Will i see gains training for failure without a routine using dumbbells weights in my bedroom? bare in mind diet is good

will i see gains training for failure without a routine using dumbbells weights in my bedroom? bare in mind diet is good

more than if you do nothing, less than if you do it right


>if you do it right

let's say i have some sort of goal in my head like 10 reps sets of 3 for overhead etc

damn she is cute, is there more of her ?

Train muscles to failure and get gains.
The fastest way to train to failure is with a heavier weight.

You'll see minor gains for a short time, and then no gains at all. You could keep them coming for a longer period with deeper knowledge of programming, but I don't think you have that expertise

Lol yes. She's a pornstar Sasha Grey. A LOT of content of her online.

Won't training for failure allow my body to create a natural dynamic routine though? I mean gradually i'm bound to do more sets

plenty great body builders don't count reps/sets. Just dumbbells isn't a good plan though, keep up the callisthenics if your just in your bedroom

Is it cool if I reduce the deadlift progression in 5x5 stronglifts from 22lb to 11lb each workout?

my core is pretty weak and I don't want to wreck myself

Training for endurance is different from training for power. Compare the legs of a long distance runner vs. a sprinter. Size comes from training that develops quick, extreme bursts of power, which describes most all weight lifting.

You will not get muscular doing push ups in your bedroom. I'm sorry. It's not going to happen. You need to go to a gym.

>You will not get muscular doing push ups in your bedroom.

i'm using dumbbells

of course you will see gains

full body workout 5 days a week 100g protein and add a door pullup bar to the routine, no alchohol and no alarm clocks for the next 3 years you will be a swolepotamus

>without a routine using dumbbell weights
In fairness, your OP was a grammatical abortion and made it sound like your routine didn't involve dumbbells.

I think timid, introverted kids want to be told they can get big exercising at home so they don't have to venture into the scary world of the gym. I'm not going to validate your insecurity. You will not make it by staying at home. It's not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear.

Plenty of boxers don't do weights. The marathoners look like that because they want to be as light as possible.

Check out her 15 man gangbang bukkake video.
I can't get off to 'regular' porn like that much anymore but if your still at that stage it has some good bits to it.

And plenty of boxers are DYEL. Your point?

>calling muhammad ali dyel
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming to this shit board.

>Plenty of boxers are DYEL

You realize that providing a single built boxer doesn't negate the claim that there are plenty of DYEL boxers, right? Better go make some brain gains, bro.

DESU amrap push ups are pretty dope when tacked onto an existing program. You just have to keep your torso rigid and pause with your chest touching the ground is all.
They also allow for the free movement of the scapulae, which is nice from a mobility standpoint.

Sauce? She has the face of innocence,

I honestly think that training to failure is the best way to get your muscles to grow

I lift heavy in the gym but I always finish with high-rep push-ups, dips, curls etc. etc. and take them to failure. Lifting heavy is fun but I think muscle growth comes best from high reps to failure