What's a good time to run a mile? I just started running last week to improve my cardio. Here's my pb

What's a good time to run a mile? I just started running last week to improve my cardio. Here's my pb

That's not bad. I think good would be around 6 minutes but if you run consistently you'll get there pretty quickly

I would say 6:30 a mile or below is very impressive, for just one mile on a machine though I can't be sure, maybe 5:30-5:45. I have a 3 mile route I could do in 20 before Xmas. Getting close now

I can run run in 5:45 around a track. I was at a 19:20 3 mile but my knees got pretty bad and it slipped to 21:00 so I took a month off. Working up again currently.

7:35 for your first time is good. When I first started I ran a 12 minute or something crazy like that...

Ahh, thanks. I'm in the process of joining the army. I know I'll be able to pass all the strength training but my cardio is really lacking. I did a 10 minute mile last week so it's really good to see I'm improving

Also are there any precautions I should take? Because I'm kinda enjoying the running but I don't want to fuck my knees up etc

I think a 5 minute mile is considered good. My PB is 5:02 but i mostly run half marathons and longer distances

But you're almost Auschwitz mode or a manlet, correct? We're talking about times for well built males.

7:30 is decent. I would say 6 min and under is considered 'good.'

I don't know where you draw the line but I'm 5'11 and weigh about 75 kg

I can do a mile in under 5 and have been running for two years. I think that's somewhat impressive and you don't need to be aushwitzmode to do it.

This. It's definetly achievable in 1-2 years, but it's still very impressive. it also depends on if you run with the goal of going under 5 min a mile, or if you just run for other reasons.

How often do you guys run? I run 3-4 times a week

You'll be running a 14 minute two mile by the end of BCT. Or OSUT depending on your MOS choice. And that's putting in minimal effort and jsut doing PRT and shit. I couldn't run for shit when I enlisted and left OSUT doing 1330 2 mile.

10 minutes if you can't quite run a full mile and need to walk a bit sometimes. 8 minutes for a noob. 6 minutes for a regular runner. 4 minutes for a professional.

Ran my first mile back around thanksgiving and got a 3:53. Even a 5 flat isn't that's impressive, willing to bet most high schoolers would smoke you.

That's 10 seconds from the world record, I highly doubt you did that unless you have a lot of experience with track.

Depends on how long each run is. I try to run a total of 75 km a week, which usually becomes 4-5 times a week


You have to generate you're own inertia on a track.

This is true

You are miles ahead of a lot of people who go to basic.I swear a lot of them didn't exercise at all before

Get good shoes, learn proper running technique

Under 7 is good especially if done repeatedly

7:35 is pretty good for just starting