Deadlifting right after squats

>deadlifting right after squats

Isn't that Blaha tells kids to do? Nothing wrong with it

I'm doing a 4 day TM where right after my intensity deadlift I would do squat volume

Tried watching that show but it was slow and kinda sucked.

That's because you are actually the one that is slow and kinda sucks.

nah.. made in abyss is much better and has similar cutesy art. That show just sucked balls.

Do people actually do this? I separate my heavy lifts into different workouts so as not to overload my CNS or risk injury.

You're the one who is pleb enough to give up on it and then pass judgement on it anyways.
You're opinion is irrelevant.

Of course its slow it’s moe slice of postwar apocalyptic fantasy
If you didn’t like it it’s because you don’t like /comf/

Was the last episode ever properly translated? Literally the comfiest anime I've seen in a long time

Made in abyss is a great anime but it isn't comfy. Too intense at the end desu.

What show is this?

Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko

I'll do a deadlift variant after my squats and vice versa. E.g. 4-8×2-3 on squats, 4-6×4-6 on RDL's. Obviously the RDL's wouldn't be really heavy. Maybe about 65-70% of your deadlift intensity volume.

I just got to 5x365 on both and I am done doing them on the same day. It's now diddly/press/front squat (light)/chins on day A and squat/bench/rows/pullups on day B

one episode was enough to know it would drag out and be a borefest. If that is your type of thing cool beans.

I doubt you lift hard enough for it to make much of a difference. Most people don't

>squat bench and deadlift on the same workout
Am I doing something wrong bros?

Depends how far along you are. That's good early on but once you're intermediate that tends to fry your low back

>he fell for the SS meme
