How much do I have to be able to dead lift before I can suplex someone to death?

How much do I have to be able to dead lift before I can suplex someone to death?

An adult male weighs 200 pounds so I'd aim for that

but that doesn't seem like enough to get them over you and then drive them into the ground with enough force to kill them

When you get to the top of the lift, lean back and throw the weight over your head. Just make sure no one is standing behind you. If anyone at the gym says something, just tell them what you're training for, and I'm sure they'll let you do it


First off, suplexing someone requires strength, but not their bodyweight level of strength, because as strange as this may to believe, wrestling is predetermined and other wrestler helps you launch them into the air when performing a wrestling move.

While deadlifting is a good exercise, usually wrestlers actually practice doing a suplex with large sandbags and or punching bags. Because you can deadlift all the weight in the world, but if you haven't actually practiced the motion then you're going to fuck your back up.

It would be like saying one day "I'm going to squat 3 plates!" when all you've ever done is
heavy leg presses and deadlifts. You can work the muscles all you want, but you're going to snap your shit up hard if you try to lift heavy without every practicing form with lower weights.

yeah but lets say hypothetically I was trying to kill someone with it. In that instance they wouldn't be helping me so presumably I would need more strength. plus additional strength to make sure I can drive them into the group hard enough to kill them

you should be thinking about snatches if this is your goal

how much to snatch?

How big are you desu vs how big is the person you hypothetically want to suplex to death

I'm 6'1 and 240 pounds. let's say they are roughly the same size

3 plates but it has to be explosive

Hypothetically of course

Is this dead lift or snatch like said. Because one of those is fine the other not so much

Its more into back and core, but you also need to get a nice tight grab around the waist

so maybe zercher rack pulls like the bloatlord (PBUH)?

>wrestling is predetermined and other wrestler helps you launch them into the air when performing a wrestling move


Your best option is to join a MMA cagefighting gym or club and have them teach it to you.

You should learn power clean instead

how much do i need to be able to power clean?

the "thrown" assists the "thrower" by jumping

If you're this size, it wouldn't be a problem to do it to anyone under 250 in a conflict situation

Suplex's really aren't that hard desu. It's all about body position. Plus you'd probably want to hip toss them or ogoshi instead of wasting time doing a full suplex.

You never will be able to you fucking little punk. I will suplex you into the ground though you pussy

get a heavy boxing bag (100lb) and practice wrapping your arms around it and lifting it with your body until you can do it in one smooth motion with minimal effort

mirin calves

Someone please post the gif of that twink snapping his own neck while attempting a suplex.