Ok, I'm a college student and very skinny 65kg at 180 cm, give me good bulking foods please

Ok, I'm a college student and very skinny 65kg at 180 cm, give me good bulking foods please.

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you're literally me 2 years ago

literally just eat more

yeah but what? I want to fucking gain and I want fast easy calories. I'm also affraid to eat just whatever due to chemicals and being bad for gut/brain.


I don't want milk dude, thats really bad for humans.

dont do this

eat meat as much as u can

gallon of soy milk a day

Is this really bad?

but what?

Retarded soyboy

Eat anything what the fuck dude

As long as you don't eat industrialized stuff way too often and add some fruits and greens to it you will be fine

What the fuck user every single human knows how to eat it's been thousands of years

As a college student I would highly recommend milk cheap easy source of protein, Don't fall for the gallon of milk a day maybe have a glass/pint of milk with one of your meals a day easy 300+ cals and 20+ grams of protein. I would also put the extra calories to good use by starting a beginners lifting routine put on so mass.

Chicken is lean and cheap user

Could make you bloated probs not good for the digestive system but i'm no nutritionist, Just add a glass of milk to one of your meals a day for the extra cals.

Chicken Burritos is the only way to escape dyelism

enjoy your estrogen faggots

normal diet + peanut butter + whole milk

Id recommend steak or beef mince (cheaper option as a student) over chicken but do change up your protein sources. Higher calories and plenty protein and a good source of creatine.

honestly its not that easy to gain weight as people would have you believe.
count calories and eat at a surplus. If you wanna do it clean avoid sugar, refined grains, alcohol, and shitty oils like canola/soybean

eat alot of nuts/seeds, peanut butter, whole grains, pretty much any meat you want as you dont need just "lean meats" if you are trying to gain, beans and lentils, potatoes in all forms, certain calorie dense fruits like dates or figs.
in terms of big meals you can make, stir fry, chili, soup w/ potatoes, burritos, yogurt w/ fruit and nuts.
really whatever you would like just eat "whole foods" and avoid junk foods, the distinction is pretty easy for most to notice

would recommend maybe add a scoop of protein powder if your lifting as well




chicken breasts for protein
rice for carbs

lean beef mince for protein
spaghetti whole wheat for carbs

fish for protein
rice for carbs

add at least a plates worth of veggies every day

add olive, coconut, or gradeseed oil to what ever you can

snack on 100g of nuts and eat at least 4 servings of fruits

if you don't want to drink milk then add one meal replacement that has a low gi index on its carbs

to add to this, you are going to have to eat to the point of being somewhat uncomfortable with how full you are

>I want to fucking gain and I want fast easy calories.
heck if you want it fast and easy go get roids or whatever the fuck supplements, trust me you don't want it

> I'm also affraid to eat just whatever due to chemicals
don't eat processed foods, don't eat frozen food with preservatives, eat your vegies eat your meat, just eat more of it, for a really varied and balanced diet I'll need a lot more than a 4chin post so DYOR, but in general stick to "real" food and just eat more

>coconut oil

yup you can add like 2-3 tablespoons of this to your diet. just plain eat it or put it on whatever you are eating, some dont like the taste but it has become like butter to me now

how much cal is that?

Peanut Butter
Whole milk

Take two cups of milk, a cup of greek yogurt, a scoop of protein powder, a spoonful of peanut butter, and maybe a scoop or two of chocolate milk mix. Blend all that shit up and drink it.

I'm in an even worse spot than you, OP. 56kg@180cm. I tried really hard to gain weight last semester, eating junk food and drinking 4l of milk every day but i only gained about 1kg.
For this semester, i've ordered 80kg barrel of soy protein and 40kg of gainer, fuck my liver i want to have a normal weight. I go to gym 3 times a week doing the greyskull meme program, lifts are progressing but weight isn't increasing.


I weight 20 kilos more than you and I consider myself kind of skinny. Once I gained like 8 kilos while eating 2 big meals a day and junk meal (burger+fries) on top of that in a month so you're doing something wrong. Also don't eat shitty supplements get real food fuck sake.

I wasn't counting calories but 10 burgers a day + 4 medium-sized fries should be well above my expenditure. I used to be fat when i was a kid because my doctor treated my asthma by pumping me with 3x the max dosage of hormones (which i'm insanely grateful for because i don't have asthma symptoms anymore) and after that i became skelly within few months.
No matter how hard i try, i can't put on significant amount of weight. How can i keep progressing linearly (it will be 9 months since i started in Feb) while not gaining anything?
The supplements are cheaper than real food, i can't afford to buy enough ingredients to cook and the only remotly close option is junk food which i can't stand after half a year of overeating it. I still cook regular meals, but during the day i take the supplements. Whatever it takes to get to 70kg.

I have a milk allergy (allergy, not intolerance). What is best alternative?

>you will never be 16yo progressing on mu'ru with your bros in vent

i'm seriously going to jump off a bridge thinking back to this memory

Awful memories for me. "Seedling" the worst feral druid of all time could not tank the adds on that fight.

I miss Vanilla WoW

Seriously you will delude yourself into how many calories you think your getting every day- believe me I did this for 6 months and as a result killed all gains from working out by not eating enough.
Get MyFitnessPal or something and track everything and I guarantee you’ll put on weight

That's what i do now. On 2500kcal/day and all i've gained in two weeks is 200g (std.dev. 33g, measured 5 times a day).
Still, a cheeseburger at mcdonald's is 300kcal, that should be 3000kcal just on the burgers. Add the milk, the fries. I don't get it. I hope it works out now.