How does it feel knowing this chest benches more than you ?

How does it feel knowing this chest benches more than you ? ....

Also these abs can do 15 ab wheel roll outs

S t r o n g e r t h a n y o u

pfff my tummy looks way more flabby than that

I'm not sure

why are you so gross tho?

Lots of yummy visceral fat. Jelly bruh?

I don't think you know what visceral fat is.

more the hair and paleness I think

To be fair, the simple act of lifting itself proves us that you can lift more than half of fit.


If you wanted more pics you just had to ask ;)

Your moles are disgusting.

i like your confidence op keep it up

See, I like having a healthy balance between lifting heavy ass weight but still looking aesthetic as fuck. I'd much rather have a Saitama physique than look fat.

how much do you bench?

get your moles checked OP, not even joking

specifically those around you left manboob, I'm a dermatology student and boy oh boy i really dont like their shape/color

95% possibility they're nothing but simply disgusting looking regular moles, but still... check them, seriously.

Ive had them forever, they are mine and part of me


Ill be going on steroids soon

>one and a half plate


Oh sorry? Who am I competing with here, mr. Just hit 225 for a double? That might impress your teenage girlfriend, aim for higher achievements next time you try me

What do you guys think. Should I cut or bulk? Around 12% bf right now

Jesus you're a sad person

is that a shit smear on your chest?

Your body is gross. You aren't even morbidly landwhale but some how youre just as gross.

Depends on how much you weight you fat sack of crap

try taking a shower and shaving your chest you disgusting sack of lard

What the fuck is this thread
Hope you fuck your rotator cuff benching wrong, fat boy.
15 ab wheel rollouts is nothing to be proud of and benching a pl8 and a half means nothing when you're just using your shoulders.
Which is obvious since you have zero chest

is that kg ?

You bench 350?

>Hope you fuck your rotator cuff benching wrong, fat boy.
You do realise proper bench form lets you press MORE, not less, right?

Post video lmao