If time chamber exist in real life would you do stay there for a one year?

If time chamber exist in real life would you do stay there for a one year?

Hell yes

M8 my room is my time chamber

If I could be alone, then yes absolutely.

>lose a year of life on earth
No thanks, I'm running out of those as it is

Would there only be the things I need to train in there?

you cant go alone youll get crazy

I've always gone alone

No it’s only days irl IIRC, feels like a whole year inside the chamber though.

No but say you were going to live until 80, you spend 80 years on earth. But if you go in the chamber you live 80 years but you will die a year earlier on earth.

Yea you only miss a day of earth time but you took a year off of your life relative to earth

yeah but it's not like you'll do anything useful with that extra year out here

Not really. I'm in no rush to get swole. In dbz they were under a time constraint to fight an enemy.

On earth I can still train while actually living life, meeting new people and having new experiences, no need to waste a year in isolation, even if it is only a day for everyone else.

Hell yeah, just imagine the shock. That much gains in one day (for outside world)? Sign me up senpai

>actually living life, meeting new people and having new experiences
that shit get in the way of your gains brah

yeet i would study for boards, lift, train gymnastics

yea, i'd play guitar and exercise

Every time they go into the time chamber they are a year older when they leave it...

>One year inside the chamber is the equivalent to one day on the outside.
>A step over the threshold of the training area brings one immediately into ten times Earth's gravity (the same as that of Planet Vegeta, Planet Zoon, and King Kai's planet); the air gets denser, and the temperature fluctuates, the deeper one goes into the training area.
I'd go, but move all the weights to the living area so I didn't have to deal with that gravity shit


>one year
I'd live there for as long as possible

Hell yeah I'd stay there.
I'd bring my drum kit with me so by year's end I will be jacked and play the fastest shit.

Nice LARPing faggot

I'd stay there even 3 years. With unlimited amount of Senzu beans, I'd become a supreme being.

I literally fantasize about this most days. Going in and coming out within 24 hours, looking so much more jacked.

Isn't the issue with the time chamber that you don't stop aging inside which is why this was no issue for sayains and their life span. You might get an "Interstellar" situation if you go overboard.

Hell freaking yeah I'd stay for a year. I'd have to structure it big time. Have every month planned out to meet goals.

Obviously I'd work out but I would download as many books as I possibly good and start readin, get some creative art stuff going, some writing. I'd have to meditate like a monk to not go crazy tho.


You can only go in twice a lifetime.

I’ve been natty lifting and I haven’t made any significant progress with my lifts in years (aside from bench pressing). The REALM OF SPACE AND TIME (or the hyperbolic time chamber) would be a waste of time.

hell yeah, I'd read a shit ton of stuff relevant to my field, workout and get adequate recovery every day without having anyone bother me
my room is kind of like the hyperbolic time chamber rn, except time outside it doesn't go slower haha


>see post
>stop slurping epic bowl
>no my time chamber is enough for you

What's the fucking point? They use it in DBZ when they're running out of time in the real world. You still spend and age an entire year in there.


If I can bring a friend and have unlimited food then yes definitely

You bet your ass I would, its the dream cocoon mode.

You mean the room of spirit and time

Can I trade it for a year supply of senzu beans? I think it would be more useful for a normal human being. I could push my body to the limit and do all sorts of crazy shit (do they cure ETS, btw?).
If you are careful they could last way more than a year.

>Veeky Forums: fantasizing about training

Captcha: pressing express

I would stay there forever if exist a reverse time chamber.

I think you are misunderstanding. You could massively improve yourself for one year straight (brain gains, fitness, etc.) while losing a simple boring Sunday in the real world.

That one year will be a year taken off from your time as an old fuck who's most likely gonna sit around 24/7.

It’s only a DAY for everyone else, and it only ages your body a DAY even though youve been in the time chamber for a YEAR. Understand now?

>and it only ages your body a DAY
wrong you fucking retarded dub faggot, a day in there ages your body by a year.

are you talking about the Chadabolic time chamber?

i'd need a damn good reason to willingly imprison myself for a year. even Frieza or Cell attacking Earth doesn't seem like a good enough reason for it.

they only stayed inside for 1 year, so it wasn't that big of an effect to add 1 year to your life

That's not how it works. - 1 year means he will get to the old stage 1 year faster. If 30 years are taken off of your life you will not skip the old phase, it means you will get to that phase 30 years sooner


Well shit, but the again, it's just one year. Doesn't seem entirely bad

would go with best bro and get huge

shit would be cash

its not like you are going to die of old age you could just get run over by a car or some other shit so how long your natural lifespan is matters very little