Get gf

>get gf
>lose motivation for gains
It's true... All of it

dont turn your back on the gym my man, you wont be with her forever.

>you wont be with her forever.
why even be with someone if that's not the plan honestly

>you wont be with her forever.
sadly this OP, you have to keep lifting, not for her, but for yourself

Yeah just blame others for your lack of dedication that's a good way to go about life my dude.

>you wont be with her forever.

She's not yours. It's just your turn. Lift, son.

>getting into relationships you expect to end

Your girlfriend won't be with you all the time.
Your muscles, on the other hand, are with you forever.

How do you work 80 hour weeks and still lift 4 times a week? It's not even the lifting that is the problem, it's the cooking & getting it in you that is.

Unless you do what OP does lmao

Letting someone else have a turn with your girl

Spot the cuck

Motherfucker I did 12-on-12-off on the flight deck as a navy airframer and still went to the gym after every shift, excuses are fucking bullshit, slap the shit out of yourself fifty times for me please!!!

Plans aren’t for sure, user

>get gf
>gain motivation to get a home, go to school, work out, quit drugs, eat healthy and get married

you're doing it wrong fucking homoe

>You newer models are happy scraping the shit... because you've never seen a miracle.
I started lifting right after my marriage and never had more and better sex (including FFM) in my life than now.

>break up with gf
>she got fat and her stupid bitchy personality opened up like the maw of hell itself
>feel testosterone boosting like crazy, want to fuck everything
>meet a girl at least twice as hot
>havent fucked it up yet
>felt attracted to a girl that wants me for the first time


If getting a girlfriend causes you to lose gains, maybe you weren’t lifting for gains, but for a gf.

Murrin brah!

2018 is the first time in 10 years I've been single.

I can't fathom this sort of thinking. Obviously it's always possible that a relationship might end, but that's not, or shouldn't be the expected result. If it is, the relationship will most certainly end. Why would you start or keep dating someone, if the possibility of spending the rest of your life with them doesn't seem possible or desirable? Dating is the time you spend trying to find out if this is the person to whom you'll make a lifetime commitment or not, and if you know that you don't want to spend the rest of your life with that person, there is no point in dating her/him.

Ive been single for a year and a half, all gfs lasted at most three months and always ended right before my birthday or some other holiday.

> gf is forever
> at least I will plan to have her forever

Newfags who are too young and and never clicked the feels thread.

FYI: The girls that will most hurt you are the one who will spend years to convince you, how much they love you and how happy they are if you at least try to give them a chance to be with you.

A female friend of my (30yo hotty) told me that for some (obviously most) women it is kind of a challenge to convince the guy. After that, it apparently gets boring.

>Why would you start or keep dating someone, if the possibility of spending the rest of your life with them doesn't seem possible or desirable?

Feeling loved.
Not beeing lonely.
Talking and doing stuff.

I am not saying it is a mistake. It is possible.
I am just saying only kissless virgins think like this. Nobody I know thinks like this except one 29 year old virgin who currently dates his first girlfriend.

>I am just saying only kissless virgins think like this.
jesus, you sure love crack don't you.

>get bf
>he lurks Veeky Forums and shows me threads etc
>low-key start lurking myself
>he writes up a work out routine for me
>motivate each other to get dem gains

For centuries they've warned about succubi, user

It's not a matter of permission, it's incredibly naive to think you can control a woman. She can and will cheat, so enjoy your time with her while it lasts, and be ready to move on when she does cheat. A girl cheating doesnt mean you got cucked, it's how you respond that determines it. Leaving = good. Staying and "rationalizing" = cucked.


im sure that there are girls who are maybe loyal but 99% of them will cheat if a guy who knows how to stoke their emotions comes along

When did Veeky Forums get filled with cancerous incels?

>, it's incredibly naive to think you can control a woman

I feel really bad for you guys that believe this shit. My woman is incredibly fearful of losing me. You little shits just never learned your place in the dominance hierarchy and you are all narcissistic little faggots too making these grand generalizations based on your own EXTREMELY LIMITED experiences.

Going to go fuck my girl and then pass out, so I won't even read your little bitch boy beta reply. Go larp on TRP if you wanna vent.

>using a girlfriend as a measuring stick for success with women



But you can't actually control them... You can influence them by providing value whether it's good dick or emotional stability. But you sound like the immature one to have such an ego or anger to think you can actually make decisions for people. Your time with "your girl" will end, just as those before you with her experienced. Cheers

t. beta males

You cant control anyone. You can at best try to anticipate her actions and react in the best way you know how. She could be sucking chads dick right now and you would have no way of knowing unless you literally watch her all hours of the day. This is the reality of all relationships and you can choose to trust the person at the heavy risk of getting burned or you can try and eventually fail to control their every action.

You need to lift MORE with a gf because what will make her keep after you and being good to you is if she knows for a fact you could leave her (because other girls find you attractive and therefore are a threat to her)

For fun you dumb faggot. I can understand this latching philosophy when you're butt ugly and it takes a miracle for a girl to like you

>why even be with someone if that's not the plan honestly
vaginal penetration, ass, tits, blowjobs

Military fags are the worst. It isn’t even their low IQ and hero worship shit it is how they have to mention their army bullshit in every conversation. I often just move the convo towards something out there to see how they bring it back to military shit. We get it you aren’t smart enough to compete jesus

>being this immature
wew lad

>no gf
>lose 15 lbs
>on my way to getting rid of beer gut once and for all
>get gf
>gain back 15 lbs
>been maintaining this for the last 6 months or so
>kill me

you just swallowed the red pill, all of your relationship are just passing the time until you get old and die, no reason to get invested, UNLESS you plan on having a kid with her. even a marriage isn't truly worth the time it if you don't plan to procreate. so dont take relationships too seriously, but make sure to take the gym seriously

what? did you choose to wait until marriage? I've never loved a woman, should I not have sex because of that?

>I'm a fucking retard who couldn't get into the military

it just not a fulfilling way to go through life.

I'm not saying I hate women or I am avoiding a good relationship, but actually never felt so strongly as to make plans or anything. It just never happened, not my fault.

>tfw the one girl I really liked, I asked her out (face to face, no message bullshit), she said she really wanted to, but she said she couldn't this weekend or the next, and suddenly bibbidi bobbidi boom she has a new boyfriend

That's pretty typical sociopathic behavior

Enjoy your two week relationship.

That's weird, mine is making me even more motivated, she must be defective

Seriously now, if you don’t lift for girls you’re lying

>I´m a pussyslave so everyone must also be

The Gym was with you for all this time
Dont turn on the gym now

>Get GF
>Dedication for lifts remain exactly the same
>Fucking her yields cardio gains and minor strength gains
>Harder and longer I fuck more overall ecstacy
>Blow inside her everytime
>She cooks this juicy well seasoned chicken and we put it in burritos with a bit of ranch
>Cheers me on at the gym
>Wants to be a typical house wife of yesteryear, but while working part time
>May join me at the gym she says

user, I dunno what chicks you're dating.

Such good numbers and truths

Listen man, imagine I'm the older brother you never had(If you have one(older brother/sister), tell them if you hadn't told them yet).
Look here, I was 19, I was going to the gym, getting awards, meeting important people, had a plan for my life, successful in every aspect of my life; socially, economically, hell even politically I was a coordinator for some grassroots campaign in Uni at the time. Everywhere I'd go someone would greet me with a smile and a handshake, I was over the top and this is not to brag, that's all gone now, but it's just to give you an image of what my life was. Anyway, I met a girl I didn't give much of a fuck about but slowly started seeing how she's different/unique/unlike other girls/will break the general idea that relationships don't last/will love me forever/thinks i'm perfect/is super excited to have me in her life. I'm not gonna go into details but fast forward 5 wasted years with her and you end up with a Veeky Forums browsing NEET who doesn't have anyone he could lean on. Thank god my own family cares enough to give me a place to live. I'm slowly recovering but believe me, relationships are a wreck, don't and I really mean DON'T EVER SAY NO TO SOMETHING BECAUSE OF HER AND NEVER CHANGE YOUR CURRENT LIFE FLOW.
I'm bitter, because after 5 fucking years and an engagement she tells me she doesn't feel the same anymore and it's just over. Enjoy yourself, but just don't fuck what you already have for her. If you can make that balance, she might stay and you get married, she might go, it doesn't matter as long as you own your life and you're not lost because of love. Non-platonic love is the most fragile thing in the world. Take what you will.

>get a bf
>we workout together and compete for improvement

nice user, congrats

You subconsciously did it to get a girlfriend. You were never gonna make it to begin with, with that attitude.

Honestly, I was going anywhere but similar story. At least I finished my degree and didn't end up need, but did end up being 146kgs at my heaviest, and riddled with chronic depression.

6 years, engagement, planning on buying a house and shit, she gets distant, "I love you but not the same way anymore". Fuck that shit. Been 3 months since that and I've lost 15kg and hitting the lifts again. I'm gonna get back my competitive martial arts body if it fucking kills me. Fuck women, this shit for me. So I know I'm not a weak bitch.

lifting for women BETA

lifting for the olympics, for god, for your ancestors ALPHA

pick one

I am legitimately happy for you!

Well it takes about 2 years to just find out if its achyally chemistry/love or the pleasant feel of affection and validation.
But hey, you got a nice line to protect you from rejection and heartbreak while you look down on people living life from your boythrone.

My thinking when I got a gf right in the middle of getting Veeky Forums was that it'd be good for both of us the better I looked. The feel of having a woman go crazy over your body is... it's a damn good feel, and you want more of it, and the better you look and the stronger you are you'll get more of it. Truthfully I don't think it matters what motivates you as long as you can quickly adjust when you lose an old motivator.

lol i have a friend who has this gf (6 years relation)

that bitch made him a cuckold with a friend of him and only he and i know this happened, and of course the bitch

i told the another friend of mine, the cuck one what happened and all and he still pardoned his bitch

cucks are worse than manlets seriously

>couldnt get into to military

Said no one ever. That's like a last resort if you failed at every other aspect of life.

sadly this, even joining the POLICE is harder than military

anyways military life sucks unless you go to war and die like a "hero"

>anyways military life sucks unless you go to war and die like a "hero"

kek this is funny af user

its the truth, whats the purpose or joining the military if not to die ???

wasting your time learning useless shits ?

its like you waste your life training to never fight or compete on anything

r9k hates us because we're them but swole, they like "raiding" every now and then

I was never close to anything military but from the people I know in the military,
>whats the purpose or joining the military if not to die ???
It's not about death, it's about victory. You don't join to suicide, you join for your countrymen and the greater good of your people. This is what the atmosphere will feel like if a real war breaks out. People dying wont be even 'heroes' they're just cannon fodder, they're a consumable if you will, for the society of that nation.

>wasting your time learning useless shits ?
I would argue it's not useless, also I feel the army life can teach(read:force) you about being independent and quick on your feet. You're alone in the battlefield but you have google and seniors in your jobs.

>its like you waste your life training to never fight or compete on anything
Helluva good time tho, amirite?
Most people waste their life, if you haven't contributed anything new to humanity or advanced its technology in a way, you've wasted your life. A bit sad when you think about it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nice man.

>It's not about death, it's about victory

yeah when you fight 11 years old kids from afganistan of course you will win unless you are the ultimate soldierlet

I would argue it's not useless, also I feel the army life can teach(read:force) you about being independent and quick on your feet. You're alone in the battlefield but you have google and seniors in your jobs.

unless how to be in the battlefield (assuming you will ever be ) are things you learn in a daily basis

>Most people waste their life, if you haven't contributed anything new to humanity or advanced its technology in a way, you've wasted your life. A bit sad when you think about it but

totally agree with this

>Lifetime commitment

The entire point of their thinking is that lifetime commitment isn't realistic anymore. 50% of all marriages end in divorce, 25% of long-term marriages are unhappy with their current marriage.

Meaning that even if you get married the odds of it working out is between 33%-50%.

Their thinking is that you don't date someone to figure out if you want to spend the rest of your life with them. It's to have fun while it's currently happening but not to believe you're together forever.

Their second point is that if your reason for lifting is for a gf, then when you get a gf you'll stop lifting because... what's the point? You have a gf now it's not like it matters. When really you should be focusing on yourself and lifting for your own benefits.

>yeah when you fight 11 years old kids from afganistan of course you will win unless you are the ultimate soldierlet
>unless how to be in the battlefield (assuming you will ever be ) are things you learn in a daily basis
They definitely prepare you for most situations that you might face. Also the physical well-being plays a huge role in ones performance which is why they focus a lot on it so I'd say that's a pretty good amount of something to gain from the military.

>totally agree with this
Thanks for the chuckle at the initial post, military life for an individual is truly fucking useless. You feel important and like you're doing something but you're just a little man doing little man things but with an emotional factor that doesn't make you an hero as fast as other little men.

You have literally no idea what she'll do when you're not looking, she can be incredibly fearful of losing you AND cheat on you at the same time.

We're not saying all woman cheat, we're saying that you should never go into a relationship believing she'll be 100% honest and faithful to you, the quicker you realise this the easier it is to deal with it when a women you are with finally does cheat and you find out.

Go on a water fast until you're not fat anymore. Literally do not eat for an entire 24 hours every few days, but keep drinking water