Does this thing on my foot look like ringworm

Does this thing on my foot look like ringworm

Not really but go to the doctor faggot

>Guinea Worm Emergence

Not at all. Ringworm is a fungal infection and has nothing whatever to do with worms, in case you're wondering.
In any case, go to your Dr.

OK, I'm generally aware that ringworm is a fungal thing. A doctor's trip it is then.

Is it itchy?

Idk op can you not be a faggot and take a better picture this time use a camera instead of that fucking potato

it looks fungal, the antibiotics for it are terrible though, you are looking at least one month off exercise.

Make sure you take PLENTY of probiotics while on antibiotics, not just pills, greek yoghurt, saurkraut, raw leaven


>looks fungal

brainlet detected. why don't you look up what an antibiotic is

That's cancer can I have your stuff

Not itchy.

Aren't fungal infections usually treated with topical cream?

Yes it does. Longtime wrestler here, I've had ringworm a million times. You can fix it for like a penny. $0.01. Dip a Q-tip in bleach, rub it around on the ringworm. Wipe the foam off, do it again with the other end of the Q-tip. If it doesn't produce foam you've done all the germ killin'. Don't overdo it, the skin will get red and dry anyway and you want to minimize that.
Waste of money
>one month off of exercise

no they're usually treated with broad spectrum oral antibiotics which target bacteria and not fungi

OK, I figured it was ringworm, I recently started doing jiujitsu and kickboxing.

Go to a doctorm jesus...

antifungals are a type of antibiotic smartass.

Without a doubt. Make sure you shower immediately after working out, at the gym. Driving home with mat scum on you is not an option.

no, antibiotic is literally synonymous with antibacterial.

antifungals are called antifungals. the fact that you think an ANTIFUNGAL would affect your gut bacteria in any way suggests you had absolutely no fucking idea of the difference and are, in fact, a brainlet

OK I recently started showering at home, probably what caused it.

Lol yeah this one's open and shut

Thanks man. I'm uninsured til March so going to the doctor would've been a bummer.