Has your diet affected your poop?

Has your diet affected your poop?

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I'd like type 3 but no matter how much fiber I seem to eat I get type 5 at best. Thinking of trying an elimination diet and aim for only meat and vegetables.

I'm always between 4-7. IBS makes me hit 7 sometimes

Cutting makes me poop only 1-3 times a week, and my shit's hard as shit. Bulking poo is 3-4 on this scale.

>shit's hard as shit

>start eating oats with milk
>shit's a bit runny but bearable for the first 4 days
>5th day
>feel the shit coming
>delaying the toilet visit
>feel it almost coming out
>finally cave in
>sit on the toilet and let go
>the pressure build up makes the shit shoot out of my ass along with watery goo
I guess no more milk for me.

Milk is garbage for small children, I always lol inside when I see a grown ass adult drinking milk, like what the fuck, it's not even tasty

Im literally shitting that description after having oats with milk this morning make it stop

>his poop doesn't constantly switch between type 1/2 and 6/7

Keto OMAD. Haven't pooped in over a week. After the gym today, I'm downing a bottle of magnesium hydroxide and spending the rest of the day/night on the toilet.

Always 3 or 4 at 10:00 and 16:30. Love it.

For me diet doesn't effect it nearly as much as coffee.

I eat a lot of meat. A couple pieces of fruit, a potato with the skin on, and maybe a serving of kale or collard greens in a day is enough to keep the poopin smooth though.

Fluctuates between 2 and 6. Once for a few months I had a kind of shit that was very soft solid and when it touched the water it solidified so I clogged the toilet every time I used it

Opiate life. That post-workout speedball.

PSMF gve me type 1, never doing that shit again, lost ton of weight but worst 8 days of my entire life, basically hated living

Sorry, I was just trying to live a sustainable lifestyle that doesn't call for pic related filled with bananas and mangos delivered to my home country while polluting the oceans with crude oil.

normally normal but for seom reason today had type one until i chugged two cups of water and an hour later made it to two.

how much pollutant methane do dairy farms produce again? Not to mention all of the cow-shit runoff into the watershed.

>cow-shit runoff
>what is manure
babby's first trip outside the city


>little bb shits are constipation

But those are the best feeling to poop out

After I became a vegan I poop more and have to wipe less.

Is it green?

No but it's more lumpy.

Currently pooping type 3

I don't know but I just had the biggest type 4 of my life. It was thick and must've been at least 2 feet long.

It varies from day to day.
Whenever I eat a shitton of rice with legumes and some chicken, I shit a literal log.

I never have normal shit, I either have severe diarrhea and blast everything out in a second or have severe constipation have have to go super saiyan to push out my gravel-like shit

I'm basically constantly cruising between normal and diarrhea, more on the diarrhea side though, what do i do to fix it ? Is it because I drink a lot of water ?

>be me
>unironically gomad as a teen with no problems, always a 3 or 4
>family disowns me at 18 bc not enlisted like my 3 brothers
>homeless for 3 years to save as much money as possible, don't consume dairy or meats
>use a camping stove to eat rice+seasonings every day
>rent a room bc police keep giving me tickets for sleeping in public
>drink 2 cup glass of milk as a symbol of leaving behind homelessness
>piss out the ass 2 hours later
>meat and veg only
>try a cup of yoghurt the week after
>piss out the ass an hour later
>eternally reeing bc I developed lactose intolerance and all my favorite foods include dairy or cuts of meat.
How do I change this? I can't live happy without cheese, milk, and (greek) yoghurt.

Wait, I thought subhumans who can't digest milk were a myth, does this really exist?

Type 3 is ideal, or between 3 and 4. A smooth stool always feels like paste and leaves more of a residue. Type 3 and lower is usually a clean shit once you actually pass it.

"An estimate of the percentage of adults that can digest lactose in the indigenous population of the Old World"

Do you not realize how much livestock affects waterways?
Even a small horse track that doesn't even house animals long-term can pollute a major watershed.
rainwater carries shit downhill. It's not rocket science.

I get 4s every morning. Diet is mostly oats, beans, and vegetables.

google IBS

classic aids symptome

Dude, are you serious? Don't fuck with me like that, I've been seeing prostitutes for years