Do people think POWR is dropping below 60 cent again in the next couple of hours?

Do people think POWR is dropping below 60 cent again in the next couple of hours?

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it's not the PBC pick
enjoy your bags


Maybe after the PBC pick, but I don't think people are buying it just for PBC anyway.

>The state of Veeky Forums

Agree. Every Elon Musk release this will get rumored with it and jump 50%

1. st rule of Veeky Forums : every action has an equal and opposite reaction

i'm sorry if you FOMO'd in last night
i was tempted at every level but i stayed calm because you never try to ride a bull that is charging

Price is not tied to pbc. They released today use in India on 450 or so houses.
This is worth way more than pbc shit pumps

last night they tweeted a meeting in india and results will be released on wednesday

but don't be confused because last night's growth was a pump
when you see massive double and triple digit orders you know it's engineered.

I'm glad I FOMOed in last night. I now have a stop loss at 125% gains. I've earned back everything I've lost the last two months

And u will lose it again because of fomo on the next shitcoin

well done user

Gained back everything I've lost the last two months in a bearish market..... If I wasn't careful with my picks I would've been bankrupt long time ago.

Sub 10 cents soon

"The funding will see a grant of AU$2.57 million go directly to the project, which will be set up in the City of Fremantle. A futher AU$5.68 million will be provided via project partners including blockchain firm Power Ledger."


But seriously, i never shill coins. The last coin i shilled was OMG at 50 cents. If you don't get in on this rocket you clearly don't understand its use case or viability. It's one of the few coins that isn't completely bullshit. Do your research, but if you're still standing on the sidelines have fun on earth. We're going moon.

- Turnip

And fuck TEEKA and his "picks"

it's this kind of autism that prevents me from buying in

when you start reading up on shit like over /biz and right after a pump
you know you need to dump

If someone buys 100$ worth of this, its engineered? Or do you mean someone orders 100 POWR's, its engineered? WTF

nah i just over think stuff sometimes

I've been in since 1300 with very large bags brainlet.

you are sitting comfy as fuck at the moment.

thoughts on getting in now?

This exactly. I did not buy in bc of PBC, and I ain't selling. People should notice POWR is held by actual investors, not just scam artists shilling shitcoin. Even the FUDers have to admit that POWR has real world use that can be used TODAY. Not after some alleged conference at some point in the future if the stars align.

powr moon is not tied to this fag PBC pick.

I has been talked about for months now due to its real world application.

The coin is receiving govt grants and was just listed top ten aussie startups.

exactly. im not selling either. My guess is, if some PBC people do sell. It's going to get picked up and recover pretty quickly.

I will drop 1.5k to powr after the pbc news, because powr should drop right? I'm a little sceptical to buy in more now.

Think it'll pump before the announcement? Or just sit where out is now?

Name a more solid looking in-early opportunity though. We're all playing the odds here, and i assume you're going to invest somewhere. Where would you put your money and why?

Get in and hodl for 12 months. ss this and thank me then.


Best thing to do if you don't own POWR:

Wait for it to drop a little tonight after the Veeky Forums PBC sell off.

Buy POWR and hold for a few years.
It will be a top ten coin.

100% what i want to do.

also worth looking into is Ripio
think of it as the POWR of consumer credit

Ripio does look good too. One could do both. Though in the near battle, I'd say POWR the more likely of the two to see larger gains and immediate implementation.

Ripio's roadmap ends in April 2018
not shilling
just saying

ripio is pretty low right now also, i went in pretty hard (40%) on ripio just yesterday
hoping it pays off eventually
keep wishing i'd bought more powr though when it was low

you'll be regurgitating the same words when Ripio starts tweeting and the network effect kicks in.
because Ripio's value is derived by it's user base which currently stands at 130k and growing rapidly. wawzaahhhh.....can't wait

so instead of "selling" solar generated electricity (kek) you have a real

real use case to lend in fiat and receive payment in fiat on a global scale

yeah i guess
but i think powr also has long-term potential, or at least the idea
i doubt it'll be anything huge within the decade as private electricity generation is still not big, i think, at least not where i live
probably there will be competitors and powr will not end up at the top
im holding a bit of powr since 3500 so its pretty /comfy/ right now, probably i'll sell in an hour or so though, just wish i'd bought more

honestly i'm just trying to grow my BTC stack and cash out

for real whales only. must have ionside info

Implying we are buying it for Pajeet pick.

Volume climbing, is this the final pre PBC pump?

Yup, they are boosting it again here we gooo