Hey Veeky Forums, so I've been doing this for about 8 months now and it's worked very well...

Hey Veeky Forums, so I've been doing this for about 8 months now and it's worked very well, literally like 8-10 mL everytime. I want to increase it even more though. Are there any other tips or weird nootropics that would improve health and fitness in this area?

Come on now..

just be happy with your cum faggot

nah i want to cum buckets


More cholesterol

how much of each are you taking, "mg" wise?

I'm taking the standard dose of zinc and l-arginine, and a heaping spoonful of lecithin in my whey every day

Starting volume before taking the supplements?

I don't know exactly, but all I know is that it has definitely doubled or tripled, and that shit can't be placebo. I'm not trying to convince anyone of OP pic, I'm just looking for additional stuff to do

I don't believe you. Post cumshot.

no fuck off. I don't have any pictures but I shoot it into my mouth most of the time anyway for the protons

I see you're a man of culture

Yeah, I eat a lot of pineapple too so it tastes good. I kinda get off to the thought that I enjoy my own cum

Doesn't the lecithin have a lot of soy in it? Also what else can I take besides Maca Root and L-Argenine that will give me the hardest boners? I want to fuck holes in cement, gentlemen.

You know what should be added to this list, yohimbine. I shot like 2+ feet when taking yohimbine. It was ridiculous.

Yes it's literally soy

If you believe in the soyboy meme you need to kys

the soy shit is a fucking meme
but there's also sunflower lecithin

I always found this interesting, but cum-fetishists are fucken creepy.

Maca does nothing for me in that area. Great pre workout though ive noticed i have more energy in the gym when i have some before

You sound like you're scared to live alittle because of what people think of you

>Be me
>Few days before 1st of April
>Want to pull a prank on my gf
>Eat a shit ton of celery
>Tell her I want to cum on her face
>Slight increase in sperm count, not that much to make her mad
>Has the shits for three days because of all the fiber I ate
>Could literally not hold my shit, it would just drip out of my ass
Worth it.


AFAIK the lecithin doesn't have much of the phytoestrogens in it. The processing and extraction removes most of it.

>he doesn't have a squat plug

get a load of this faggot

do nofap for 7 days, nut on the seventh. this is peak test time period according to studies, and being backed up will increase your nut exponentially

Three days is the maximum number of days you should refrain from cumming. It doesn't increase any more after that.

my sides

Also dont sit crosslegged all day, your balls need a cooler temperature than the body, especially when its hot.

welcome to Veeky Forums my dude

>soy boys confirmed to have alpha male tier cum loads
How will Veeky Forums betas ever recover