Red pill me on tap water, Veeky Forums. pic unrelated

red pill me on tap water, Veeky Forums. pic unrelated

also interested as I drink ~ a gallon a day of the fluoride filled government conspiracy water

If it:
>Has a smel
>Has a distinct taste
Dont drink it
Get a good filter and attach it to your sink or buy a water cooler and fill up bottles every now and then.

runoff from birth control pills that women put in the toilet are not filtered out by the government

enjoy your dropping sperm counts and increased estrogen levels

>Living in a country where they literally put something in your tap water

The absolute state of americlaps

This is why abstinence should be legally and severally punished.

I only drink tap water and whole milk
there is nothing wrong with me
t. 1500 lb total at 180

Every town is different but they all put disinfectants like chlorine or chloramine.

Some water sources are great and worth it to just pour a jug and let the chlorine dissipate. Other sources are utter shit. Mine is literally creek water and tastes like shit so I filter the fuck out of it or carry jugs from my parents' well.

It's water that comes from the tap..... shhhhh... They're listening!

Dont drink rainwater like a stupid faggot. If you think government water is bad you should see whats in rainwater

do you really think your aquafina is any better? at least you can source where your government water comes from. and yeah i realize you can use a filter but good luck with filtering on the go lol.

Our water is pretty bland so i add gasoline, sulphur and crushed up birth pills myself

I only drink Voss and Evian.

>they don't have their own wells

at the very least, chemically based birth control needs to be banned
I wouldnt be surprised if that was the entire cause of the rise in soyboys and homosexuality

if you're in the U.S., it can generally be considered safe to drink and is a reliable source of water.

What do u want to know. I ran a waste water treatment plant and then switch careers and ran a drinking water treatment plant. Ask away?

how do i get away from fluoride and other shit in the water without distilling it

das some good protein bro

I have a well.....

should I be using a water filter? what are the worst possible effects from drinking unfiltered tap water? living in philly btw