High testosterone levels or an increase in basal concentrations are associated with aggressive manifestations...

>High testosterone levels or an increase in basal concentrations are associated with aggressive manifestations, whereas high cortisol concentrations are linked to submissive behavior. The biological balance between testosterone and cortisol has a psychological equivalent. Motivational drives are mediated by punishment and reward and expressed by approach and avoidance tendencies, sensitivity to punishment is reduced when testosterone levels increase and this means that less fear is manifested in aggressive behavior, whereas the high cortisol levels released in stressful situations increases punishment sensitivity and avoidance, resulting in the choice of flight behavior.

Why are you being submissive, user? You're stuck in a perpetual cycle of low-T.

Other urls found in this thread:


Avoidant personality, I don't even look people in the eye.

You should try to fix this.

>Sexually arousing stimuli, such as viewing erotic films, increase men’s LH and testosterone (33, 34). Yet, sexually arousing stimuli affect other hormones, including a decrease of cortisol (35, 36). On the other hand, cortisol increases in squirrel monkeys when males are housed with new females (37), and also in young men when socially interacting with unknown women (38, 39). It is known that cortisol increases in humans in response to events threatening to self-esteem (40), a situation likely to arise upon meeting a potential new sex partner.

I may be reading too much into it but I think any stressful situation where you feel anxiety = more cortisol = less testosterone. If you are the type of person always feeling afraid, anxious or stressful you may be fucking with your hormones, health, gains, and sexual performance.

Then why is Crusader still a wimpy faggot when he's got the test levels of 4 high-T young men and is also on one of the most notorious drugs for aggressive behavior (tren)?

Hw come this thread isn't getting anymore attention? Fucking Veeky Forums I swear to god

>If you are the type of person always feeling afraid, anxious or stressful you may be fucking with your hormones, health, gains, and sexual performance.
so I should inject?

My fucking CUNT PSYCHIATRIST tries to push more meds on me(for anxiety and depression), I told here I bottom range normal test level, but the FAT DISGUSTING UROLOGIST didn't do anything about it so that cunt said "then the specialist must be right".

I feel that the more I go to the gym the less functional I become because I can literally feel the cortisol stress in my body. I'm stuck in a vicious cycle and that stupid cunt passive aggressive bitch just wants me to take more SSRI. But I'm pretty sure if I just went on trt the anxiety and tension would go away and I could live a more confident more productive life, instead of not being able to go out after working out because of stress levels.

if your T levels are low just B&C for the rest of your life
literally nothing to lose your t levels are trash anyway so who cares

Being attracted to thin women is a sign of high test.

What the fuck are you even saying?

just go to /fraud/ faggot

B&C. Blast and cruise. Roid monkey lingo. But if you can get a testosterone prescription, do it. Get a different doc if yours won't prescribe. Look up low T symptoms and just tell him you have them all.

I'm already decent built/swole especially for someone with bottom range test, I'm would become a beast if I went on trt.

I must have a lot of GH action going on in my body or something. I was actually shocked when I first was told I had low t.

It means you should man up and stop being a whimp. Testosterone is a social hormone, if you spend your days with your head down, running away from challenges and conflict, not concerning yourself with social status and so on your T levels will stay well below your potential.


You have to be tougher and more assertive. A good first step towards this is losing fear of people, and staring those who look at you into the window of their souls.

YOU WILL FELL COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN AND WILL CHANGE YOU PRETTY FAST ON TOP OF THAT. Sometimes I even get afraid from the fast results, its amazing.

you're right, but don't give him the attention. he's a like a woman that way

What? How does a person begin to do that?

There are videos on youtube but to make it as simple as possible, tighten your muscle and then release. You will learn to release it at will and pump blood instead of tensing it and fucking your shit up. It makes you feel so free and good it is insane, sometimes I even forget I'm at work. Next thing is close your mouth and use your diaphgragm.

This is a serious question though. After scrolling thru fraud for a few days and thinking back at the whole medley of youtube autists who juice, I seriously start to wonder if increasing test after puberty really has much of an effect on behavior.

Im starting to wonder if most of this shit isn't set in stone upon pre-natal test exposure, or maybe also dependant on puberty, because it seems that there are a lot of guys who get on roids, often times shooting their T levels several times beyond that of a natty high-T man , but they still behave like shy/scared wimps. How else could you explain that?

T isn't the only factor
you have women who have basically no T acting like extroverted loudmouthed obnoxious whores, no shyness at all

If you relax all your muscles you die

isn't it the estrogen hormone that makes people angry? that's why girls are always so angry because they have a lot of estrogen ? Doesn't test make men more calm and confident ?

Yeah est causes moods swing and emotional reactions. Test keeps you focused, on an even keel and generally would make you less emotionally susceptible/vulnerable to things happening around you.

Scientifically incorrect. Higher test is linked to a desire for greater female secondary sexual characteristics such as larger breasts, hips and ass with a small waist.

What? For example relaxing my face compeltely almost makes my acne invisible and the skin looks so much better. The difference is so huge its insane, this has to be natural for high test people and or really beautiful people.