Which is worse for you?

Which is worse for you?

Sugary fruit juice or Caffeine loaded coffee?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw just had both

i dont give a fuck nigga, fucking soyboy worrying all the time

Do you think caffeine is bad?

Caffine in your gut reduces the amount of nutrients your body can absorb. Hundreds of scientific studies all agree, no contradictory evidence.

It is literally an insecticide produced by the coffee plant to fuck up bug's digestive systems and fuck with their brains.

I bet you drink coffee AND take suppliments... Net gain zero.

Please elaborate

Caffeine is also an appetite suppressant though.

Sugar and other simple carbs are way worse for you.

>Caffeine in your gut
>Amount of nutrients
>Mountains of evidence, don't look into it
>Literally an insecticide

They're both shit

But nothings bad for you in moderation, so fucking chill.

t. Cunt eating Doritos on a cheat day.

Correct attached pic lol. Too busy for that 5 second Google search huh?


Not a single one of those articles disputes the scientific fact that coffee reduces nutrient absorption rates.

Learn to read.

How do I achieve this mode?

Step one would be HRT
The final step would be daily dilation of your neovagina.

Sugary fruit juice

how is this even a question?


Both options could have the exact same amount of sugar.

OP was never specific.

Caffeine is kinda decent though.

>implying starbucks frappucinos can be considered coffee
mate, coffee is water and coffee beans.

>If I dismiss the website, I don't actually have to learn anything
KYS my dude.

Yeah, for like an hour or two after consumption. It's really not that big of a deal. Sleep disruption from consuming coffee is probably a bigger problem associated by that account.

Truth is, pretty much everything you eat probably has a catch to it. You'll be fine if you drink coffee, it probably won't kill you.

>caffeine is bad
the 90s called and want their junk science back