Just got prescribed zoloft. Wish me luck, fit

Just got prescribed zoloft. Wish me luck, fit.

dont fall for the medical jew user
theres still time

Give me an alternative then, goy. Diet and exercise aint doing shit.

Antidepressants never did much for me but I hope they work for you man, nobody deserves to go through this shit. Lifting has been way more important for me.

stop believing that you have a "problem"
they want you to keep believing this because you will keep looking for a solution when in reality thats just who you really are.
Picture yourself as your perception of "successful"
Now start making small changes over a large period of time to start working towards becoming that person. Even things like waking up with the sun, following a schedule (bed at specific time, waking up a specific time), exercise including strength training and cardio, just doing little things with your diet.
You won't change in a day or a week but give it a few months and these will become second nature to you. Now slowly start adding in other things that you see will help you work towards becoming the best you. Want to become better with girls? Start going out to social places that are fun (these are the easiest because everyone is already in a good mood) and just try and make small talk with people. You can try this at your job too but you will be bad at first. Eventually you will adapt and learn.
Just keep tacking on small things like that and eventually you will wake up thinking wow I am a great human being I have something to offer the world.

Pin test instead faggot

before you know it you are on benzos and half a gram of tren but keep forgetting to eat. Use the meds to get your life back on track/manageable and then get off them ASAP. goodluck user

Flush that jew poison down the shitter.

This. They're a crutch to help you get into a better place by giving you the opportunity to form lifestyle changes that make you more satisfied and happier. Some people do need medical help in order to this, so be wary of the autists that say it's jew voodoo.

That is the plan. I've been on a self improvement kick for the past year but I am still getting physical symptoms and anxiety that has caused me friendship loss and career issues. I need the crutch at this point.

Don't take them retard. Google SSRI related suicide.

vitamin D
more protein = more neurotransmitters
bare minimum 30min cardio a day for uopioid gains
fix your test in general (zinc, lift, broccoli, dont drink milk, etc)

don't fall for the antidepressant jew

your dick stops working and you turn into a zombie

oh yeah and this. i unironically was never more depressed than that year i was taking antidepressants.

once i started lifting and fixed my diet and supps and got my vitamin D ive never been happier.

This man speaks truth.

society sucks and our culture is a complete sewer, you can:

1help to change it
2drug yourself to cope with it

yes yes take the pills goy. they are the answer just buy our pills

>waking up with the sun, following a schedule (bed at specific time, waking up a specific time)
These are also important.
Your circadian rhythm is out of whack because you are masturbating to furries until 4am and then you sleep until noon and then don't go out in the sun at all.
Follow a schedule, use f.lux or gunnar glasses after sundown to stop the blue light fucking up your sleep.
Then you can wake up at a normal hour and soon circadian rhythm will be back to normal.

Throw away the prescription OP, there are more effective and much safer ways.

I'm scared. I dont know what to believe.

plus flattening your emotions (permanently), brain zaps, bizarre behavior etc.

You'd be a complete retard to listen to people on Veeky Forums about anti depressents. The fact jew is mentioned in most posts denouncing them should be a give away they arent even a part of the real world anymore.

>flattening your emotions permanently
Citation needed

this shit is why I'm too scared to go see a pyschiatrist. I don't want pills to flatten me the fuck out
I"d rather have my highs and lows and anxiety than be a zombie

try 4-HO-MIPT or ALD-52

Stop listening to fucking retards and depressed people in a delusional state talk about anti depressents.

Been on zoloft for 6 years and the only change Ive noticed is I no longer have anxiety at all times of the day. Crazy right?

Has anyone here successfully taken antidepressants and gotten off them later?

OP do not listen to the literal high schoolers ITT

listen to your fucking doctor, holy shit, why are you even posting here?

Yeah. Was in them for a year then off them for 4 years but I went back on them.

Therapy is the key. I fell of with therapy and went for thw quick fix and have been to lazy to bother getting in to see one so Ive just stayed in them

i took them for years through high school and a couple of years afterward. i've been off of them for about 6 or 7 years. while i'm fairly well adjusted (job, house, car, social life) i know that i could do better. i've considered a low dose SSRI at some point.

If it is really that bad then go for it user. I had to start zoloft a year ago and it helped me a fuckton, but the downside is that it made it impossible for me to cum so I stopped taking it after 4-5 months. Best of luck mate.


>just eat healthy, lift, and get sun, bro!

Ive been doing that for 6 years now (24>30) and I am in the worst place mentally I have ever been in my life.

What am I supposed to do now Mr Know It All "just lift bro" Hipsters?

i wonder why ive never tried getting anti-depressants. i wonder if it would make me stop being so angry all the time

Literally read this senpai it changed my life.

Do not chew down on those kike pills, they will destroy you.

That's because you're a fucking loser and you know yet you do nothing about it perpetuating the cycle patheticness

kys already you're wasting resources

they’ll make you feel good for a few months because that’s what they’re designed to do, but they’ll never address the root of the problem, which is your shitty mindset. Take it from me user, don’t start down this road

5-HTP, niacin, nicotinamide, mucuna pruriens; and for antioxidants, ground cloves, garlic, and 13.5g vitamin C / d.

PS, greens.