Starting Strength book does teach the movements pretty well

I know you guys hate Starting Strength but we all have to admit Mark Rippetoe teaches the movements pretty well.

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You're casting your line in shallow waters user

I agree.

Its a solid intro to a total newb like I was, even if I didnt use the programmed routine. The technical depth and program approach was worth the purchase.

I am completely sure that 100% of the people bashing Starting Strength on Veeky Forums have never read the book and 95% think the stage A routine is the entire program.

SS is extremely clear in explaining what it does and does exactly what it promises: it teaches you the compound lifts and takes full advantage of beginner gains in getting them up very fast. After a while the program has run its course and you'll have to add in more accessories and start varying other things than weight. It works at what it says it does and I don't get why it gets such a bad rep.

Where would one get a free copy to read for oneself?

you could try googling it, i heard that works sometimes

Been trying that desu

fit information repository torrent

I'm a bit of a newfag at this but I usually get my ebooks either through the pirate bay (unironically) or by searching "title author free epub download" on Google.


Oh, hi Mark

Search it up on libgen

I'm a newfag, where can I find this?

Huere siech, ha gmeint es heisst Starting Strength

is this 1960? there is a billion youtube videos that teach every exercise on earth and do it far more clearly than a book possibly can


But OP purchased an actual book for once, so surely he must proselytize about how it totally wasn't a waste of money!? It's the first book he's read in his entire life, SURELY IT MUST BE A GOOD INVESTMENT!!!???

Fuck, me I had already donwloaded this 6 years ago, before I stopped lifting.

Great investment would rate 9/10


It's been updated since then. You probably have the second edition rather than the third.

Imagine being this much of a Jew.

When you have a job, $30 isn't considered an "investment."

That spelling doe

He teaches the squat wrong though. He hates that louie simmons shit

>low bar squat is wrong

hello reddo

How does he teach the squat wrong???

Yeah, the book is good and the routine is good. People are just big pussies that don't push hard as fuck and then give up after a few weeks because they don't look like ZEEZ.

I'm on SS and it's great. It's done exactly what it said it would: bring my lifts the fuck up. I've been doing the routine for 8 months (3 of them were a cut in the middle because I was getting too fat), and am lifting:
>DL - 350x5 raw
>Squat - 300x5
>OHP - 160x5

Idk what my bench is really at, because I do weighted dips instead as I constantly fuck my shoulder up on bench press. The dips are at 70lb added right now. I know I can do a set of 5 at 225, but that was a few weeks ago.

SS is as good as any other novice progression program, and it's worked great for me. But I actually put in the work, followed the program as close as I could, track my food, and get adequate sleep.

>post body
No, I'm not going to post my body, because if you're doing a proper bulk as a novice you probably look like shit. I make sure to stay under 20%bf however, which I can cut down to

Literally every other source of the squat on earth tells you to sit back with your hips and stand up by pushing hips forward and shoulders back.
Rip tells you not to push your hips forward and tells you to literally move your ass up and down to squat. All your power comes from your tailbone.

watch this video by my god Alan Thrall

The Kindle app version is $10 on Amazon. Just buy it.

>low bar squat isn't wrong

This. I kept stalling out and getting frustrated until I figured out its all in the hip drive.

I feel a little autistic typing this out, but the joke is that even a complete retard who can't spell "barbell" and doesn't even search for "starting strength" can find the SS pdf on google within 3 minutes.


And he still shoots his hips forward and ignores that completely.
Plus he's an SS shill now