Saw a video of this girl I used to go to high school with on Instagram, she could dead lift 275 10 times...

Saw a video of this girl I used to go to high school with on Instagram, she could dead lift 275 10 times, and she claimed to only weigh 119 pounds.

cool story bro

good for her

Post it nub.

>she lifts 3pl8
>i lift 3pl8

>anywhere near 3pl8

she probably does pull 315 if she can rep out 275 like that

>she lifts 3 pl8
>i lift 1 pl8

>he lifts 60kg

>he counts the bar


>Reds are 55lbs
Child, she's lifting just under 3.5pl8 as part of a ladder

405 and up is respectable

275 is nothing

>People itt thinking that's not fucking beastmode for a 120 pound woman to lift 275x10

those red bumper plates are 45lbs/20kg and the blue are 25, my old gym used to have the exact same ones.

you got red and blue mixed up

unironically goalbody, I'm a guy btw

those are rubber plates

Yes. Those are rubber 25 and 20kg bumpers.
Are you a poor cast iron pleb?

Wow the funniest thing about this whole ordeal is that I don’t care

women 115lbs IPF deadlift record is 430lbs.
275×10 comes to an estimated 370lbs 1rm or 86% of the record.

Compare that to men's 205lbs category where 86% of the record is 704lbs.

Would like to see you soyboys pull 704 or 520×10.

Except, those are 20 lbs (9kg) and 25 lbs (11kg) plates faggot.

How much do you deadlift?

Nowhere near 704lbs.

Your eyes must be really good if you can read what the plates in that picture say!

>roiding for this

t. jealous soyboy