Do you guys think this is too much?

I had to take a break from training for a year and a half because of an injury, so I'm just getting back to it. I'm not yet training, I'll start next week.

I came up with a schedule for myself, but I don't know if it's too much. Do you guys think that's too much or is it fine? I used to spend up to six hours in the gym because I have a compulsive personality -- which is the reason I injured myself in the first place and why I'm asking for opinions.

So what do you guys think?

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Girls and faggots can piss off.

one of the single worst routines ive ever seen

that's the gayest schedule I've ever seen.

This is typical style programming for someone with no clear goals and too much free time.

Want to become muscular? Lift 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, compounds only, done.

Want to have good cardiovascular health? Do cardio 2-3 times a week.

Want to do both at the same time? Not possible in the timeframe. Rest days are important.

>Want to become muscular?
>compounds only

Not much but you're retarded. You LIFT first and THEN do cardio.

Get off my property Nautilus shill

>weight lifting

if you actually read SS you would know Mark Rippetoe is not a compounds only zealot

only fools (you) and skinnyfats (you) buy into the compound only nonsense

If YOU actually read SS you'd know Mark only teaches curls because he knows fags like you are going to do them anyways.

If I'm not bulking it isn't.

wtf is spinning

yeah mark sure hates isolations

isolations are useless lol amirite guys i've been lifting 6 months i know everything there is to know about training xD

so riding a stationary bike? why not just call it bicycling?

my estrogen levels rose by 10% watching this shit

because an entire session has different techniques. It's not just sitting on a bike. You alternate speeds, positions, etc.

>my estrogen levels rose by 10% watching this shit
so now it's at 110% right you girly faggot?

If you want to waste your time with suboptimal movements, go ahead, but there's really nothing to discuss here, exercises that work more muscles at the sime time are more time efficient.

Wew, you sound very busy.