Is the ideal male body changing to be more 'thicc/husky'?

is the ideal male body changing to be more 'thicc/husky'?

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this is called healthy

no one actually wants to have super low body fat. starving your self to look good is not healthy or fun

well depends, the fashion gays still want to look like twinks but they want their tops to be daddies

it will forever be ottermode

You mean "skinny"
Go eat something bitch

he is too big to be ottermode

>implying Brad Pitt fight club isn't the most desired body type

ottermode is fucking garbage. Literally the only pussy you'll be pulling is underage

He was bigger than ottermode

Well, it's A bodytype.

Women want certain types of body types at certain ages and certain times of their cycle.
Oh and depending on their social group.

If they are on bc or live in a place with a lot of bc/estrogen contamination then then they're going to want their men ugly and feminine as fuck. This is scientific fact.

But there seems to be three bodytypes that women go for when they want to fuck.

"ottermode" meaning low bodymass, low bodyfat some muscle.

"Athletic mode" basically an aber crombie model who's decided to go hard on arm and back day.
Actually, you only need have more then an average amount of muscle and low enough fat to where you have definition.

Dadbod. which is just athletic mode but in bulk season. Not get fat as fuck season, bulk season.

>t. Can’t get below 15% bodyfat

have you ever been 15% bodyfat while being big?

Fatties pretend to like other fatties because it seems more attainable. In reality the ideal is and will always be ottermode.

Fuck yeah. Fellow otters unite! We are the masterbod

it's great because I can go in the gym and hit my 70lb bench and 50lb squat and chicks mire me all the time

It's healthy to have a bit of fat on you.

>starving your self to look good is not healthy or fun

Exactly. No desire to live like a fucking monk with low natty t, no tasty food, and roids just to have absurdly low bf. A lot of people on Veeky Forums just straight up have body dismorphia

Because big muscular daddies are fun to cuddle with

I guess being big and strong is overall desired as always, but a little bit of fat is easier to maintain in the long-run, and a bit of fat adds to your size anyway

He’s ~6ft and 70kg in Fight Club, literally ottermode


For gays

I've also noticed people are doing much more barbell/free weight routines rather than bodybuilding routines, so that might have an effect on ideals. It's fun to do a few compound exercises and see the weight go up time after time

>tfw got his body but have an extra 5 pounds of fat

I'd rather just keep eating so much peanut butter

I was aiming for his physique when I started, slightly overshot at 75 and 11%, I’ve found its the perfect size for most sports I do so I’m comfortable with it

Barbells are a core of bodybuilding you dumb brick

keep telling yourself that,ya big ugly bear

Let me OHP your deadlift real quick

I'm well aware of that you retard. If you look at your average gym goer, most of them do stupid routines with machines and dumbbells (="bodybuilding routines"), not barbells or compound exercises or strength routines

>"Is the ideal made body changing to be more thicc/husky"?
>Yes, people on average are doing more barbell/free weight/strength routines, which might have effect on body ideals at large

Now how about you go learn some reading comprehension and go train your 2-second attention span before you respond to posts you dumb fuck

You're fucking stupid.
Go LARP somewhere else.

>I'm misunderstanding on purpose and got bootyblasted

Happy new years by the way

this whole thread is a cope for fatties with shitty low t metabolisms. lel I walk at 7.5 and eat what I please

Who gives a shit? There will always be someone who can lift heavier than you. It's all about aesthetics.

>I walk at 7.5
The fuck does this mean?

I use my apple watch to record my speed

Yeah when girls say Dadbod, they really mean Fedor. They don't mean an obsese neckbeard.

seb chabal looks like if the hound got jacked

Yes. I want to cuddle a thicc muscular boy to cuddle


What the fuck do you think "husky" is? That guy has great aesthetics. Theres no reason to have a bf below 14% unless you really want to or you're a high performance athlete.

>that mid section
>great aesthetics

The ideal male body is an attractive face.

There is a range of bodyfat that looks healthy but the more fat you got the more built you need to be to look fit to begin with. I think fedor is around the limit of BF before you just start to look like shit even if you are strong as shit.

Based Marky

Not because they want to be with you only that they wish they were as thin as you.

enlighten me

dat pierre mirin' hard


>Otter mode
>t. senor skelly


Strength is desirable but 12-15% bf is what you should have, any more and you’re just lazy


Shut up you little faggot.
Gtfo with that fight club shit you loser

Cudmore must have touched some HGH man has absurd forearms

holy shit

pierre is legit peak performance
>strong as fuck
>looks great
>fast as fuck

superior dadbod

Who gives a shit? There will always be someone who looks better than you. It's all about strength.

Grandad bod mogs dad bod

sandor clegane

Well girls are getting fatter and otters only make them look that much yeah..dadbods allow them to pretend, while not having to be with a total slob. Mystery solved.

girls, or better, women never really liked having a serious relationship with guys that they feel are much out of their league, its not that they are getting fatter (though many are)

That physique looks way better than chiseled abs and veins everywhere, that physique looks actually strong and healthy


This is what a man's body should look like

>caring about midsection

the guy in the OP looks strong not like a little bitch

This is what every guy over 25 years old should aim to look like

guess who looks like a dyel in clothes
>the guy with a good midsection
>the guy with actual muscles

That’s what I’m aiming for yeh
About half that size still tho

What would his stats look like?

>Over 25

Yeah, nah. If you start getting that "aged muscular"/flabby look before you're 35, what the fuck are you doing?


90% of the time you're clothed so abs are irrelevant, basically aim for being bulky enough that you look big in a t shirt

oh good i thought everyone here was legit retarded

what's twinkie? a big guy at my gym said that to me, or something.. he said, "a twinkie with an ass like that?!" he was sort of cute...

source to pic related?

Quick googlefu and I found it. Looks fun




>tfw otter mode

Lifting heavy

>41 inch waist
why did you even post the results?!

cant answer that
