Is there any reason I should quit vaping...

is there any reason I should quit vaping? I vape for nicotine and it seems impossible for me to quit besides saving a little $ because I see no health benefits...

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It makes you look like a fucking faggot.

i dont care

you will always be a faggot


>he pays money to look like a faggot
>i look like a faggot for free

nicotine itself is still bad for you, it causes vasoconstriction of all vessels. While the long term effects of this on BP and stroke are unknown it has a terrible effect on the skeletal muscle system, especially with healing. orth docs will not do elective repairs on smokers, even if you smoke one cigarette a day, as the vessels that go to bone are tiny, the size of hairs, and any nicotine impedes healing and leads to poor outcomes.

I quit vaping at the start of this year and I honestly feel so much better for it. Used to feel constantly fatigued when I vaped and thats completely gone now.

quick source

Same experience here. Didn't notice it had side effects until I stopped.

you should think of it as a pathway to getting off it all together

Inhaling PG and VG is not good for your lungs. Use it as a tool to decrease nicotine intake until you can quit.

smoke cigarettes like a real man...
your ancestors would be ashamed to see you vaping

Smoke cigars/pipe if you don't already look like a hipster. It's of higher class

just read the easy way to quit smoking book by allen carr, or find the jazz ebooks quit smoking pdf online

both work well, helped me quit and stay quit w minimal withdrawl

I smoked 20+ a day for 20 years before switching to vaping. It's been a year and my lungs and throat feel amazing compared to my smoking days.

honestly the down-sides are minimal, but if you feel dependent on vaping and couldn't go 12 hours without feeling like shit, you should quit because addiction is stupid if you have a chance to get out of it

Is this the reason why I have small wrists

oh shit

I know a guy that just vapes the weird liquid for fun. There's apparently no nicotine content in it. Are there negative side effects from just vaping that shit?

I've been having really bad inflammation after working out despite having a good diet and getting plenty of sleep. I feel like this would help explain it. guess i should actually quit bro thanks

This x1000

Yes. popcorn lung. Inhaling this vapor shit is bad. It leaves a slimy sweet coating in your mouth after a hit, from the vapor condensing because of your body heat. Vaping leaves shit in your lungs. You will cough up globs of that shit.

>popcorn lung

vaping is just as bad as smoking cigarettes and makes you look like a fag

probably not, i got above-average wrist and i smoked from age 14

>intentionally ingesting a POISON because you've' ALLOWED yourself to get addicted
Quit being a pussy, destroy it all, NEVER BUY ANY MORE OF IT.

That's gross does that apply for weed? I use my friends alot when we're working and I don't want to start coughing shit up

any smoke in your lungs is bad for you dumny

Not what i was asking you fucking faggot. I know its all bad for you but regular weed doesnt make me cough up popcorn butter looking shit like gaping weed apparently does

>quit smoking cigs and started vaping
>quit smoking weed and started vaping thc

I feel a lot better. I plan to quit vaping nicotine eventually.

Smoking weed is bad for you, just as vaping weed is. Edibles is the only acceptable use.

Goat flavor