Would you rather a "better hug" body, or a be a "one night stand" body?

Would you rather a "better hug" body, or a be a "one night stand" body?


Nice comic, tendie

is bear mode the middle ground? cuz if so I'd rather be that

worst part is dad bod guy probably lifts
fuck being natty

I find it hilarious when guys think they're not getting laid because they're "too nice" or not treating girls like assholes, when in reality they're not getting laid because they're some combination of ugly, boring, no self-esteem and no interests.

no he doesn't, connor also doesn't look that good, I know nattys who look just as good

I love it when bitches admit that they look for a good-looking badboy for a ONS and a nice reliable guy for a long term relationship.

>I mean if I'm ovulating and feeling reaaally horny and frisky I'll fuck the one with the most sex appeal... but don't worry, if you jump through enough hoops and provide for me you may get some down the line.;)

Straight from the horse's mouth. Bitches are barely even sentient.

It’s pretty funny isn’t it?

“But I gave you gifts and compliments for years! All of them made you vaguely uncomfortable because you’re not attracted to me, but the point is I put my kindness coins into your pussy-slot-machine and now you’re a bitch for not paying out!”

People will do weird mental gymnastics to keep the big bad truths at bay. One philosopher called these things 'the real'. The fact that there is no god, no soul, no afterlife, that there is no rhyme or reason to living, etc.
When faced with 'the real' you became paralyzed with fear. Every person has a different threshold he is willing to go facing these uncomfortable realities. That's why you can't force these epiphanies on people, they won't let you, it would destroy them.

You can lead a horse to water and all that jazz.
It took me 25 years to realize that most of those girls that 'got away' didn't ignore me because of a combination of what I said or how I acted, but because of what I was. As in not fuckable.

If one is looking to improve his chance with the ladies, he should first and foremost improve his appearance, the rest will fall into place after that.

Is /r/ supposed to be the Requests board or Reddit? Both kind of work.

lol someone in another thread called Murphy a fake Chad and that seems pretty accurate
>inb4 crabs in a bucket
I'm sure he pulls it's just funny how you can tell he wasn't Chad in high school

To play the devils advocate... the 'friend zone' is a convert contract between the parties. As in the chump is trying to niceguy his way into some pussy, and the girl is leeching off the guy's time, energy, attention, and in extreme cases, money. Most girl in this arrangement know exactly what they are doing, and will deliberately lead the guy on/give mixed signals.

Still, as a man you should hold yourself to a higher standard then this weak shit. If you like a girl, you cut to the chase, you spare a lot of time, energy, and heartbreak that way.

But let's be real guys, we have all been young and naive. I was friendzoned way way back when I was a young dumb faggot, but I have learned since then, it was a valuable experience/lesson.

Damn nice post. I agree with this, changing appearance manifested me into something else over time. It's like I get to skip in this long line when building attraction with women, because they sexualize me so much faster.

Why the FUCK would anyone want a 'better hug' body?
What kind of fucking man gives a shit how much women want to hug him?

>h-h-he is not hot shit at all!

Guys, Connor has height, face (lower third), and body. He is easily 8+ by normie standards, and can slay massively. I'll give you that his outgoing persona seems pretty forced, but let's get real here. Most of us wouldn't come near his level with or without roids. He had a decent genetic foundation, got jacked, and slayed poon. You can hate on him or laugh at his thinning hairline but I respect and envy the dude.

I think what frustrates us the most, and what is depicted in the OP is that we're trained from a young age to believe these lies. Not many of us had an adult male to tell us that it was all a lie or a fabrication. And it doesn't do the females any good to acknowledge it either.

That's what makes MGTOW types resentful, not women.

most of the spergs here don't get laid here because they never actually try, they've been stuck in the porn bubble for too long and got comfortable

So true. I love my tall friends for this reason, we all understand the manlet psychosis paradox and feel comfortable about our height, so admitting other less comfortable things like "past height facial attractive points matter too" is ok.

For me, it was public school that taught me these things, and my parents' generation which naively thought it was okay to let their sons get feminized in this way. I don't blame my parents since almost no one understood what was being done to us.

>Not many of us had an adult male to tell us that it was all a lie

I've been in and out of shape over the years, and people treat you entirely differently if you are fit. When you are a fat shit people will respect you a lot less (not just the girls, everyone), they won't listen to your ideas, won't follow your lead, etc. Trying to woo some girl as a fat fuck is nightmare mode, you are fighting an uphill battle and you only get to make one or two small mistake before she blows you off.

It's much easier and healthier if you are easy on her eyes and she is inclined to fuck you anyway, after that it's just logistics.

>I get to skip in this long line when building attraction with women, because they sexualize me so much faster

Nicely put. Trying to convince a girl to fuck you is a fool's errand, it's much better when she is into you to begin with.

I hear ya. My father had 2 failed marriages, and he couldn't tell me much about women besides never to trust them with my back (which was valuable information, even if my teenage self didn't realize it back then).

We mostly had to discover the ugly realities of dating by ourselves, without a father figure to guide us, or even without a Chad friend to give us advice. Most of my friends were just as sexless and clueless as I was, and the few who were good with the ladies only gave me the usual 'Just be yourself bro' platitudes. Again, most people won't be self-reflexive enough to admit that getting mad pussy had more to due with their height and dreamy blue eyes then with their unrivaled sense of humor.

I cope by telling myself that at least I've learned, and I will have a few nuggets of truth to drop on my nephews/future son.

Jesus Christ, you managed to bring up atheism in a discussion that’s nothing to do with it. Truly you faggots are worse than the Christians that you talk shit about. Move out of moms basement already, it’s not doing your psych any good

Whether you go by a flat percentile or you place it along a normal distribution, Connor Murphy is an indisputable 10, don't softball it with "8+".

Ah yes, the plight of the manlet. I'm 5'8" on a good day, and it sucks dick. Some girls are willing to overlook it, most won't, and if I let it get to me I dig myself deeper into the hole. If you are a manlet you will get shit for it, and if you let it impact your mental health you will be ridiculed even more. Still gotta play the hand you were dealt, there is no fixing height besides that pants-on-head-retarded surgery which I will never do.

Fuck off you stupid puritan burger, the adults are speaking. Underage moron, I hate your lot.

Sorry, I hanged out too much on sluthate/lookism and it rotted my brain and inflated my ratings.

yeah like I said he pulls so I'm not hating
if anything it's comforting, I have to fake it til I make it personality wise too, and this vid shows that wide enough shoulders can stand in for charisma

He is somewhat correct about Christians. It used to be that you could only accept a world made by god. That was the only story that was permissible to explain our existence, and frankly if you want a whole country to be devout Christians you need a story with that kind of weight. And if you do take a Christian family man, and try to tell him his world is not what he thinks it is, he'll try and ostracize you, it's true.

But let it stand that Christianity is a good thing, roughly speaking. We should be able to both accept the true cause for the world's creation - time, and particle physics after the big bang - while embracing the truths that Christianity speaks about human behaviour, which are very true.


fuck off h*manist

Tell me your first thought when I say "reddit".

>Kelly is in the wrong fucking place and not even making a snappy pun
why are artists like this so fucking lazy

This is a basic fact of "self reporting".
People almost always give the response that is expected of them, socially accepted, and/or idealized version of the truth. When the same question is tested in more concrete ways, you get different results because the demonstrated preference is different than the stated preference.
The cliche is that this concept gets circulated over something as simple and trivial as pasta sauces. Customers surveyed on pasta sauces showed divergent preferences than customers who had a blind taste test.

Don't act like you were somehow lied to when you took a shared myth as fact.

The creator of these comics must be the most compact consentration of insecurity on the face of the earth.

Personal materialism! Sculp the body first, then the mind (ideal) will follow.

>leeching time, energy, and attention
Confirmed for nofriends