Daily raw onion; is it a good idea?

daily raw onion; is it a good idea?

Onion poster will inevitably be mentioned, but: 13% increase in test. Completely negligible as test varies by 31% per day, so likely a fluke. Even if not, if you had normal test, that'd only give you a 4% increase in muscle gain, but the onions would taint your sweat and breath all day. Also lowers estrogen by 68%, but estro increases bone and muscle density, so unless you have confirmed high est, it'd fuck you long term, like helping you develop osteoporosis.

o fuck you gotta be shittin' me

mandatory if you're a natty

>estrogen is good

Shhhh.. let it die

Hey man, I'll take pretty much any kind of boost I can get.


>estro increases bone and muscle density,
Nice try merchant

It's an 13% increase in free test. As his overall test didn't increase. So onions interfere with SHBG and thats good.

I still am onioning.
1 or 2 red a day.

Decent benefits.

Worst case scenario is an extra veg a day.

Best case all your dreams come true and you gain SUPER POWERS SON

Onionman summoned once again. Where did you get your bloodtest kit from? It was some co.uk website.


>believing anything created on Veeky Forums

onion consumption for testosterone has been around for years, there's a few studies behind it, only recently has it become a meme on Veeky Forums, and that's mainly because people project their inability to eat raw onion unto others

other than bad breath i dont see how it could hurt, it’s a very healthy food

>created on Veeky Forums

Unironically I was more convinced to accept the onion pill by (((them))) so obviously shilling against it then by the actual positives of it.


I did it for 2 months and grew from 5'10 to 6'. I'm 22
