I almost passed out while OHPressing 2pl8s. Is this normal?

I almost passed out while OHPressing 2pl8s. Is this normal?

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do cardio

Did you make it?

Tell me you locked that shit out senpai

Yeah, happened to me too. Every thing got a little dark and my music sped up and turned slow mo at the same time. Was an abstract feel.

But that was for the PR breaking day, every time after that 2plate feels like 1 plate

i don't believe you overhead press 225 and ask questions like this

yeah this
if you actually had a 2pl8 press you'd have experienced it multiple times before

Getting pretty oldifag reporting in. There used to be a video floating around Veeky Forums like 5 years ago. I think the title was often endoflife.gif or something similar. It very clearly showed a DYEL trying to OHP 1 plate and passing out, falling backwards into a mirror (while recording yourself, what a life) and breaking his neck with the bar. Some lady runs over to him to check him out but he had already checked out. Any user's out there with it archived?

I think I saw this but not sure, if I recall in the video I saw he was doing power cleans and no woman came over to help. He did fall back and hit a mirror though and I don't imagine there being many videos like so, which leads me to believe we may be thinking of the same video.

Yeah this tbqh. OP is a massive faggot

>yeah, 2pl8, one on each side

hey guys, so I was like curling 315 with strict form and I felt pretty sore in my forearms after like 12 reps...what do think happened?

this one? It's 250 lbs though

>Unrack, walk it out, take a breath, hold breath, press

You're in the clear

>take a breath, unrack, walk it out, press

Hello floor and/or weights falling on your head

I train at home, so i do nearly all my excercises with 2pl8s, never tried to OHP before.
I don't have rack, i just picked it from the floor.

made the webm for future generations

>"user discovers a one of a many factors that limit humans from diddlying a ton" the thread

If you're cleaning up the 225lbs from the ground before a press, you're legit fucking strong. If I clean the weight before hand for some reason I can't get in good position and it removes like 20 pounds from my OHP.

That being said be careful with the breath hold while pressing, that's what will get ya. Also don't exhale strongly after valsalva or you're at high risk of eating shit as well.

>never tried to ohp before
>claims 2pl8
sure did, maybe as some other user suggested 1pl8 on each side
passing out happens, especially in the front rack position you are at risk to apply too much pressure to the jugular, which takes you out. There's also some vids floating around of guys passing out on front squats

oh no jim fucking killed himself again

>I train at home so i do nearly all my exercises with 2pl8s
this sentence doesn't make sense. Most likely scenario: you have two 45 lbs plates, attach them to the barbell, hence you are calling your 1pl8 press 2pl8
fucking brainlet

>Using brainlet units and calling other people brainlets.
I have eight 10kg plates, 4 on each side plus the weight of the bar. I'm 185 and weight a around 80kg (inb4, fatass)

sure you do, post a picture of your body and vid of you doing it e-statting faggot

not "normal" as in "safe/healthy", but "normal" as in "believable"

lower the weight and increase your reps

Yeah I want to see this too, honestly. I want to believe.

>claims to never have pressed before
>weighs only 80 kg at 185cm
lmao, this happened sure. To get close to a 2pl8 press alone from e.g. bench carryover without any vertical pressing training would require you to bench in the 160-180 kg range. And that additionally to your newbie question about bracing
e-statters, when will they learn

plot twist: they're 5 kg plates

>two different shoes

Its normal to lie on this board.

I'm not going to comment on your twink ass claiming to press 2pl8s but holy brainlet, eight 10's? Ever heard of 20kg plates?

Which is so weird to me. It's straight up lying to yourself really. As user I feel it is so much more useful and even cathartic to just be 100% truthful. That's the beauty of being user.

>this entire thread
A 2pl8 press is legit strong OP. You're like that fat chick claiming she could run a 3 minute mile.

maybe OP accidentally bought some fake plates without realizing it
I mean, he could atleast choose sensible data. But a 6'1" guy that weighs 175 lbs, even at the lowest non-contest bodyfat percentage of around 8-10% would be barely out of otter. This coupled with a newbie question and the claim that he clean and pressed 2pl8 for the first time without prior OHP training is just ridiculous and not even possible in the most crude hypothetical scenario

Maybe it's all a lie.

2 plate ohp is nothing amazing.. i ve been lifting a little over a year now and just recently started doing ohp. came from 80kg to 100 kg in like 2 months max

i started with 100 kg ohp, now after 4 months of SS i can do 140 kg ohp. All the guys at my gym can do around 160 kg though so it's not that good

sometimes if I dont brace/breath correctly, when I unrack the bar to do OHP I literally feel extremely lightheaded. Have to rerack the bar and then my vision gets blurry and I have to sit for a moment

pretty scary desu

i bet your ohp max is lower than my max dick curl

I know right? He had what he deserved.

160kg? Nice try kid. I started on 200kg OHP when I was in High School. Now my PR is 435kg Now I'm State Champ at the OHP Nationals. Probably gonna turn pro after my next meet. See you around kid.

lol amateur, i had a half a ton ohp before i was even born, that earthquake that happened in taiwan 2 days ago? that was me doing earth for reps

I've been doing ICF for 4 months because Jason Blaha is my hero and my OHP is .5pl8 am I dyel

Am I cheating when I can only bring the bar to my chin before going back up? I feel like something is wrong when I bring it to my chest, like something doesn't feel natural. I thought my triceps were supposed to be parallel to the floor at most

that nigger died right ? i seriously cant see anyone living past that which is suprising since it took the normies a good 5sec to give a fuck

yea, i use to get dizzy when i hit certain levels with squats and deadlifts. your body will adjust. maybe do 5-10 lbs less but with some more reps to pump up endurance under tension.

Lol I just realized the guaranteed way to mog people at the gym is to The Press more than them

I find the opposite true, but that may just be me.

he got it, bro.

80kg and 100kg ohp first time?
i dont believe that unless ur a fat fuck or uve been lifting for years and ignoring ohp which seems unlikely since its a popular exercise

Add more fats in your diet until it stops

I just want to see you clean that weight off the ground. Show the plates up close and then do a simple power clean with it.