Who else here recovering from a hangover right now? FeelsBadMan

Who else here recovering from a hangover right now? FeelsBadMan

On the same boat as you user, been in bed the whole day. Im quitting alcohol for a while now

>Im quitting alcohol for a while now

I've literally never had a hangover. Drink like two glasses of water after you finish drinking alcohol.
Might be genetics in my case cause I've definitely blacked out without feeling hydrated and always wake up feeling really healthy.

Usually lasts for about an hour to two for me. I just drink a fuckkton of water and go for a walk.

Tfw drank a whole bottle of jager and half bottle of rum a week ago and had no hangover symotoms. Feelsgoodman

Hangover is N O T H I N G. Try comedown from hard drugs. 3x worse if hangover in addition. That being said, just tough it out

when you get past 25 hangovers get 10x worse

Fuck you, you degenerate normie trash.
If you really gave a shit about excersise you wouldn't guzzle poison with people who have a personality that is as bland and an IQ that is as low as yours. You call them friends but we all know that the only reason you drink together is to tolerate one another.

KYS POS you lack empathy and sonder

n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk."

You shallow fucking shit can't see further than your own insecurities

Ive got one which is weird because I never get them. I just ate 3.5 ounces of tritip with a quarter cup of egg white on a bed of spinach and arugula. Feeling better now.

t. alcoholic faggot

This is true, the longest comedown I’ve ever had was 5 days. Fucking horrible.

>unless you're an absolutist you must be an alcoholic/drug addict
never gonna make it

>hur dur if you drink you're normie trash

Shut the fuck faggot. I drink maybe twice a month and when I do, I don't get completely black out drunk.

must be nice to have your genetics :/

I don't even hang out with my friend from high school anymore because the only thing they ever want to do is go to the same three shitty bars where they know all the staff and throw away 30 dollars getting just drunk enough so that they can still drive home. Then when I call them the next day they don't want to do anything until after like 5 because they're hungover.

there are other factors as well eg. body weight and tolerance

Literally not a real word

Drink more water next time. And consider using some NAC beforehand. Stuff's a fucking miracle. 1200mg for me before drinking then another 1200mg before bed works magic but YMMV

No, because chronic drinking is for fools. I smoked a whole gram last night, and I feel quite wonderful this morning.

persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

Who the fuck ever said drinking a few times a month if chronic?

by "a few times a month" do you mean "every weekend?" because weekends come a few times a month.

face it, you're degenerate. sober master race.

>tfw puked in my sleep and slept in it all night

fucking true mate, feel like dying everytime now

You got me, gonna grab a beer now

I dont drink because i am not a normie who has friends to drink with

>tfw lightweight guy and blood donor
Fuck, even a 6% abv beer will get me buzzed if I drink within the hour. Feels good man, cheap as fuck for me.

This is probably because you're a pussy and get fucked up off of like 3 drinks.

Next time you feel like shit, just browse the Veeky Forums alcoholic thread for awhile

You'll never feel like drinking again

You're lucky you weren't sleeping on your back or else you could have choked on your puke and then who knows what would have happened.

>having friends
>being a normie

So you're telling me having friends makes someone a normie?