
How do you make this shit taste actually good? Does Veeky Forums know some tasty rice recipes?

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I stir in some Indian Biryani paste. Adds some calories, not many though, but taste is much better.

just chuck your preferred hotsauce on it, adds little calories and some taste. or just get some sambal in it

to a cup of rice while cooking:
half a chicken stock cube
half a large onion diced
crumbled dried mushrooms

Some soy sauce makes it good af. Do that.

you can add literally whatever the fuck you want to it, on any stage of preparation and in any quantity
it's like you don't even know what you personally like
what the fuck

Chicken bullion for mexican food, soy sauce and chili for asian.

Soy sauce is fucking great. Also mix in eggs and garlic pepper.

Sweet chilli sauce makes it go down well.
Shit is full of sugar though, so use in moderation.

Frankly though, fried rice is shit simple to make and delicious if you can be bothered putting in 10 minutes effort

throw some salt into your rice cooker

I like to melt some cheese into it, scramble an egg or 2 and mix it with the rice, throw in literally any spice, some mixed vegetables... it will never taste as good as a filet but still better than plain rice.

Just add aromatic salt

Dude just put in butter and salt and you can eat that shit as is.

You never learned how to cook rice?


Tomato sauce

Why not ask Veeky Forums instead?

You can cook the way I do on my country:
>one cup of rice
>rinse it
>put a little bit of oil in a pan
>chop half onion and one garlic tooth
>fry them for a little bit, just enough before the onion start getting some color, this will affect the color of rice in the end
>braise the rice, always making sure it doesn't stick, until it starts to get transparent
>pour two cups of water, a spoon of salt, you can use hot water to make it faster
>half shut the pan, so some steam leaves
>let it cook for 15-20min on low-medium heat, or until the bottom of the pan no longer has boiling water

This is more or less how we make it here, I think the Chinese cook sort of like this. Give a try.

Salt and onions

Throw in a stock/bouillon cube.

Sounds tasty will def try it out

Look for brazilian rice for clearer instructions, mine are a bit off since my writing on cooking words is weak, but this is the general idea. We usually eat it with beans, the most common dishes are often a combination of Rice+Beans and something else. Pic related is often the most general structure of the brazilian lunch.

>eating rice
You'll never make it

Unironically add mirin

>eating food
fucking plebs

This. A tsp of Tabasco or Texas Pete will be you through this. Stay strong, user.

eat red rice instead.

>Caring about taste

Not going to achieve a commonly on this forum shared goal

Mince Ginger and spring onion (green onion) but it in a heat proof bowl, add 1/2-1/3 teaspoon of salt and mix it about. Now put maybe 2-3 tablespoon of favourite oil in a pan and heat till smoke starts to come off. Quickly pour steaming oil into heat proof bowl of ginger, spring onion and salt and step back so you don't get burnt by spitting oil. Mix ingredients again and add more salt if it tastes to bland. Based oil complete, now add to rice and enjoy.

Soy sauce and siracha

Faltou a farofa aí

might be bait but if it isnt you're retarded
> heat till smoke starts to come off
are you stupid why wouldnt you just heat it all together instead of burning the fucking oil and barely cooking anything else

rice pudding motherfucker

This is a poor man's risotto.

I personally add some Taijin seasoning for a lil bit of flavor. (Just eyeball it)

Jap sticky rice is what I was raised on, put soy sauce on it when I was a kid, katsu sauce or furikake now

Isso já é pedir demais jovem. Até porque muita gente não come da mesma forma que comemos, imagina o arroz então, que da pra fazer de varias forma diferentes. Mas farofa é sempre uma boa, não vou negar.
k, whatever works for you

Yeah I fucked that part up the oil should just shimmer not smoke but its a fine line. Senpai if you have minced ginger and spring onion it will literally cook the second you pour hot oil on it. Also its meant to be eaten cold so its nice to have some crunch from the spring onions.


>How do you make this shit taste actually good?
I just have to LOL hard at you weak faggots who can't appreciate the aesthetic simplicity of plain foods. Spoiled babbys, one and all.


>put in rice cooker

Source: Asian

Thinking rice "doesn't taste good" and feeling the need to "spice it up" is like saying you don't like the taste of water. It's a sign that your body is addicted to sugar and sodium. You don't need rice recipes, you need to overhaul your diet so your brain doesn't reject anything not packed with sugar and salt.

> I can't cook and need to justify it

Am I the only one that think rice tastes good plain? It's really quite sweet. Stop eating so much sugar and processed foods, OP.

>I'm so used to MOMMY cooking everything for me, and I'm such a spoiled little 8 year old GIRL, that I throw a fit at anything that isn't FANCY

Crack an egg into it while it's hot, and mix that in with some nori, and maybe a bit of soy sauce. Good stuff.

t. Nordestino

scramble an egg or two. if you make it in a rice cooker throw in some frozen veg around the halfway point. when it's all done, stir in a little bit of s*y sauce (not too much because it'll get salty and suck) and mix in with the egg in a stovetop pan on medium-low heat. i eat that constantly while also frying a chicken breast. like 1,500 and lotsa brotein

couldn't eat it all the time but sometimes a simple bowl of white rice is good.

> soy sauce

No, rice is amazing plain its the way its meant to be eaten you don't need the extra shit. Of course, you're supposed to be eating something alongside the rice like some meat.

I always eat pic related. It is pretty much the easiest food to prepare ever. You just put it in a bowl of water and microwave it. 1 bag is enough for a big guy and with some butter and seasoning, it's delicious.

he said s*y so he meant spy sauce

Cook it in a rice cooker with some chicken/beef stock, an onion and a bayleaf.

if you’re eating white rice add this Furikake

Fuck off. Soy sauce is a god tier condiment for Asian dishes.

I couldn't imagine just eating rice but it sure does a good job at being a filler in a dish. I made general tso chicken last night. I can't imagine this dish without rice.