Why do I feel "exhausted" towards the end of my workout? In theory, doing an exercise should fatigue that muscle alone...

Why do I feel "exhausted" towards the end of my workout? In theory, doing an exercise should fatigue that muscle alone, not the entire body, but after a couple muscles I become too exhausted to even train another fresh muscle

Is it bad cardio? Not enough calories? Nervous system?








Working out a muscle fatigues the muscle fibers (and the myofilaments within), yes, but it also forces your body to go through several different processes. Your body has to start breaking down stored ATP, both in your muscles and in the form of glucagon released by the pancreas, and then likely the oxygen supply in your blood starts to not become enough to manufacture more ATP to continue the movement. Once that happens your body has to start producing it anaerobically through neoglucogenesis in the liver (iirc).

And then factor in how exhausting compound lifts can be on the nervous system as well and you can see why lifting just one muscle group can be exhausting for the body

There's a lot that goes on when you lift, not just the muscle fibers contracting

Do you eat anything before hitting the gym? It could be a factor

>Why am I getting tired when I exercise?


I luv u
no homer

The easiest answer is nervous system but obviously theres hundreds of processes and variables you have to consider for the real answer to your question . Theres a lot to fitness and textbooks of information out there, its fun and you should research it rather than asking fit.

Cardio and diet wont really impact this form of endurance as much as long term habituation will. Cardio at the end of the day just makes you more hungry. Diet is just insane and takes really long term personal analysis to figure out. Eat too much is as triggering as an intense workout and will make you tired. Eating at certain situations can make u lazier. Somedays lifting on an empty stomach can trigger stored energy otherwise inaccessible and you have best workout ever, other days you go hungry and they dont activate and your workout sucks.

My favorite part of lifting is not how it made me bigger or stronger but how i would go to bed tired and wake up refreshed. Your body becomes a machine at recovery, and obvious signs of this are how like doms become more rare as you become more seasoned.

Fitness is pretty fun and a lot to think about

i want to fill the void between her cheeks with my dingaling

>covering the titjob scars with tattos

oh shiiiiit!

See this Carbohydrates are important

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Ignore this post he's no idea what he's talking about

Really interesting, man, do you have a blog or something? That was cool

probably not sleeping enough

Allison Parker


Not trynna shill but I put carb powders in my water bottle to prevent fatigue during and post workout, it's not for getting amped like pre- workout powder, it just helps get you going. Carb is energy. pic related

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