post vids

It may be bad form. Either on squats or on dl

>you're definitely quarter squatting

This is the bottom of my squat in a set of 3 (recorded a set of 5 earlier and didn't like depth so tried again and couldn't go lower). I can hold 405 off a rack double overhand. I can hip thrust 365 and glute bridge the same. I can row 250 with some body english.
I have never deadlifted more than 315 off the floor. In fact last time I deadlifted 2 months ago I failed 335.

Why is deadlift so scary?

So you're half squatting. Ok. There's your answer. Bye.

that's not toooo bad actually
start adding more deadlift volume repwise, I saw decent progress when I was going 3x5 -5/0/+5 of my last week's total poundage, take a bit of a deload to make sure your form is good
same for squats, lower faggot

I had the same problem when I started getting to lmao4pl8 for each. As it turns out I have a longer torso proportionately, so my lowbar is naturally high, while my conventional dead is naturally low. I mean my start position on conventional was almost horizontal.

I switch to sumo and my dead shot right up. Try this maybe assuming your form/frequency isn't fucking you up.

Not op, and that's parallel. I can't go lower than that even with out weight in that position. I do a set of highbar atg with 315 after I'm done my working sets. Then front squats after that.

You are about an inch or two shallow, but that will only take 10% off your numbers at most.

Lift heavier weights

Do you guys all go full atg?

just from a preliminary glance I don't think he would be able to squat deeper without going into buttwink. I think for his long leg proportions that is full depth for OP

It's a meme that dead lift is easier for all amateur lifters. You probably just have stuby legs, stuby arms and a longer torso.

I assume that you are treating the deadlift as a pull with the back exercise. It should be a push from the ground then hip hinge into it after it passes the knee. you shouldn't be pulling on it with your lower back like a stiff-legged deadlift

this is usually what I see people's main problem is on deadlift

Anons, I am confused. I looked at this picture, and then my penis started getting bigger. Then, suddenly, some stuff shot out of it! Am I going to die?

You probably have bad leverages for conventional deadlift. It looks like you have a very upright squat, I imagine your deadlift position is pretty suboptimal

That said, you might also be suffering from the problem of juat not deadlifting enough. I fell for the
>1x5 is enough for beginners
I later basically quadrupled my weekly DL volume and my DL shot up and my ability to tolerate DL volume shot up too
You could probably use a block of training where you deprioritize your squat a little and commit more time to strengthening your deadlift and finding a more optimal setup

I've only started squatting since November. This is the longest I've been squatting in two years. Before that was a year ago...
But yeah, that makes sense. I just keep getting put off by my shitty deads that I quit before long. Squats and deads are something I've had issues with since the beginning.

What should I do, deads 3x5 2-3 times a week?

You should never go lower than what your mobility allows.
If that's ATG then go for it. If not, then not.

Yeah.i had opposite so I'm dl 3x3, then squat 5x7 all 3.5x a week. But that's just what my squat takes to remain linear with my deadlift

Thanks. I'm going to see if I can do 3 plate deads today for reps and see where I'm at. I hope I can, because I don't want to feel like a failure again.
Also, 5 point increments every workout unless I fail correct?


im guessing you squat a lot more than you diddly? get more deadlift reps in during the week.

I bet you are not squatting to depth desu

>My squat is 335lbs but my deadlift is 285
PULL the bar, don't try and squat it up

>not lower than that
Fuck off.

my squat is 285 and deadlift is 405


I can't in lowbar position. That is the maximum range and then it's all buttwink after that. I can literally feel my hips turning when I go lower and round just on a bodyweight squat if I go down more.

Kaira Jordão Magalhães

you're not breaking parallel but you're not far off

>tfw squat 225 because of weak knees but pull 570.


How about you deadlift more than once every two months?

Bone spur.

How is your shop vac dirtier than your shop

lmao there's literally a horizontal (although slighty bent) metal bar running alongside his leg yet Veeky Forums is calling halfsquat. These larping niggas just jealous he got above 3pl8.

That's high as fuck and nowhere near parallel.

Lower faggot

Work on your hip adductors e.g. wide stance on leg press machine.

he doesnt have an upright squat, he's just not squatting to depth

you dont have to go atg, all you have to go in hip crease below knee. your squat isn't horrid like everyone is making it to be though
>According to Starr, there were four exercises that carried over to the deadlift and they are power cleans, heavy shrugs, hi-pulls and good mornings. Power cleans and hi-pulls were used to build speed, as well as working the traps. Olympic style shrugs were also performed for development of the traps which are vital in finishing the top part of the deadlift.
if you're particularly tall, you will have to take that into account when checking form

Cool OP cheat squat 350 and complains because he can’t cheat deadlift.

PROTiP you actually legitimately squat maybe 245.

>being this stupid

squat lowbar u fucking nigger

try sumo

My squat, bench and deadlifts are all the same. What's wrong with my lifts, Veeky Forums?

Half squat? Art thou retarded, user? It isn't ass to grass, but that is definitely a full squat.