Hi Veeky Forums

Hi Veeky Forums

Today we’ll be discussing why you’re not already taking SARMS to amplify those gains.

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how is mk-677 working? i have a thing of pills i havent tried yet, waiting for all of my loadout to come in first.

>tfw its a height growth loadout

What should I take?

I’ve been enjoying it. This is the first cycle I’ve run (started with the stack because fuck it) and I take the MK before bed every night. The liquid form literally tastes like the kiss of fucking death, but two weeks in I’ve noticed some decent recomp already and my endurance has definitely gone up (hitting more reps than I ever have before at the same weight with a RIDICULOUS pump) but I don’t know how much of that is attributed to the MK or the LDG.

Mk677 is real good but most sarms are suppresive. Pretty much weaker roids.

Depends what you’re trying to do. Ostarine is definitely more of a cutting and endurance SARM, while Rad 140 and LDG are a lot more oriented towards bulking.

sweet bro. if it tastes like ass just get the pills then? also, are there any negative effects to your heart and shit like with roids? and plus you know you dont have to cycle mk, it works progressively better the more you use it and you can run it for years on end ive heatd

Ostarine and lgd for bulking. Andarine and Cardarine for cutting.

Haven’t noticed much suppression, but still early in the cycle. Definitely agree on the “weaker roids.”

I've heard of mk677, that it's one of the lower level stuff that you can use for a year right?

I'm cutting and could use that endurance, been feeling light headed on some lifts when I'm done with my set a few times. Another question tho does it need to be stacked or can I take either or? and what about the PCT?

Doesn’t need to be stacked. You can definitely go either or. And it’s nothing like AAS, so you’re not getting the same side effects or test depletion at all, but I know guys who PCT with some cheap OTC supps. Then again, I also know guys who run stacks for 6-7 months with no side effects. I would just run a 1 month cycle and take stock of how it affects you.

Side note: strictly speaking, MK 677 isn’t actually a SARM, but it’s very close in function. Don’t know how that affects cycle planning, but it’s worth doing some more research on.

Would it be worth getting this at 18 to try to squeeze out a few more inches

No user they won’t make your dick longer

Im 23 and ran mk677 20g daily for 4 months and gained an inch and a half

anyone have before and after photos?

I did a bit of research and read about it targeting only some receptors so it won't mess you up like roids, just want to be certain it won't give me gyno or something.
Where did you get yours? And can't you take it with orange juice of it tastes so bad?

You mean mg right?

Can MK 677 increase the size of your dick?

Orange juice, coffee, protein shake. Good luck. I’ve tried them all. The best thing I’ve found is to take it quick, chase it with something, then chew gum.

I’m the guy shilling SARMS here and even I’m inclined to call bullshit on this.

i'd rather pin test than this things, i've done sarms, gained 8lbs of lean muscle mass in two months, did test+anavar, dropped 5%bf, gained 12lbs of lean mass and all my lifts went up by at least 20% in 12 weeks

I’m gonna be pinning test after I get off this cycle. I’m not arguing that SARMS are more effective than test, but $100 for a month cycle, plus no side effects, plus I can by them at the supp shop down the street, plus I don’t need any rigs to pin with? I’ll take that any day.

would MK-677 and LGD be safe for 18year olds?

Probably. But fuck if I know. Don’t take health advice from bro science on anime dick forums.

Because they're synthetic and barely researched for documentation.


It's plausibly helpful taking calcium / CaP.

Do you even lift, or do you just swallow donkey piss someone told you was a 'test booster' and hope for the best?

pro tip: dont buy sarms from some dudes bathtub juice mixing site. irc dot bio, pharma company that sells it for research so its guaranteed legit. good excuse if you get your package searched too

Reminder that sarm threads are shill threads

Reminder that like soylent threads, they always start with the same pattern (op asks question as if to seem uninformed, and several replies seemingly knowledgeable about sarms though never really explaining what they are or what they do)

Reminder that sarm threads rarely go past 100 posts due to samefag ratio

Reminder that sarms are almost never referred to outside of sarm threads because they get called out for being the placebo shit they really are

Report and hide sarm threads

Newfag to all of this. So I can go and pick this up at my local supp shop with no issues? I'd prefer to try this first before hopping on test.

I'm turning 29 this year and ready to give these things a go after 4 years of racing dirt bikes and being in the gym i've accumulated a lot of injuries that I would like to heal up completely for once.

They actually work, but they also are suppressive. You are better taking testosterone or using them as a replacement for orals (less gains than orals, but less side effects too, at least short term).

lol nobody believe this asswipe

>why you’re not already taking SARMS
>I'm not taking SARMS
Ligandrol for 35 days now. 1000mgs and I take about 8mg a day. Better investment than any other supp considering this shit will last you like 4 months for $100.

I took 15mg of Ibutamoren every night for about 3 months and my squat went from 315 to 455. Weirdly enough my other lifts stayed pretty much the same.

They aren’t cheap if you buy real ones. The pills are shit. Get the liquids.

Also ostarine is what you want for injury repair/ prevention

Buying testosterone would be a far better use of money

Or you could not be a retard and just take zinc twice a day so you don't fuck up your natural T production

Are you stupid? Testosterone at 250mg weekly already puts you at twice the high end of the normal range. 500mg weekly, a standard dosage for first cycles, would give you awesome gains. We are talking around 15lbs of lean muscle minimum after 10 weeks, given good diet and routine. I do think sarms are a nice replacement for oral steroids though, as another user pointed out, but using them without a test base is just shutting yourself down for even less gains that you would get with testosterone. Use both and be smart.

>says he’s not a retard
>shills zinc

Nothing wrong with pills. Liquid only became a thing because shills like Gemilli needed to validate why they were charging hundreds for their products.

Why not just buy powder from research chemical sites and mix it with PG? It ends up being cheaper...much cheaper...

Zinc costs like 10 bucks and it lasts months. I'm not paying 100 bucks for deer antler (or god forbid pure T) so I can fuck over my natural T production.

You realize taking more than a total of 50mg of zinc a day will actually fuck you up right? Some of the side effects are muscle weakness and fatigue. Goodbye gains.

Stop listening to fucking Veeky Forums's retarded ass telling you to eat raw onions and water fast and shit lmfao. You are getting meme'd on hard.

>Are you stupid?
No, because I'm not going to fuck my natural T production at age 20. If you're 40, then buy T all you want, but it's stupid to take that shit when you're still young and can produce as much as you need.

>deer antler
Wtf is that? Just get 300mg/ml test e retard.

>You realize taking more than a total of 50mg of zinc a day will actually fuck you up right?
When did I say I take more than 50mg nigger?

Cost me 120 for 10 weeks of test. I overpaid too so take that for what you want. Keep it a test only cycle and you won't have to worry about side effects unless you're really sensitive. Obvi do your research and get your bloods done but you should be golden if you're not retarded about the process

The most common dose for Zinc supps is 50mg, and anyone that isn't a fucking retard with their diet gets 50mg a day easy. You are either overdosing yourself slowly or eat like shit.

Insisting they're still natty while claiming test boosts in the geared range.
That's my question. How much can you boost your test with powdered lizard horn before you're just a fraud? If test boosters work so well, they can't claim natty with them

As much as you need? We are talking about having an edge here using chemicals. Fuck up your test production? LGD 4033 at 1mg, much lower than what is commonly used, already shuts you down after some weeks. Also PCT is a thing, you know? You get back to normal in a month or two.

A lot of you guys sound like idiots, taking these unregulated research chemicals without having a basic idea of how they work.

>eat like shit.
You know it nigga

>LGD 4033 at 1mg, much lower than what is commonly used, already shuts you down after some weeks
I don't feel shut down. Sauce?

I agree. And they spout stupid shit about testosterone when it is well researched and the side effects are known and manageable. This shit might just fuck your kid's kids up.

>1mg, much lower than what is commonly used, already shuts you down

Taking 10mg per day for the past 6 weeks and haven't seen any signs of a shut down

It's stimulating systems that are based on supporting nutrients and feedback, so it's plausibly best basing routines on nutrition, lifting, and flexibility.. at least while this stuff is correlated / such.

ITT: Natty white knights who are scared that if they take chemicals that actually work and make real gains, then the past three years of chugging bark tea and talking about how toned they are will have been for nothing.

Because I lift to be healthy


1mg was enough to reduce testosterone levels to clinical deficiency. If it does not shut you down completely at the usual 5-20mg dosages, it will put you even further into clinical deficiency. It has a short half life of 24-36hrs though, so you could start PCT a couple of days after stopping.

So yeah, take testosterone and LGD and get better gains with pretty much the same risk (or just slightly higher).

There is not much to fear to be honest. It seems to be pretty safe, even if not as safe as it is marketed.

Thanks for linking the study, user. Good read.


Sarms do work. But they also shut you down considerably. Not full on shut down. But you can expect to be producing on average about a 3rd of what you'd normally be producing. IMO you'd be a fool to run something that even partially shuts you down without a pct.

>do a 12wk cycle of just ldg4033
>end 12 weeks, have clomid nolva and aromasin on hand (actually from me planning to pin test a few yrs back)
>read some people dont even need pct
>figure i'm one of those people, sides are usually mild for me on other medical things.
>decide if I dont need to take breast cancer meds and shit, i should try not to.
>read half life was like 12 hrs or so, so should notice something quick if so
>about 3 days after, havent noticed anything, so put it out of my mind
>right then, a girl is visiting me from out of town for a few days (so days 4-7 post cycle)
>try to bang, cannot bang.
>girl is 8/10 and thuuursty.
>get all fuckin mopey and weird, really like 'bitchass nigga' i dunno how to explain.
>not even black.
>thought does not even occur to me its cuz i'm not doing pct until after she leaves
>start taking pct
>shortly thereafter return to a more normal feeling.

looking back, yeah that was a pretty fucky handful of days. interestingly enough, I did not lose any strength gains after the cycle. I lost a little weight, 2-3lbs, but no dip in strength and i've actually been increasing, albeit slower, afterward too. and yes that girl stopped talking to me.

do your pct kids, your manhood will thank you.

Pro tip: don't buy sarms in pill form. They're illegal. And having them in pill form suggest a human will be consuming them. It's completely legal to buy them for testing on animals though. Hence, why having liquid sarms is legal.

dude you're not even done growing hair yet, just enjoy being natty for now

SARMS threads:
> They’re great because they don’t shut you down
> They’re bad because they shut you down

I am currently taking Mk-677 for the hopes of growing an inch or two. I got it yesterday but I got really bad diarrhea after taking it. might just be coincidence but I got really bad shits and gases.

Is this shit normal, does it go away? I took it in the morning just for the sake of seeing how it'll feel.

Did you get liquid form? If so, is it mixed with ethanol? I know I get bad shits when I drink alcohol, you could be getting the same.

Been wanting to try MK677 for a long time. I only hear positives from it.

Nope, pills from a company called Brawn nutrition, bought it from a local store so I would be surprised if its fake.