Are there any exercises i need to do for big forearms...

Are there any exercises i need to do for big forearms, according to women on reddit big forearms are like cleavage on men. Or do i just keep doing biceps, triceps and so on as usual and the forearms will sort themselves out?

Other urls found in this thread:

heavy deadlifts/ block pulls, farmer walks, wrist curls, wist rollers, hammer curls

get a forearm roller

Forearms are not like cleavage on men, guaranteed.

>women on reddit

girl too sticc imo

heavy ass reverse curls


But in any case, pulling on heavy things. Deadlifts and chin ups are nice. All depends on your bigger program. So if you do upper lower split and like forearms, do heavy DB lunges as your quad exercise insteas of leg press or whatever. Do more DB rows instead of cable rows. Shrugs. Just swap in forearm friendly exercises.

If you really have nothing better to do and want to hit forearms specifically, then farmer's walks are practical. DL holds too. Buy those squeezers.

>farmer's walk
so literally just carrying buckets?

... reddit absolutely does have women. Why the hell do you think Veeky Forums shits on it so much?

Heavy deadlifts + farmers walks + wrist curls

Wrist flexion and extension.

I think different women like different things on men, I know a girl who really likes big backs and one who likes butts.....I like it when people like my butt

>I think different women like different things

Literally yes. However, there are different kinds of "grip" to train. When you do farmers walks with a bucket (or any type of handle), you are isometrically training your crush grip. If however, you do it holding an iron plate (or two plates for challenge mode), you train your pinch grip, which is important because it's the only way to really get your thumb involved.

Wrist rollers, when rolled up & down in both directions, train the wrist flexors AND extensors, which does a great job of blowing up both sides of your forearms, instead of just the medial side that flexes when you make a tight fist.

>thinking women know what they want
they think they do, but what they want is usually the opposite of what they say

Should have added that for direct forearm work, I vastly prefer the wrist roller over anything else. You don't really get anything out of farmer's walks that you don't get out of heavy deadlifts & chins, unless you do the pinch grip variety.

For the love of God, please delete that fucking picture.

Do some gym stuff like wrist rollers or start rock climbing

I dunno, they kinda are right. forearms are my most mired body part, and it's one of the most vascular parts of the body.

it's also a pretty good way to size someone up, you can tell ffmi and bf % just from forearms

wrist roller, they wont "sort themselves out", they will just fall behind your bis and tris

The full image isn't sfw luckily.
Google Reddit meet-up

Try this
Honestly the only and the biggest fucking pump i have ever gotten

just go rock climbing

women on reddit in a nutshell
>liberal leftwing
>anti trump
>hairy everywhere
>idolizing abortion like its the best thing to do for fun
>disgusting ham planets
>/r/twoxchromosomes top poster
>like soyboys and harass Veeky Forums people
>"not everyone"
>"My SO did .... SO.... well my SO... SO SO SO SO SO SO SO" instead of boyfriend because saying that is hateful.
yeah right these are the women you want to take advise from. Seriously, just visit askwomen or twoxchromosomes and you'll get my point. Dont go to reddit and take advise from these women and soyboys.

This is really good

>like soyboys and harass Veeky Forums people
nah, they pretend to like soyboys but secretly like the Veeky Forums people/go for the Veeky Forums people. not that i have a problem with it or anything, but if i were a woman, i'd just straight up say that i don't like soyboys and i like Veeky Forums people more

Your only mistake is
>like soyboys
No, they don't like anyone

After heavy t bar rows my forearms burn like crazy. But heavy pulling in general should get you there, weighted pull-ups, deadlifts, snatch grip deadlifts etc


Deadlifts, any kind of heavy rowing, farmer walks, and hammer curls.

that's a fucking twig you retard

Tricep pushdowns where you first pull the bar into your chest before pushing down

lel fucking dyel

I've been doing this but instaed of the wrist curl motion which feels awkward as fuck I superset the first extension motion with behind the back wrist curls

never take advice from women.

they also had rhettal, which kinda makes up for it

I also recently started targeting forearms as their own group recently.

One that I really like is taking a barbell and holding it in front of you like the top of a deadlift and rolling it in your hands for time. I usually can't do more than 5 or 6 30 second reps even with the unweighted barbell before my hands fall off. Make sure its the last exercise you do though because you wont be able to lift shit all afterwards

This made my forearms blow up. also made them extremely fuckin vascular.

>you can tell ffmi and bf % just from forearms
Go ahead doc

Soyboy. GOML

white people look like uncooked chicken

Deadlifts and kettle bell swings

or dumbbells, plates...pretty much anything that weighs heavy

top kek

what hope do i have for juicy forearms as a turbo-wristlet? deads and chins have helped a bit but mostly up near my elbow. i want the thiccness all the way down.

Of course they are you fucking faggot. When you are wearing shirts you want to roll your sleeves. The forearms are the only thing peeking and showing you are strong.

I had to google for 5 minutes just to get a single picture of a fucking dyel, but this is what women on leddit are talking about.

how about you fuck off from here and stay there you flaming faggot?

this pic gives me so many feels
it's gonna be an aggressive day today at the gym