Falling in love with squats

Anyone else really like doing squats?

I recently started doing ass-to-grass pause squats (as opposed to the conventional squats I was doing before - just past parallel, and with no pause) and I realized that, once you have the technique down - and, provided you have the requisite flexibility/range of motion - squats can be really enjoyable. There is something very earnest about the ass-to-grass pause squat because there is no room for cheating.

Squats, especially this kind of squats, can be mentally intense. What do you think about when you're doing squats? Do you keep your mind clear? Do you just think of the rep count and nothing more? I like to imagine I am lifting a fallen log off of a loved one. I think activating those primal instincts can help you work out at a high intensity.

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I like squats but my rom is terrible, i can barley do parallel
Do i just need to strech more to get better rom or how do you do it?

they make my quadraceps tendon feel sad

What angle are your feet at? Are they pointing forward or out to the sides? I (OP) point mine out at about a 30 degree angle. I find this makes it comfortable to rest at the bottom (with my thigh against my calf) without putting stress or torsion on any joints. I can also lift straight up from this position without leaning or compromising my posture.

do you have a pre-existing knee injury? how long have you been squatting?

>falling for ass to grass meme
enjoy your sciatica

They point out a bit to not loose balance

I think the longer your femurs, the more you'll want to angle your hips open.

>I like to imagine I am lifting a fallen log off of a loved one.
That's so sweet.

>Do i just need to strech more to get better rom or how do you do it?
For me what really helped me was to focus on pushing into the ground through my heels, everything followed from that. Before most force seemed to go through a point more in the anterior arch of the foot. Also focus on arching the back, which results in a more vertical upper body. Do warmup sets too.

I'm basically squating just at the parallel, sometimes little bit higher, because that's where my lower back starts to "round", I am pretty sure it's mobility issue, but don't know where. Anybody got this problem?

I love them but my X-wing legs make my from crappy and I can't push more than 1pl8 only by turning knees even more inwards.

I like em. I have to reaaallly focus on my quads and mentally force them to move otherwise the weight is not coming up. It's the only exercise that I have a very clear mind-muscle connection with

I feel you, buddy.

I started out with lowbar squats, but they gave me shoulder and elbow troubles. I switched to paused highbar, and ran them with Madcow 5x5. Everything is fine. My paused highbar squat is now a little better than my old lowbar squat. Huge gains. I switched to unpaused highbar once for the fun of it, and there is huge carryover.

>do high bar squat
>all kindz of pain in adductor muscles and lower back
>switch to low bar
>absolutely no pain, squat even goes up
I wish someone told me high bar was a meme sooner

>how long have you been squatting?
once in a blue moon
im bloatmax but always insist on doing twink sports like soccer and hiking.
might hit leg press for average weight or do exercise bike

forgot to say knee injuries.
meniscus tears that don't noticibly bother me, and im sure some wear on the cartilage but no catastrophic injuries yet

the gains you get from when you first start squatting are unmatched. I fell back in love with working out when i started doing squats and deadlifts

low bar is king. feels so much better holding the weight

I wish someone would have told me this

I really enjoy when I'm doing atg. I peek at the mirror and see a cutie miring occasionally and they break neck look away when I spot them. Such are the games of humanity.

I hate doing them but I do them because they are the reasons my juicy legs are mired by others.

squats are even more enjoyable with the squat plug, user.

Do you need anything besides squats for a nice bum?

Shove your knees out harder.

I enjoy doing squats ATG perfect form because not a single pleb in my casual gym can perform them like this.
They be mirin every time I squat

one of my biggest love-hate relationships. I have had workouts where I went ass to grass literally almost touching the ground with my ass and having perfect form and it wasnt even hard it just felt like perfection. I felt so good I literally put on classical music like in that one video and it was almost like an out of body experience. youtube.com/watch?v=nLVJTBZtiuw

and then I had days where I go barely below parallel and grind it out so that it is almost a good morning and it feels heavy as fuck.

I dont know if I love or hate them it really depends on my mood and how good I feel that day. I am starting to like them more nowadays but it is hard to tell for me.