Have you learned to stop caring about what other people, in particular women, think about?

Have you learned to stop caring about what other people, in particular women, think about?
It's an essential step in the path to making it?

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it is the most important step

You literally cannot make it if you stop caring about other people.

>tfw this sex robit cost 1 million dollars

kek, with 1million dollars you could probably buy a fw sex slaves

it costs $3k what are you on about ?

Cheaper than a gf

it's $2,150


Yes and no

You need to not be bothered when what other people think about core, fundamental aspects of yourself as a person.

You need to consider the thoughts and feelings of other humans around you to live in a society.

he means to stop caring when you do stuff that insecure people consider embarrassing

The mob you angered will come burn down your house with you in it regardless off you care that you angered them or not

op is obviously talking about the first thing

You'd be surprised how many people just 'tism out and refuse to reflect on themselves at all because "i dont need to consider anything about myself"

nice quote, but why do you think it's better to care

The thing about the second point is that one must only consider the thoughts and feelings of others insofar as how to leverage these to get them to do what you want/further your goals. The moment you begin to care about their outcomes is the moment you have lost.

yeah but that won't really help anyone make it.
When you say stop caring, especially when talking about women ( but also friends), it has to mean this: Be confident, don't be afraid to be vulnerable, don't be afraid to say something, don't be afraid that people we laugh at you if you aren't a good dancer, etc.

Stop caring is literally just bee yourself.

will laugh*

>You need to consider the thoughts and feelings of other humans around you to live in a society.

Does this robot have a braaap feature?

you can DYI it with some rotten eggs and a fog machine

someone post a webm of this thing it looks even softer than a real thot

Enough with your shilling. you post here and r9k everyday use your ad campaign on reddit they need it more than anyone here.

why is this doll so popular? it literally looks like a transsexual

please for the love of god get your estrogen levels checked

i hate how fat her ass is and how skinny her calves are, it looks stupid


>it literally looks like a transsexual
answered your own question

>why is this doll so popular?
its t h i c c

Thick+more fashion sense than half the thots in Seattle put together.

bumping to spite thisdyel

Seattle thots p bangin

Do they come in blonde?

Imagine being dead and your family discovers that was in your room

you pick the base body model and customize the rest

The fingers looks really scary

>you post here and r9k
How do you know? Why are you on r9k?

No and I don't want to stop caring, I work with a guy who wears pajamas in public and hardly ever showers and he is the definition of not giving a fuck what people think

Strange thing is he has kids and a pretty hot girlfriend, I have no clue how

He was probably kept up when he met her, then as years go by so do standards...

Smell is like 90% of sex to me this shit is meangingless.

Superior robot gf

You are vile nigga

Any place i can get reviews on that doll?

I'm trying.
I'm seeing a seventeen year old chick and while she's keeping me happy and motivated the relationship has already drawn criticism from my sisters, who are over 40 single and childless, and my friends' wives, who are fat and bitter, and my ex, who dumped me.
I try to not give a shit but it's tough, one day at a time I guess.

what if I enjoy the company of women and see them as more than just fuck-holes?

Good on you, but don't throw your friends who do buy sexdolls under the bus.

Pics of gf

i'm not man. If you wanna fuck a hole without putting in the effort good on you. I'm a 26 year old virgin myself. I don't really like putting so much effort into meaningless relationships and the meaningful ones I've just been unsuccessful with thus far. No reason to be salty about it, ya know

That's illegal, a literal federal offense, I've looked it up.
Just picture the average sticc white blonde teenage girl, now give her a meme haircut with viking braids and braces and there you have her

Then you're DYEL. When/if you get big, you'll see how vile cunts are when you let them be more than holes to you.
Only way to find good women is to dig out a lonely one. The prettiest one in an ugly group of friends. They tend to have more traditional views of romance and are your best shot.
Even then it's only a chance. That's why dolls like this exist. No stupid guessing games.
Personally they're still too deep in the uncanny valley for me, and I can't imagine how horrifying the cleanup is, but there will be great advancements in the future, I'm sure.

I'm not salty, I'm not a fan of sexdolls myself(they freak me out and I'd be terrified of her stabbing me in the middle of the night), but if that's what some guys need to get through the day then more power to them.

If it's a federal offense to post pics of her it's probably a federal offense to be seeing her.

i didnt mean to imply you were salty, thats just my own train of thought.

Like a month ago. Haven't been happier. And I don't mean it in a coping telling myself I don't care, but I genuinely don't deep down

sounds good. What is your role in the relationship being much older. Are you like a mentor that gets to fuck her or are you guys on equal footing here

Pretty much, it's good that you're trying to help others but most people won't ever truly take on the mindset

You should never stop caring about yourself. You should take a level of pride in your appearance

Motivation to self-improve skyrockets when you become your own coach and supporter and stop caring about others. Ironically, people around you also start caring about you more, at least in my experience.
You do a lot more to make yourself as good a person as possible when you realize you own nothing in the world outside of your own flesh and bone. To disrespect it is to admit you're a piece of shit.
A lot of people only seem to realize this after a really big loss in their life.

It's a federal offense to cross her over state lines with the purpose of putting my dick in her, yes(I think that's how they caught the Subway guy). But within the borders of this state every filthy and cutesy thing I do to and with her is perfectly legal. Cyberstuff tho? Tricky.

I'm 29, I'd describe it as a mentor who cares for her and she cares back and they fuck because both of them enjoy it, with a bit of sugar daddy thrown in there. If you'll excuse me being a massive nerd, like if these two were lowkey fucking.

How do you even meet someone that young?

man sex dolls are getting pretty good. can't wait for bang robots

>implying they weren't

College party, we locked eyes and realized we were the odd ones out, spent the night shooting to shit and giving her virgin drinks and letting her think she was wasted, drove her home and called her the next day.

>giving her virgin drinks and letting her think she was wasted,
smooth as butter

The idea that a guy like that is happier and more content than me makes me uneasy

>Anyone would be happy to satisfy me – I’m a super seductive, thick and curvy, high-quality TPE love doll. I’ve been designed to turn you on. I have curves that go for days, with enormous breasts, a butt that can crack walnuts, and meaty thighs that will make you beg for release

oh man that thing is so t h i c c i wanna bust a nut just by look at it

if you're into that sort of thing

I don't think it should ever be the goal to not care about what people think. It's necessary to disregard non-constructive or discriminatory things people think about you, but everything in total would make yourself static.

Taking a healthy dose of criticism helps us develop since we can never fully step outside ourself

looks good to me homo boy

as a neet loser, im pretty content. i also know im not a very high quality man. i think being happy with the little things in life is in direct conflict with bettering yourself, which requires you to be discontent with who you are.

Can you still be on neetbux even if you're in shape?

i dont know, i sustain my neetness by living with parents

Are you ripped tho?


Biodroids when?

Once you realise women are inferior both physically and mentally you'll stop caring about their "opinions" (they don't actually have opinions but thats a separate lesson) pretty quickly

sex smells like fish, retard.

>sharing pictures is a federal offense.
>the FBI polices what you do online.

the absolute state of dystopian weimerica


>I don't care about what other people think

This is what failures tell themselves to justify their current behaviours and status. It is the epitome of intellectual and emotional laziness, and it doesn't lead to anything good. You should care about what other people think in regards to how you navigate your relationships in any social context.

If you really "don't care" what anyone thought, then you'll end up in a psych ward, prison, or homeless. This isn't to say you should necessarily dwell on what they think, or allow it to harm you in some way - you just need to be mindful of it and let it inform how you achieve success.

where do you think you are

that was the wrong image

So now your options are either posting the image you meant to post in the first place, or tell us about the image you posted by accident.
If you do both your gains will be doubled till tuesday

wow thanks, I'll add that to my

>list of things that never happened


Jesus fucking Christ. Over 100lb of ass!

Also that "Closet bar suspension kit" looks terrifying, I'd honestly would rather find a body than a porno bot hanged up like that.



How the fuck do you clean this thing?

Don't get too ahead of yourselves, bros

we get it dude youre 17 and insecure youll grow it out maybe get a few friends eventually.


You're just mad that no one outside this shithole cares about your opinion.

Why would you not care what people think of you? That's called having a social disorder.

A bunch of girls hating me is probably indication that I have some personality defect that is going to prevent me from being able to maintain any sort of relationship, and since I care about having women in my friend group, having sex, having relationships, and eventually getting married and raising kids, that actually matters a lot to me

>I'm 29,
Jesus man shes 17 cut that shit

Off topic but can you design a sex doll to be so heavy that fucking it constitutes a work-out?


Like 2B?




fuck that get me Haydee

I got a really cute gf but desu senpai if this thing could be programmed to moan, warm up, and ride you fuck it I'll take 2.

Would you cut that shit if you were him? I wouldn't

Do you think he loves his job?