What do daughter mires feel like?

What do daughter mires feel like?

I dont know but i can tell you about "mom mires"

She was a teen mom when she had me and left me with my grandparents and married a new man, she never could have kids again and her husband aged horribly, i barely see my mom but when she see me she hugs and always compliments my body and how much i grew

Shes 40 and very cute, but i hate her

just fuck her

She could have raised me but his husband kinda manipulated her, and she never wanted me to have me

Anyways when i was 14 i had a fight with him and i beat him up, men who didnt do manual labor and are over 40 are weak as fuck

Thanks for sharing your depressing life story user. But try to stay on topic next time.

This guy is a cuck

pics of whore mother

>threatened a man in court and attempted to attack him while surrounded by police officers

The last year she suddenly cried on my shoulders and told me she really loves me that im her son and wants to pass time with me and stuff like that

I hate women because of her

he's high test

sounds like you're retarded.

Thanks, this board is good for this

same, but she sounds like she wants it.

I wont neglect the fact im a brainlet and a butthurt asshole

She could have raised me perfectly and be a mom alone and we could have been happy together, my grandparents were so old fashioned in the way they raised me they always wanted me to be the best with perfect grades and stuff, and the only thing i liked was basque but they always saying it was a lost of time


Damn i wish i made it in the nba haha

Anyways lifting is fun

get help bro, talking to a therapist helps
you don't have to be angry/resentful/depressed all the time.
it gets better

Yeah i know, you are right about that, atm the only thing that keeps me going is lifting and focusing on college

set an appointment with the school psychologist if there is one. otherwise, find one near you. the sooner you do it, the sooner you'll start to feel okay about everything. you got this user

>tfw someone else's daughter mires you

Nah suck my dick, if i cant solve my own problems im nothing but a waste i should move out and dont stress on irrelevant stuff

I understand those feels user.

I was raised by my mom because my deadbeat dad hit her and was a piece of crap and she left him before I was even 2 or 3. It was easy for neither me nor my mom who was almost at her breaking point for years after working hard by herself and taking care of me at the same time. Meanwhile my dad skipped out on child support and the few times we got a check was when they garnished his wages.
He tried to hang out with me a few times but as a kid I didnt want much to do with him and we only saw each other once or twice.
Fastforward to college I get a message on social media from him asking to reconnect. Still angry I block him bc I don't know what else to do.
2 years later I get a notice that he is dead. OD'd on heroin in some shitty motel.

Now as justified as my anger toward him was, I never will be able to talk to him or make amends and I always have to wonder if my not wanting to me part of his life contributed to his drug problems/maybe it was a suicide.

Long story short you can have the shittiest parents ever but when they're gone you will still feel alone and have some regrets.
Reach out to her while you can. You don't have to be best friends or have anything close to a real relationship. But if she's reaching out, give a little back. You never know user.

Thanks fot your words bro, brave woman your mom she raised you being alone

Really thanks, i apreciatty it, i think i should reconsider some things

every girl is someone's daughter

>has a kid with a deadbeat
>should feel sorry for her
when will this fucking meme end?
she's an asshole and it costed you a proper upbringing.

Making a bad decision doesn't make you a bad person.
With the small amount of child support she did get, she used it to get me braces despite not having much money at all. I know a lot of parents from non-broken relationships that wouldn't do that.

my mom's a single parent and didn't even collect child support.
i have no respect for any single mother, including my own, and especially ones that collect child support.

Im sorry that you feel that way. My experience has been much different from yours.


Sounds like a cuck to me user

>i have no respect for any single mother, including my own
Would you feel better if you ended up in a foster home?
Nigga, at least she tried.

pride goes before a fall

post pics so i can beat my meat to your mommy

Fucking great

I know this is weird but every single girl who has been attracted to me had some some sort of severe daddy issues/raised by single mom or some shit like that
I think I have a father figure aura or something but I'm only 27. I don't get it, I look pretty young for my age and all

You're an ungrateful piece of shit user, life isn't always fair and sometimes you need to make the best of what you have, whether that be through child support or not.

Is this man mentally retarded?

Girls with daddy issues show interest more obviously. You are autismo, so you only notice signals from damaged girls.

what a shitty thread

Your mom absolutely regrets her life choices and is glad you didn't turn out to be an absolute waste with all due respect: as your dad. Stop being a pussy and spend some time with your mom, maybe she's sick or feels a huge emotional burden.

sound like ur a faggot

bullshit. she fucked him over and did nothing for him and now wants credit for the man he has become