Help me Veeky Forums I’m addicted to pornography and jacking off...

Help me Veeky Forums I’m addicted to pornography and jacking off, I’ve been going to porn addicts anonymous for about 6 months and I still can’t kick it, can we have a motivation/nofap thread please.

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I relapsed a few hours ago at work and feel like shit, I was on one of my longer recent streaks (6 days), that might not sound like much but it’s a good personal achievement

It's okay bro we're here to help.

6 months in the woods no internet.
I'm in the same boat and honestly I'm thinking about doing this - I'll lose gains but at this point i don't care I need freedom

I didn’t want to admit that I was an addict, I thought I did a while ago but it’s only really starting to sink in, I just feel so hopeless all the time, I know I can kick it but I just keep fucking up

I’m in Idaho on a student visa so I can’t just drop everything, sounds tempting though

It’s honestly Ruining my life, it’s stopping me from forming relationships, I’m literally just dead inside, I go to the movies alone trying to make myself cry just so I can feel something but I can’t do it, I just hate everything, it kills my drive and motivation, I just want to do better

It sounds weird but meditation 5-10 minutes every day helped a lot with these kinds of things

I wish I could quit, every time I say it’s the last time but it never is, I’m always on guard and tired all the time, if I let my guard down for 30 seconds it’s enough to get me, I just want to be loved and have a real job, the only thing that seems to help is doing /k/ shit in the boonies but it’s sucking up all my money

Any particular style or type, I’ll try anything at this point, although cards on the table I have a really short attention span

I just feel hopeless, I can’t feel anything anymore and it’s killing me, I’m kinda dating someone but honestly I don’t really have any romantic feelings for her, she’s sold wife material but I’m just not feeling it

I just don’t know what to do, there’s know one I can really talk to, I don’t have any close friends and I’ve got serious trust issues, I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m just tired of it all, I just want to be happy

Not him, but I do mindfulness meditation. Whenever I get a good streak going of like 20 mins per night I feel ZERO anxiety, especially with girls, more empathy, more motivation and more happiness.
Meditation increases grey matter in your prefrontal cortex. "This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior."
Nofap+meditation+lifting will fix you, I feel it fixing me too.

Thanks user, people like you will never really know how much good you do and hope you bring

But seriously though, people like to are the closest thing I have to friends that care about me..... it’s just nice to feel like someone somewhere actually believes in me

The medical world has struggled to agree on a clinical definition of addiction, but it's widely agreed that addiction is when you keep repeatedly doing a thing, despite the fact that doing so causes other obvious problems in your life.

I am totally on board with the idea of NoPorn, especially for men, and I'm currently doing it. However are the big problems in your life really obviously related to porn? Unless you're like spending hours a day watching porn, there's a considerable chance that you're like and are blaming porn use for most of the big problems in your life, like anxiety and depression, which is probably not caused by porn alone.

Don't start watching porn again, but it's important to remember that "Porn Addiction" is a concept largely created by Christfags. Churches pay for "Porn Addiction" help campaigns and I wouldn't be surprised if your PAA is getting church money as well. All too often on Veeky Forums I see people get unhealthily guilty and ashamed about porn use to the point where it becomes the supreme scapegoat of all their social problems.

I'm similar man. Stopped talking to most of my friends over a 1.5 years ago and lost my last one by being a drunk offensive idiot. I don't relate to anyone, people just seem to "normie" for me.

Trust me though, nofap and meditation can fix your brain and make you happy and able to socialise. On longer nofap streaks (20+ days) my whole mindset changes and I don't feel like necking myself daily. If you can't nofap for long enough then do some meditation like I said. It will improve your willpower and make it easier.

Keep on trucking bro, we will both rise from this pit of apathy and depression. We will make it. tell yourself this every day, know that it is true if you TRY.

my nofap motivation:

I believe in you because I can relate. Most people haven't slumped low enough to know how bad it gets. It's only up from here if we put in the effort.

Quad dubs confirm

Thanks user/s it means a lot, I’m really trying but it just keeps happening, I love you guys, I really do, like a lot, I can never feel close to any one of you but who’d have thought that the only people who want to help are strangers on a underwater Mongolian basket weaving website

Also the quad dubs have spoken, does this mean meme magic is real?, either way, we’re all gonna make it.

I feel the same way bro. It fucking kills
me inside especially when you can tell she’s craving that fervor. She’s craving you being a proper man, but all I can relate it to is that it’s unironically like you’re in the sunken place from Get Out

We're all going to make it

I've never really had a lustful feeling in my entire life.

Bro 6 months? Thats possible? I'm on about one full month tonight and goddamn...

I was meaning to ask you guys, is it unhealthy for us to do nofap? I would imagine semen being trapped in us, unable to escape... wouldnt it end up deforming in there or something?

I know how you feel dude. I had a 20 day streak as part of a new years resolution. It was the best I have felt in years. Then I jerked off 3 times and another 3 times in the week since. The feeling of shame and guilt is unbearable.

Since then I've read in a few of these threads that its he after 20 day point that really makes the difference. Which made me feel like a bigger sack of shit. But I'm going to do it this time. It was a clothed picture of Milena Velba posted on Veeky Forums that got me to relapse.

I just don't know how to get myself to not watch porn. If I keep busy I'm fine. If people are around I'm fine. But if I'm in the house alone for 10 minutes I get the urges.

Anyway brother I'll be sending you my energy. We're all going to make it.

NoFap isn't no cum. You can still engage in normal healthy sexual activity. It's escaping the pornographic jew that's important.

Yeah I'd recommend just focussing on your breathing, and taking in what you feel and can hear around you but not dwelling on it, and returning to focussing on your breathing every time you notice your thoughts stray. Eventually after doing it enough you won't focus on anything, not even your breathing. Feeling Zen is god tier, it's like you're the eye of the storm, only way I can really describe it. Much better than masturbating.

You don't have to reach that level though, just go meditate for a bit every time you feel like jacking off. You might still feel like jacking off after, but eventually you won't.

Is also saying some good shit

Oh, and I believe in you

Discipline IS freedom.

If you let your lust get over your goals you are its slave.

For everyone else, STOP COUNTING THE DAYS.
It's not helping. If you feel like you need to know how many days you're in, just download one of the "streak count" apps. Having the reminder on your phone a seeing the days grow will be helpful.
Keep thinking about why you are doing it.
When you want to fap think about how stupid it is, imagine to see yourself from the outside, imagine how it would look like if you saw yourself looking at naked women on a sceen and furiously jerking your dick. Keep in mind that it's all fake, there is no girl near you, you can't feel her warmth, you can't hear her voice, you can't smell her. It's just an image on a screen and it wont help you in any way.

Brehs only day 5 nofap but I just had a killer gym session. I swear there is something to it, normally my joints are aching, I'm tight and the weights feel heavy but today it felt so good just pumping out bench and squats.
The gains will be real.

Small steps. It's how I quite a minor heroin addiction. Don't think oh fuck I've gotta go 3 months to break this addiction just think "one more day" and maybe imagine how shit you feel when you do relapse, think of the depraved, cuck shit porn addicts get into.