What if the girl version of lifting?

What if the girl version of lifting?

I.E doing something really hard like lifting weight so they can maximize their chances of getting a good mate?


Being a virgin.

Learning to cook, clean, take care of kids, not cheat, not be annoying. All of these seem very hard for women


Gym thots.. Not even once
If you can Fuck em without a trace after go for it

Makeup, fashion and beauty.

It may not take the same physical effort as lifting but it easily wastes as much time and certainly more money.

Not really "hard, but what I personally really, really like: if you can make a conversation with a woman about something away from her fucking cat and her facebook friends.
So take something actually interessting as a hobby.
No matter what, could be a lot. Like outdoor stuff, technical stuff/cars, history/politics, movies (that are not romantic comedies) etc. etc.
Also: do cardio.

Not being a dumbfuck normie, having actual interests, not reading shitty online blogs and believing whatever they say. Do all that and youll be a "chad" among women

Not being a slut and ending up childless and single post-wall. Lately they've been having a lot of trouble with that, must be pretty difficult.


This but unironically

Lifting. No excuses.

starving and makeup

Cardio and dieting you fucking aspie retard

A list of hobbies that does not include social media, Netflix, or shopping.

Unironically lifting/cardio/fitness, but I would also say stuff like being cultured, well-read, socially graceful, polite, and charming. It's one thing to look like a typical thot and get some Tyrone, but if you want a true Chad breadwinner you have to be hot and classy, a trophy wife who can entertain and hold a conversation as well as possibly rear children.

literally the same the same thing. strength training to promote weight loss, target gluets, eating well, being fit. this maximizes their chance of getting a 'good mate' even more so than the male version.

most of the replies in this topic generally goes for both genders.

I'm dating my first bf right now, I lost my virginity to him at 23 (and I do think he's the one!). He loved that I was a virgin but desu some guys didn't really seem to like that, in college people made fun of me for it, I felt like shit, like I was doing something wrong and undesireable. I tried to bring myself to have sex with a guy when I was 21 that I sort of messed around with/wanted to date but I couldn't. Everyone around me seemed to be saying that was wrong and abnormal, not just girls either.

idk, not sure why it's like this nowadays.

Cooking is easy desu, nowadays I don't get why it's such a hard requirement for so many in a partner. Can you Google shit, buy ingredients and read and follow directions? Congratulations, you can cook. I wouldn't be worried if someone tells me they "don't cook" because once you have kids you end up learning whether you like it or not

glute and legs training loool

so, lifiting

ass to mouth

No talking, not being fat

whores who know they are low value
guys who are insecure and appeal to the cultural norm
and guys who are looking for pump and dump

the girl version of lifting is lifting